
Ultimate Killing Machine(DxD)

When Drake was chosen as the next reincarnated individual, he surprised the god who chose him. He not only decided to rid himself of his humanity, but he also embraced the beast. He crafted a body of unbridled power much to the amusement of his patron. Blessed with more power, his bloody path shall begin.

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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Genomes of Drake.

Genome 1: Ruiner Nergigante

The base genome of this deadly hybrid monster gives several deadly abilities. It is covered in dark scales and carapace which are heavily resistant to damage. On its head, it grows two massive horns made of a metallic substance which make them deadly weapons.

It constantly grows metallic spikes on the forelimbs, nape, and wings. If they are broken off they will regrow relatively quickly, but they take longer to harden. It lacks an elemental affinity, but more than makes up for sheer physical strength.

Grants an accelerated growth rate as long as plenty of energy is plentiful to facilitate that growth. Its regenerative factor is extremely powerful, but requires more time for bigger wounds.


Genome 2: Fatalis

The second Genome builds on the base genome. Like Ruiner Nergingante, Fatalis carried immense physical strength which build off each other. Like Nergigante, it is covered in powerful black scales that are extremely resistant to heat.

Adds a deadly flame breath, which can be utilized to produce either a stream of fire or explosive blasts. Fatalis is also able to release a cloud of flammable dust that explode on contact.

Its body can radiate incredible heat to the degree of melting metal around it. If needed, its flames can be used to fuse metals with its scales to form armor.


Genome 3: Titanus Gojira

This genome increases the size and mass of the hybrid several times over. Adds small gills to the side of the neck which can be used to breathe underwater to the hybrid. On the back, large spikes can channel not only radiation but also elemental abilities from the other genomes.

Can absorb energy sources, specifically radiation.

The vocal cords are strengthened which can be used as a sound-based attack. Can use powerful Atomic blasts, or even use radiation as a type of sonar.


Genome 4: Blazing Black Dragon Alatreon

This genome gives this hybrid monster several elemental powers which include, Dragon, Fire, Ice, Thunder, and water(oil). The fire element resonates with Fatalis' flames giving them far more power or even switching the flames for any of the other elements.

If needed, the hybrid can switch to fused elements which all carry radiation. Alatreon is completely covered in backward-facing, razor-sharp black scales much like the three other genomes. This causes the scales to be weapons in their own right along with the carapace that covers them.

They are gathered on a prominent spiked patch on its chest area. Most important are the two large, serrated horns on its head, which are essential for its control over its elemental powers.

They are rather fragile, but when fused with Ruiner Nergingante grants the horns far more toughness.

Depending on which elements it is actively using, Alatreon's scales may glow in different colors.