
Ultor The Legend of the True Hero_DC

I am the bane of demons that live in the bodies of people.We've lost demonic wings, so I will take you from this land. you will learn to fly devoid of heavy bodies.There will be no turning back because the game has started. I have an idea for a climate story in the DC world. I will cover many aspects of the proceedings of superheroes. But no spoilers.

Kriuswer · Book&Literature
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House off the beaten path.

I woke up early in the morning. And this is because yesterday as soon as I finished mastering newly discovered abilities I went to sleep. As soon as I got up I looked around the hideout. And it's a little empty here. After all, my hideout is the ruins of an old rich man. Fortunately, he is still standing and the city authorities do not destroy him. And this is because it was entered as a monument. And his condition is not in danger of collapsing, so they don't bother him. Nobody goes to the top floor so I have peace.

But coming back. When I stopped looking at the surroundings. I took one of the local Gotham newspapers and started reading it. I skipped an article about me because I had read it before. I was interested in one article, not because I like such articles. But because I can do something about it. The article states that a suspicious man prowls around my hideout. How to say it. He likes playing with children. Just a pedophile. They wrote in the article that there were already several victims. And the victims were usually homeless or just children who were just alone. Children were found in different places in the park, in the parking lot and the like. There was nothing about their physical condition, but apparently it was omitted at the request of parents. Or it was too awful to write about it in the newspaper.

And so the idea was born in my head. To get a guy and punish him with lust. But for what he did, and I'm not sorry for such people. He'll probably kill him in the most cruel way. The idea was so I started getting ready. I flew to get some clothes at speed. The clothes were children's. Just a school outfit or something. . [Link to the picture in the comments]. When the costume was only to change, but first with the help of energy I turned into a little girl around the age of eleven. I closed my dress with my eyes closed. It was me after all, but I preferred not to look anyway.

When I was ready I went outside. How. I just took the wing out for a moment and flew down. And then I put them away.

It was a rainy morning, it was raining heavily. And that gave me an additional effect. The streets were empty so I went to the bus stop. A simple stop without a roof, only a post with a bus schedule. And I decided to wait there for my sacrifice.

Several cars passed but no one stopped. I stopped at my children's "Loli" form and waited.

I waited there for several minutes until I saw the suspicious car. He was suspicious because he was driving slowly. And thanks to my enhanced eyes I saw a guy. Who looked at me like a shark and made the doll's eyes empty. I felt it was him, I felt it boiling over with sin. I could barely control myself. Because I have to have control over my form. And that almost exposed me.

The guy probably for no reasons or to check the area made a round around the dock. Then he drove up to the bus spot and came out to me. Strangely, he didn't look like a typical pedophile. He was dressed in a white shirt and tie. He looked more like a businessman than a pedophile. He came to me and knelt down on my knee and said.

(Pedophile) "Hi," he said in a slimy voice.

Then he looked at me and probably judged. In his eyes I probably look like eleven years. And the condition of my clothes may tell him that he is homeless.

(Pedophile) -What is happening child (He crouched and talked) -Where is mom and dad.Why are you standing here alone?

(Pedophile) - The rain is raining harder. I live nearby. You can't stay here. You are very young!

(Pedophile) - Hide in my car. You're pale as a corpse. You can even get pneumonia!

Without saying anything at the request of the guy I got into his car and waited for the development of the situation. And for a moment there was a small smile on his face. I saw who he was. Pedofil.Sadysta. He didn't stop at anything. He had to choose words. Create illusions of care. Such an amateur psychologist. With a weakness for children. As soon as we both got into the car.

Before we even started, he said.

(Pedophile) - Are you comfortable sitting? - With a pseudo-nice and protective voice.

After he started, he started talking and I just sat and thought of what I would do to him as soon as I was 100% sure. Although I already have, but I still waited for development.

(Pedophile) - Come on, we'll go to my place. I'll take you back. I swear I won't forget!

I guessed what was in his head. But I did not understand. He knew that the children were vulnerable and still used it.

He lured the girl to the car and they started screeching the tires.

There is silence for a long time. And we went away from the city. And on the way I saw him sometimes spit in his mouth. Then he patted me slightly and said.

(Pedophile) - DON'T be afraid male. I live a bit from the city.

He was almost munching. It was close enough. The shifting gears brushed my knee.

Finally, I stood under a house. Chate had a small one. Nobody here will hear screams. Neighbors will not interrupt. After all, it's the only house in the area. We left a good distance from the city. When we stopped he said.

(Pedophile) -Come, I'll make you a cocoa. -He spoke with a broken smile and everything sinful boiled in his broken heart.

Then he led me home. It was a small summer wooden house. He led me to a room where there was a sofa, table and brick fireplace. In which the fire did not burn. There was a change outside, it was still dark. I got the promised cocoa and drinking it, I looked at the pictures on the walls. To confuse him and he was watching me at the time. I felt that now was the time to punish this pervert.

The pedophile was fed up with these chances and firmly grabbed my arm from behind. A hideous smile was already visible on his face, but it vanished momentarily and now his expression spoke. "But wait, what's up?" The girl bent his finger and he fell to the ground. With all his weight. Cleaned. The bone pierced the skin. He couldn't believe the fracture, he looked at his hand like a fool. And I shook myself dramatically and looked at him. I barely controlled the transformation. And my eyes turned red.

