
Ultimate Pokémon Backpack

Xiao Xin, a Pokémon’s diehard powder, accidentally succumbed to death while using the game modifier, the soul passed through the Pokémon world, a child who accidentally swallowed a lightning stone in thunderstorms and was strangled by lightning. On the body, the most important thing he also brought his props backpack in the game… ------------------------ Link -->https://www.mtlnovel.com/pokemons-ultimate-backpack/

BeyondHorizon12343 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

1: What The Hell!?

"What the fuck is this!?"

Xiao Xin opened his eyes and looked at the strange environment around him. He suddenly heard the sound of an ambulance when he died suddenly, and then heard someone say that he was not rescued, but why would he now Come to this ghost place? Xiao Xin thought he was dreaming. When he just wanted to reach out and pinch himself, suddenly a sudden pain came. That was painful, Xiao Xin who took a deep breath.

This ... what the fuck is going on? Feeling so real for wool? Am I really not dreaming? But really through? Isn't this Non-scientific?!

Well, although crossing is originally a very ridiculous and unscientific thing, and Xiao Xin has always firmly believed in a sentence: Don't know does not mean that it does not exist! But Nima, there must be some mental preparation!

In this way, it took nearly two hours for Xiao Xin to finally accept this reality. After recalling this body's memory, Xiao Xin became more powerless and voiced while being very excited. He was glad that he actually crossed into another world! This is what he always dreamed of! What he couldn't tell was that the original owner of his body was only nine years old, and he was under the age of receiving the starter Pokémon's. The cause of death was because he had swallowed a thunder stone, and then happened to be thundered by thunderstorm weather. ...

And, the world he travels to is very different from the original Pokémon anime! Newborn children in this world can only be named small ... or something, if the name is not satisfactory, you can change it at will, you only need to register in the police station, but the name can only be changed to something small, unless Wait until you are eighteen years old or become an intermediate trainer before you qualify for a real name! Moreover, the name can be taken care of by itself or not with the parents' last name!

And the levels of the Pokémon trainers are divided into seven levels, namely: newcomer trainers, junior trainers, intermediate trainers, advanced trainers, heavenly trainers, champion trainers, and king trainers!

As for the conditions to be reached, it is very simple, as long as you have a strong enough Pokémon, and there is a very important point. There are many roads in this world. As long as your level reaches the advanced trainer, you can submit to the Alliance. Apply for your own private pavilion. Each pavilion's badges are divided into two levels: ordinary badges and boutique badges!

The conditions for obtaining ordinary badges are very simple. Defeating one or more of the weakest Pokémon of the gym leader, or getting the approval of the gym leader, you can get ordinary badges, and the boutique badges need to challenge the gym leader. Only one or more powerful Pokémon can get it! It's not bad to say that the value of a boutique badge is over a hundred ordinary badges! And as long as you get a boutique badge, then you can directly become an advanced trainer!

Everything else is okay, but the name is somewhat unacceptable to Xiao Xin, because according to this logic, he himself must be called Xiao Xin (be careful), very tragic ...

After experiencing the sourness just now, Xiao Xin did not dare to continue to move, but fortunately, not long after, a beautiful sister dressed as a nurse came in and saw Xiao Xin awake and was very happy. Shee ran out, and when Xiao Xin was puzzled, an old man in a white coat and gray hair pushed the door and walked in.

After seeing the person, Xiao Xin was immediately excited. It was not others who walked in. It was Prof. Oak from the anime, Who had given Ash and Gary their starter's. Although there are some differences from the anime, Xiao Xin still recognized him for the first time, but he thought about it Now his identity and situation, he quickly resisted the urge to cry, pretending to look at Prof. Oak with a look of confusion.

"Kid, you finally woke up, and you really are a bit stupid. Why did you swallow something like Thunder Stone? You don't know but this thing promoted the evolution of electric Pokémon's, and it also has the characteristics of lightning, but fortunately I was researching nearby and found you by accident, which brought you to the hospital, otherwise your life would be gone! " Prof. Oak seemed very angry and said solemnly.

