
Ultimate Killing Machine(DxD)

When Drake was chosen as the next reincarnated individual, he surprised the god who chose him. He not only decided to rid himself of his humanity, but he also embraced the beast. He crafted a body of unbridled power much to the amusement of his patron. Blessed with more power, his bloody path shall begin.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Stupid Kokabiel and Rapid Growth.

With Drake's mind back, he instantly knew where he was, but he was confused.

'Why did he send me to this shity anime?'

Drake was never a fan of DxD as he thought the main character was stupid. He is much more like the better version of Testament of Sister New Devil. He would have liked to be sent there much better.

But he did not get to pick so he would do with what he got. He jumped off the table and glided to the floor with his black wings which were quickly being covered in spikes. He looked up at Azazel who he had signed a pact with.

He did not know how he knew, but he signed the base-level familiar pact. As long as Azazel kept him fed, he would work with him. And considering what he had heard, this was the Great War between the Three factions.

"Come Helbrecht."

Azazel opened the door to his office and started to walk away. Baraqiel followed after him, so Drake did the same. But the name that Azazel choose was honestly one Drake knew.

'High Marshal Helbrecht. Cool name.'

Drake walked next to Azazel and despite being hatched just minutes ago he was already as tall as Azazel's knees. But he was still tiny as he had a lot of growing up to do. Without an energy source, he would have fully grown in a couple of years, but as long as he had mana crystals that could be shortened to a few months.

"What do you think of him Baraqiel?"

Baraqiel looked at Drake and he had a few things to say.

"He will be a force of nature when fully grown."

Drake snorted which made Azazel laugh. He pulled out another mana crystal which he tossed to Drake who caught it in his teeth. With a crunch of his jaws, he swallowed the glowing crystal which caused the mana to flood his body.

He began to grow larger, his scales became darker, sharper, and the carapace became thicker. His horns, spikes, and dorsal plates all glowed brighter, and his wings became stronger. Now he reached up to Azazel's waist which showed just how fast he could grow.

"Man, I love this guy already. When is my birthday again?"

Azazel ran his hand down Drake's head, but he had to be careful as the spikes were sharp. Drake allowed this as he did not really mind it. Eventually, Azazel arrived at a larger room where many Fallen Angels were gathered around a map.

They were all wearing armor, and they all looked overjoyed at the recent victory at the mine. Mines were always fought after, but Adamantium was special. It was magic resistant and extremely tough. Armor and weapons made from the special metal could be your saving grace in the next battle.

But once Azazel, Baraqiel, and Drake entered the giant room all the Fallen Angels perked up. They were the higher-ups of Grigori in charge of the many legions of the army. But they all deeply respected Baraqiel and Azazel two of their strongest fighters.

Azazel motioned for them all to relax.

"It's fine. This last battle was brutal, but as a result, we got a full mine of Adamantium. Penemune, Armaros, how are your legions holding up?"

Penemune sighed as she fixed her long purple hair.

"We suffered big losses at the Battle of Night Ridge. But in that battle, we killed the Marbas Clan head, and with help from Armaros we managed to slaughter most of his legions."

Armaros nodded as he added to it.

"That battle was costly, but through it, we managed to retain a mana crystal deposit, but even now that deposit has not been fully extracted. The Angels and Devils keep attacking which we keep repelling at great losses."

"Baraqiel, take your legions and make sure that deposit does not fall from our control. And while I am here, I would like to introduce to you all Helbrecht."

All of them looked at Drake who they wanted to ask about, but kept silent until Azazel talked about him. From the back, Kokabiel stood up and walked over.

"What the fuck is he?"

He tried to kick Drake in the face, but before Azazel could do much, Drake lunged at his leg and clapped down on it. His metallic teeth pierced down into his leg and even pierced bone. And just like a regular Alatreon, he had two giant tusks that pierced deep into the stupid Fallen Angel's leg.

Drake's jaws were powered by thick muscle in the neck and it seemed he was going to rip off Kokabiel's leg.


Azazel reached out and grabbed him on either side of his head trying to pull him off. He did not blame him as Dragons were prideful and Kokabiel just tried to disrespect him. But he could not let one of his Cadres be crippled over this.

Kokabiel screamed in pain as he raised his sword and tried to plunge it into Drake's face but by that time Drake let go allowing Azazel to pull him back. Kokabiel grabbed his mangled leg as he screamed in agony.

He was lucky that Drake did not have any venom, but now everyone was staring at Azazel. He let go of Drake who began to lick his teeth as he looked at Kokabiel screaming.

Penemune walked over and smacked Kokabiel on the face.

"That's what you get for trying to kick a freaking dragon in the face."

She grabbed his leg and began to apply healing magic to him. Kokabiel groaned as he glared at Drake.