(Krius) - How do you feel about it? - I asked him as if all the devils were speaking through my vocal chords.

A sudden surge of pain changed quickly in panic as he slid across the floor and tried to get up from the ground.

(Krius) - Don't think you'll run away. We have great fun. - The eyes of a little girl were burning like hell.

He fell after losing his attempt to get up and mumbled softly.

(Pedophile) - This is no ordinary child. - Then he fell to the floor again. Impressed at the sight of it, he emptied his bladder into his pants.

He began to whine and pray.

(Pedophile) - Mary is the latest. Lady ...- I quickly interrupted him by entering his stomach. And looking in his eyes I said.

(Krius) - God is not here with us. Before you die mongrel and mock souls out of you. I will make every effort to suffer as long as possible. I am the spirit of your victims. I am infernal karma. I am your greatest enemy. You can call me Liberdictra. Latin words.Liberandum-> vindicta.czyli Rescue-> Revenge.) [Author: I had no idea for a nice name. So I did one that makes sense.]

He shouted several hours. HOW I broke his legs. He was still looking into my red eyes, even trying to defend himself. Get out of the brass knuckles. And I am laughing to tears. I crushed his pulp into his pulp and then told him (still in a demonic voice).

(Krius) -You amphibious patch. I am amused by your resistance. "Then my caresses smashed his head like a blunt man.

The eyes were still burning, but suddenly the light went out. Only the princes lightly shone from under the curtains. And at that moment I felt that I was in this form for too long. And something started to happen. I came down from it and began to writhe in the ground. And I couldn't stop. But they praised and stopped moving, and there was silence. I felt changes in my body but I saw that I am still the size of a child.

PEdofil probably thinks and hopes that I'm gone and I'm gone. Because now he could only hear his breath. And with a healthy hand panicked, until he found and fired a decorated lighter. I want to scare him even more. After regaining control I changed some form. To make it look even scarier. I just made the lips look like some demon. Sharp for a crocodile or a shark. And the lips unnaturally stretched. He loathes such a man and wants him to suffer. I even added a tail that looked like spine. I felt that I was exaggerating but I fell mad in retaliation for all the poor children that this bastard had hurt. And now I found that when I use red eyes I can see their sins. That was awful.

Now when he put on the lighter and sees me. I especially looked at him greedily and blew my tail. And he felt that the end was slowly approaching. I approached him and sat on his stomach again ... And I began to touch him on the chest. And I loved him all like a dog to frighten him even more. And finally, hung above his head. And he felt that his end was slowly approaching. And he gave up the fight when I opened my mouth. [Author: just like vampires in one of Blade's parts. Check it yourself.] And I sank my teeth into his cage.

Of course, I wasn't going to eat it. After I killed him, I thought about myself and spit out what I was able to take into my mouth. Instead, I ripped him into pieces with my hands. So that only pieces are left. Now he was waiting for him to appear in his spiritual form.

I felt that it would be better if I returned to my original form. The one with the horns and wings and a six pack. If I didn't do it, I felt something bad would happen to me. When I came back to my original form. To pass the time you joined waiting, I checked if everything was in place. I started with heads. In the blood that was full now I saw my brew that had returned to normal. The horns were in place. Similarly wings. However, it was only now that I realized that I was naked. Because the clothes I was wearing. They ripped apart because they were child size. But it didn't bother me, because I saw that something returned to its place again. And now it hung in its entire length. Seeing him, I almost cried with happiness. I thought in a slightly funny voice, "Friend, you returned. I missed you. "And I covered my equipment with my hand. I saw that the guy's wardrobe is nearby and I brought a set of clothes from him. Once I was wearing pants and shoes. I returned to the place where a pedophile was waiting for me who looks at what is left of his body.

I wanted to make a nice entry, so use my energy. I created a huge flame that jumped out of the fireplace. But as a result, he covered me with soot. And on the wall was created graphics. Which depicted me with extended arms. I broke down and gave it to myself. I grabbed him and lifted him. Then with the other hand I opened the portal to hell. In the end, the formalities must be completed.

(crius) - You have stained some innocent children. Something has committed the greatest sin of innocent children. He condemns you to eternal torture in hell. They'll take care of you there. - Then I put it on the portal. And there, as every time I saw a winged female demon. Who grabbed the souls of a pedophile and took him to his place of torture. I'm interested in who she is.

Then I looked around the room one last time. My attention was caught by the wallet which the man probably put. On one hand, it hurt me to steal. However, my cash is running out and I have to eat. And it won't be useful to him. And since I rob him, I have no remorse. I only took cash from the wallet. Which was quite a lot. I found about five thousand. I expected it to be a lot. Because the wallet was stuffed. I took it and headed for the exit. I also found a portable battery-operated radio near the door. There was a garage next to the door, so he must have taken it from there. I took it and headed for the hideout at full speed.

I think I exaggerated a little. I'm so sorry. But I hope you enjoyed it. Waiting for your opinions in the comments. Thanks for reading.

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