
Chapter 2: Let's fight!

Jason covered Charlie's mouth and they looked outside through the bathroom doorway. They saw the back of the security guard. Both of them were relieved to see the school's security guard, although he was elder.

  It was weekend and summer vacation, this security guard was the only one working in the high school. Charlie opened the bathroom door, ran out and said to the security guard

  "Hi, Hi, We're here."

  Before Charlie could finish his words, the security guard sluggishly turned his body. Charlie saw the guard's face, exclaimed


  Sitting directly on the floor in shock.

  The guard's face turned purple-black, his mouth was widely open, with drool dripping from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were staring straight at Charlie, who was sitting on the ground. The zombie guard walked towards Charlie.

  "Zom, zombie! Zombie!" Charlie shouted and hurriedly got up from the ground. The security guard behind him also chased after Charlie.

  Jason came out of the bathroom just in time to see the security guard chasing Charlie.

  "Jason, run, he's a zombie!" Charlie said to Jason as running.

  Jason did not run away, but took the axe and cut towards the zombie's head. The zombie did not dodge, directly raised his arm to block Jason's axe. The axe was heavily chopped on the zombie's arm, but the arm was not cut off.

  The zombie made an unpleasant sound and pushed Jason away, the axe still remained on the zombie's arm.

  "Damn, how did he become a zombie!" Jason cursed while running backwards as well.

  The zombie was chasing after Jason.

  "Do something, Charlie! Use your pickaxe!" Jason said to Charlie as he escaped from zombie.

  Charlie ran back to the bathroom, picked up the pickaxe on the floor, and rushed out again.

  The zombie was still chasing Jason from behind. Charlie ran behind the zombie, raised the pickaxe towards the zombie's back and smashed it.

  The zombie downed to the ground by Charlie's pickaxe, then Charlie swung the pickaxe again and smashed the zombie once more.

  Finally, it was nailed to the floor by Charlie's pickaxe and then became a cloud of black smoke, disappeared. Jason picked up his axe and said to Charlie

  "Thank you, Charlie, for saving me. Let's give this gray crystal to Rachel."

  They went back to the bathroom and found that Rachel's face was starting to turn purple and black. Jason thought, "No, we can't wait anymore, Rachel is going to turn into a zombie."

  Charlie looked at Rachel's face, took a step back and said

  "You sure this gray crystal can save Rachel, she will not be a zombie, right? I, I cannot kill her if she turns into zombie later."

  Charlie's words were not finished, only to see Jason feed gray crystal to Rachel.

  "Kill level 1 F- Inferior Zombie, gain the skill scroll "Primary Scouting" A piece of information appeared in Charlie's mind again.

  "What is it?" Jason asked Charlie, pointing a scroll on the ground.

  "It is supposed to be a skill scroll. The information come up in my brain again and said that I killed a level 1 F- Inferior Zombie and gained a skill book called "Primary Scouting".

  Charlie picked up the scroll on the ground and handed it to Jason.

  "Let's see it." Jason opened the scroll.

  "The "Primary Scouting"

detect the basic attributes of the target (the target's level cannot exceed the user's level more than 5), each time using "Primary Scouting", it consumed 1 point of perception, do you want to learned?"

  "My goodness, there are even skills that can be learned, how did our world become like this?" Charlie said from the side.

  "Do you want to learn it, Charlie? You killed the guard, this is your skill. You should learn it."

  "I, I'd better not. I'm not as smart as you and Rachel. I'm just physically stronger, learning new things is not my advantages." Charlie replied to Jason.

  Jason nodded and said

  "Well, I don't know if it's dangerous to learn this skill, okay I'll try it first." After saying that, Jason directly chose to learn the "Primary Scouting".

  The scroll turned into a white light and went directly into Jason's body. Jason suddenly fell to the ground and his whole body began to twitch.

  "Jason, Jason, what happened to you, don't die, please!" Charlie said anxiously on the side.

  "LOL, I am just teasing you! I'm fine, just see you are too nervous, so I make a joke to ease the atmosphere! Don't get mad, please, don't get mad." Jason sat up and said to Charlie with a smile.

  "You, Jason, it is not a good time to make a joke! Are you really okay? I am worry about you!" Charlie was still on the sidelines and worriedly said.

  "Don't worry, I am fine. I don't feel anything wrong, just let me try how this skill works."