Xiao Xin was embarrassed for a moment, secretly vomiting in his heart, I would not do such a stupid thing as That, it is the fault of the original master of this body!

But he can only keep silent now, can he say that he is actually not the original himself, but has crossed the world and 'borrowed' this body? He can be sure that if he said that, Prof. Oak would be okay if he didn't believe it and would call him crazy. but if he did, he would definitely be followed by someone with a bad heart, and then he would be taken to do a slice experiment. Thinking about that scene would make Xiao Xin feel cold.

Prof. Oak saw that Xiao Xin didn't respond. He thought he hadn't recovered from the fright, and then thought that his words seemed a little too aggressive. After all, the other party was just a nine- or ten-year-old child.

At the moment, Prof. Oak face gradually eased down, and he said in a gentle tone as much as possible: "Cough, I 'm really embarrassed. I 'm just a little excited. Please introduce yourself. You can call me Prof. Oak. My job is to do research on various Pokémon, But i don't think you live in Pallet Town now! By the way, what's your name? How old are you this year? Where did you come from? Why haven't I seen you in the past? You should be from outside. "

Xiao Xin was a little dazed by this series of questions from Prof. Oak. Fortunately, he responded very quickly, and quickly pretended to be afraid: "My name is Xiao Xin. I am just nine years old this year. I am a orphan who came here from viridian city. Because I got the stone by accident, I was so hungry that I ate the lightning bolt subconsciously ... "

Well, Xiao Xin 's name doesn't need to be changed, Xiao's homonym is small, and it can be regarded as an alternative blessing because of misfortune. As for other information, it naturally comes from the memory of the original owner of the body.

"That's right. It doesn't matter. Although we really have a small town, we have an orphan shelter. Take a rest here. The doctor explained that you can be discharged from the hospital. I will pick you up and take you Sent to the shelter. " Prof. Oak unusual kindness may be due to sympathy for Xiao Xin's situation, and after a few chats with Xiao Xin, he left. As for the medical expenses ... Of course, it was Prof. Oak' card.

The next day, Xiao Xin had recovered, looking at the mirror like an exquisite teenager like a porcelain doll, And nodded with satisfaction, and said to himself: "This body is OK, although because of the long-term Malnutrition is a bit thin, but he has good skin, red lips and clean white teeth, good eyebrows, and a pretty young boy! It has retained the seven-point value of my last life ... "

While narcissistic, Xiao Xin also lamented the development of technology in this world. He suffered such a serious injury that he would not be alive if he was in the previous world and he would probably become vegetative and lie in bed for a lifetime. Here, it is only a day and a half In time, he was already cured!

On the other side, after Prof. Oak learned that Xiao Xin had recovered, Prof. Oak arrived without waiting for him to look in the mirror. There was also a red-haired boy with a hedgehog head, about the same size as the current Xiao Xin. Xiao Xin recognized him at a glance. He was Gary Oak, The counter part of Ash Ketchum.

There was not much communication with Gary, and Prof. Oak i just briefly introduced each other. With regard to Gary' nostril attitude, Xiao Xin said that he was very cold, and like Ash, Xiao Xin almost looked at them. Growing up step by step, Gary' personality has long been strange. If Gary' really greets him warmly, then he will definitely slap himself to see if he is still dreaming.

Yes, Xiao Xin would rather believe that he was dreaming, and would rather slap himself, he would never believe that Gary' would become like that.

However, after a brief exchange, Xiao Xin also learned an extremely important message, that is, he is now the same age as Gary, that is to say, he will be a trainer who travels with Ash

in the future.

PS: Idk who Xiao Zhi is, i think its ash, and xiaomao is gary, I had to edit this a LOT, Please be kind by reviewing this fan-fic.

Hello readers, This isn't my fic, The link is in the synopisis, Please review this fic

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