
Ultimate Pokémon Backpack

Xiao Xin, a Pokémon’s diehard powder, accidentally succumbed to death while using the game modifier, the soul passed through the Pokémon world, a child who accidentally swallowed a lightning stone in thunderstorms and was strangled by lightning. On the body, the most important thing he also brought his props backpack in the game… ------------------------ Link -->https://www.mtlnovel.com/pokemons-ultimate-backpack/

BeyondHorizon12343 · Anime & Comics
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2: Prop backpack

After changing into the clothes brought by Prof. Oak, Xiao Xin just followed the two out of the hospital, but unexpectedly the nurse who had taken care of Xiao Xin trot all the way and passed a transparent sanitary bag to Xiao Xin. She breathed out and said, "Wait a minute, your stuff is forgotten here."

this is?!

When he saw the contents of the sanitary bag clearly, Xiao Xin's pupils suddenly shrank! What did he see? A whole body of green with a lightning bolt on it, it is the thunder stone that was swallowed by him before! But that's not the point! The point is, next to this thunder stone, there is a palm-sized, mini blue backpack!

Yes, you read or heard correctly, it is a mini blue backpack! When Xiao Xin saw this thing, his whole bodywas stunned, but then came an unparalleled ecstasy! He is so familiar with this thing, it is the backpack in the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Game!

Cheats, cheats! he said, how could the standard of the rider have fewer cheats?

Although his heart was already excited and he couldn't take care of myself, the work on the surface still had to be done. Xiao Xin didn't want people to see the clues, he resisted the excitement in his heart, and slowly took the sanitary bag in the hand of the nurse, he bowed and said, "Thank you, big sister, how beautiful you look!"

"Really? The younger brother's mouth is so sweet, don't thank me, this is the sister's responsibility." The nurse showed a sweet smile, and after chatting with them for a few words, he waved at them and pleaded guilty. I trot into the hospital again, obviously there is still important work to be done.

After the encounter, things were simple. After Prof. Oak and Gary took Xiao Xin around Pallet Town, Xiao Xin was taken to the orphan shelter, a kind-hearted grandmother. After arranging accommodation and some trivial matters, Prof. Oak left, leaving Xiao Xin's thunder stone with him.

When he was leaving, he did not forget to remind Xiao Xin that the Thunder Stone would not be in vain. When Xiao Xin was ten years old, he would be able to travel. At that time, he could prepare an initial Pokémon for Xiao Xin free of charge.

In this regard, Xiao Xin just showed a wicked smile and didn't say much, but turned his attention to a big blue backpack lying quietly in the palm of his hand ...

In charge of the orphan shelter is an old lady over 200 years old. Everyone called him Granny Jing. At that time, Xiao Xin was almost scared to death when she heard that Granny Jing was more than 200 years old. he carefully recalled that he knew in this world It's really nothing to live in two hundred years old, because the average age of this world is around three or four hundred years old, and there are still many people who live to five hundred years old, but then think of the development level of this world and the physical fitness of human beings, I don't think it's strange.

Let 's make the simplest analogy. Let 's say Ash, I don't know how many times he was shocked by Pikachu, how many times he was scorched by his Charizard

Soon, night fell. After dinner, Xiao Xin plunged into his room after finishing the group activities. He couldn't wait to organize what he got today, especially his prop backpack, Xiao Xin wants to know how much capital and hole cards he has left!

"Hum ... let me see, how much good stuff is left now, hope not to let me down!" Xiao Xin whispered, looking at the mini backpack in his hand, and gently pressing the only button on it ...


He only heard a soft bang, and a light blue curtain appeared in front of Xiao Xin. There were all kinds of items on it. While watching Xiao Xin swallowed, he was full of pity. Why? Because it's all the leftovers that he used in the game, that's the rare candy that can level up a Pokémon unconditionally by a level. Now there are only thirty pieces left in Xiao Xin 's backpack! And naturally, Xiao Xin, in order to prepare for the occasional need, modified all kinds into??? (Infinite) Items

If he knew it, he would adjust all the props to infinite. This is the reason for Xiao Xin 's pity, but there is no way. now he only swear everything and can only accept it. Besides, these items are enough for him to have in this world.

Then, in order to verify his guess, Xiao Xin, who had figured it out, fixed his eyes and looked at a pair of black frame mirrors in his backpack. He meditated in his heart and tried to take them out.

Suddenly, Xiao Xin felt a cold in his hands, and looked down subconsciously, and found a pair of black frame mirrors appeared in his hands. Then he looked up at the blue screen, and found that the shadow of the black frame mirrors had disappeared.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

A creepy laughter swept over half of the orphanage, and shocked the mother-in-law, who was not far away, coaxing the children to play, and rushed into Xiao Xin's room with a group of children. ...


The door of the room was pushed open, Xiao Xin's laughter came to an abrupt end, and he drew directly there. He even forgot to close the blue screen. He just stared at the eyes of those who rushed in. How to speak.

In the end, it was the mother-in-law who first returned to God. When she saw that Xiao Xin had nothing to do, she was relieved, and then changed into a serious expression. She said with a little blame, "Xiao Xin It's night, and it's easy for you to disturb other people with such a loud noise. "

This sentence directly awakened Xiao Xin, and then Xiao Xin looked at the blue light curtain aggressively, and then looked at the mother-in-law and a group of children who came in, and then looked back and forth a few times. When the mother-in-law almost thought that Xiao Xin had a problem in his head, Xiao Xin was certain that it seemed that no one except him could see the blue light curtain.

It's really powerful, even if he opens the backpack in front of others, it doesn't matter! Xiao Xin still ignored the mother-in-law and this group of little farts, thinking that his backpack had such a practical function, Xiao Xin couldn't help smirking there.

However, Xiao Xin 's performance fell into the eyes of Mother-in-law. This was not the case. he saw her shaking her head silently and whispering to herself, "Well ... it 's a pity that a good boy was so young, he was thundered which broke his head, I hope he can recover slowly in the future. "

Later, Mother-in-law turned around and said to the child, "Everyone go out first, Xiao Xin came to our shelter on the first day. It may be a bit uncomfortable, so we don't disturb him to rest, and Xiao Xin lives in a dormitory and will go to her mother-in-law's room tonight. Okay, let's go out. "

After waiting for all the children to go out, Mother-in-law took a final look at Xiao Xin and sighed again, then slowly closed the wooden door and slowly backed out ...

"Brother looks like a fool ..."

Although Xiao Xin did not hear the mother-in-law talking to herself, from her eyes, Xiao Xin can still see that grandma still cares for children with intellectual disabilities ...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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