  Jason finished laughing and used the "Primary Scouting" on Charlie. A piece of information appeared in Jason's mind.


  Level 1 F - Human

  Strength 8,

  Agility 6,

  Physique 9,

  Intellect 4,

  Mental 3,

  Perception 3

  Jason told this information to Charlie and then he used Primary Scouting again, this time the target is himself.


  Level 1 F - Human

  Strength 5,

  Agility 6.

  Physique 5.

  Intellect 8,

  Mental 6,

  Perception 7

  Jason told his information to Charlie as well. Charlie smiled and said

  "I guess it's right to let you learn the Primary Scouting . By the way, it's been so long, how come Rachel hasn't woken up yet!"

  "It's really strange too, I'll use the Primary Scouting and see what's going on." Jason said, and used Primary Scouting on Rachel.


  Level 1 F - Human

  Strength 2

  Agility 3

  Physique 3

  Intellect 10

  Mental 9

  Perception 8

  Jason shook his head and told Charlie the results he saw, it seemed that using Primary Scouting didn't tell them why Rachel was still unconscious.

  "Is it because the amount of gray crystal is not enough? Or because Rachel has been unconscious for too long?" Charlie said to Jason with uncertainty.

  Jason nodded in agreement, "I think so, you're right, the purple-black color on Rachel's face has disappeared, she just hasn't woken up yet, we have to go get more crystal for her."

  Once Charlie heard that they had to kill more monsters to get gray crystal, he frowned, but this time he did not refuse, just picked up the pickaxe on the ground and said to Jason

  "Jason, after all that has happened, you can still stay so calm. Without you, I would probably have been killed by the zombie. Let's go, let's kill the monsters and wake Rachel up. Then I'm going to home to see my parents!"

  "Don't say that Charlie, you're my best friend! You just saved my life, too. After we wake Rachel up, I'll go with you to see your parents, we don't know what's going on outside, it's safer for us to stay together."

  They hid Rachel again in another bathroom from, grabbed their weapons and walked out of the library to the school playground.

  "Damn, no way, how can we be so unlucky, we just came out and they are two monsters." Charlie saw the two goblins in the school playground and said to Jason.

  "No, it's not bad luck, it's lucky. There are only two Goblins, let's one of us deal with one, but let me use Primary Scouting to see their information first."

  Level 1 F - Goblin Slave

  Strength 6

  Agility 5

  Physique 4

  Intellect 1

  Mental 1

  Perception 2

"Don't worry Charlie, they are Goblin Slaves, we killed them before, and their abilities are worse than ours, I'm taking the left one and you kill the right one." Jason told Charlie the information of the Goblin Slaves. After saying that, he ran directly to the Goblin on the left.

  "Jason, you!" Charlie saw Jason rushing out to the left, then he rushed towards the enemy on the right with his pickaxe.

  The two Goblin Slaves saw two humans rushing towards them, instead of panicking, they became more excited and rushed towards the two men with the weapons in their hands.

  One Goblin Slave raised a wooden stick and hit Jason's head. Jason stepped back, dodging the Goblin Slave's attack, followed by slashing it with his axe.

  On the other side, Charlie's fight was much faster than Jason's. The Goblin Slave's strength and physique were weaker than Charlie's. Charlie wielded his pickaxe to Goblin and finished the fight quickly.

  After Charlie killed the enemy, he immediately ran to help Jason. Under the attack of two people, the second Goblin Slave was also quickly killed.

  The two Goblin Slaves dropped two gray crystals, one is in Jason's hand, and the other one went into the bottle in Charlie's hand.

  "Is this bottle a dropped prop? What's the use of it?" Jason asked Charlie.

  "This bottle is called "Soul Bottle''"." Charlie handed Jason a small black bottle and said, "You can store the gray crystals in it, just like I did, put my gray crystal into the bottle."

  Jason checked the bottle with Primary Scouting.

  "Inferior Soul Bottle, can only store 30 gray soul crystals"

Jason said to Charlie "This is a good prop. It turns out that the gray crystals we absorb are called soul crystals, and with this bottle, we can store soul crystals in it.

However, it seems that not all Goblins drop props. The Goblin Slave we killed together dropped nothing."

  "Come on, let's go to save Rachel first." Charlie said to Jason.