"I want that thing dead."

Drake growled as his dorsal plates began to crackle with bright blue radioactive lightning. His entire body began to crackle as his horns lit up. Drake squinted his eyes as he spread his legs wide and lowered his head like a bull.

He clawed at the ground showing he was ready to charge and gore Kokabiel. Azazel pulled out another mana crystal and held it over him.

"Let it go and this is yours."

Drake sat down and powered down with an open mouth. Azazel tossed it into his open mouth which Drake crunched on and ate. Just like before he began to grow larger rapidly which caused everyone in the room to stare.

When he was done, he was as tall as Azazel's stomach and far more brutal looking. His horns became far bigger now extending from his head just like a Nergingante and Alatreon.

"Azazel, what kind of dragon is that thing and how the hell did he grow bigger so fast."

Azazel looked at his hands which got sliced up on Drake's scales.

"I wish I could tell you. Baraqiel found his egg and brought it to me. He hatched barely 40 minutes ago. We noticed he began to grow after eating his eggshell so I gave him a Mana Crytal which caused him to grow rapidly.

That was the third one and he is already this big."

Armaros looked at the many big spikes that covered Drake.

"Cool spikes little guy."

Drake then did something surprising. He reached up with his mouth, and bit down on one of his wing spikes breaking it off. They were heavy, so Nergingante would often break off the spikes on their wings as they just slowed them down. He walked over to Armaros and held it up with his teeth.

"For me?"

Drake nodded so Armaros took the spike into his hand. When he held it he was instantly surprised. It was heavy and obviously made of metal so he handed it to Azazel.

"What do you think?"

Azazel analyzed the spike a bit before he opened his eyes wide.

"This is comparable to Magisteel."

Magisteel was iron that had been so saturated in mana that it became steel-like while still unrefined. Once refined it became far stronger and mana conductive. It was not rare, but it was not common either.

Azazel looked at Drake who continued to break off his wing spikes. His spikes had no nerves and they were heavy so the wing spikes had to be pruned often. But instead of dropping them, he ate them to not waste the material or energy it took to grow them.

And while he was just recycling energy, he was actually growing bigger a tiny bit. Seeing that made Azazel realize that the spikes did not have too much energy in them. Now he was curious if he could change that.

"Helbrecht, would you trade your spikes for more Mana Crystals."

Drake kept breaking his wing spikes, but he placed them in a small pile at Azazel's feet. In exchange, Azazel was going to give him two Crystals, but Azazel wanted to test something. From his ring, he pulled out a tiny piece of Adamantium ore.

When Drake smelled that, his nose was flooded with a very delicious scent. He looked away from the crystals and toward the ore. Seeing that made Azazel curious.

"Which one?"

Drake walked toward the hand with the ore, so Azazel tossed it to him. When Drake caught it he swallowed it, but he did not grow bigger. Instead, his spikes began to gain a small luster as he assimilated the traits of Adamantium.

Not to mention that the spikes that were regrowing contained Adamantium ore. Seeing that made Azazel chuckle.

"Helbrecht, you are my golden goose. Kokabiel, don't bother him anymore got that."

Kokabiel forced himself up as Penemune had been healing him this whole time.

"You got to be fucking kidding me Azazel. I almost lost my leg to that monster. And now that he can grow a bit of metal you consider him more important than me?"

Azazel sighed as despite the fact that Kokabiel was like this, he was still his friend. But losing Helbrecht for him was just not worth it. This was a dragon they could grow, who shed magic metal spikes that now contained Adamantium.

"Kokabiel, in this situation, it was your fault. You tried to kick my familiar for no reason, and he let go of you in the end."

Kokabiel seemed unwilling to compromise, so while no one was watching, Baraqiel walked up behind him and grabbed him by the head. A massive blast of lightning surged into Kokabiel's head knocking his head.

When he fell down, Azazel sighed.

"Shemhazai, I want you to wipe this memory from his mind."

"On it."

Shemhazai walked over and dragged Kokabiel away. While that happened, Azazel looked at everyone else.

"Penemune, Armaros, return to the Mana Crystal Deposit. Baraqiel's Legions are stuck at the Adamantium mine, so Espheres, Ezekeel, take your legions and reinforce them. I will go with you to the mine. I will take Helbrecht with me, we are going to speed up his growth. Armor up, we leave in 2 hours."

Drake licked his lips as he heard that. If Grigori was going to treat him well, he would be more than willing to fight with them. As that happened, Azazel looked down at Drake.

"Get ready to pull your weight after this alright."

Drake nodded.

'Born ready.'

As a dragon, he would keep his word and he always liked Azazel. But one thing he would not do is be turned into a Sacred Gear. He would leave Fafnir for that, but he did wonder how long he would stay in this world.