
Chapter 1: The Beginning of Everything

 On Saturday afternoon, Jason was reading a book inside the school's library. It was summer vacation and it was a weekend, Jason was the only one in the library. Suddenly a pair of hands blindfolded Jason from behind

  "Guess who I am!"

  "It's Rachel!" Jason didn't even think about it and said the answer directly.

  "No fun, Jason, why did you come to the library by yourself? I went to your home to look for you, but you were not there. You didn't answer the phone either when I called you! I guessed you must have come to the library by yourself again!"

  The name of the girl who spoke to Jason was Rachel. She was the same age as Jason, both of them are 17 years old and in high school.

  Jason looked at his phone and saw that there were several calls from Rachel and he apologized, "I'm sorry Rachel, I didn't hear you call. I put my phone on silent when I was in the library, what did you want to see me about?"

  "Can't I come to you if there's nothing?" Rachel said, "Huh? What is this book you're reading?" Rachel noticed that the book in Jason's hand had the word "Invisible" written on it, and asked in a hurry.

  "No, it's nothing, I'm just find a random book and read. I'm waiting for Charlie. He is practice basketball, their basketball team has a game coming up." Jason said while holding the book in his arms, not letting Rachel see the name of the book.

  Seeing that Jason didn't want her to know the title of the book, Rachel became even more curious about the contents of the book.

  "I came to tell you something that I can only tell you quietly." Rachel leaned over to Jason's ear, her face almost on Jason's face. Jason felt Rachel so close to him that he could already smell Rachel's hair fragrance. Jason blushed.


  Rachel snatched the book out of Jason's hands.

  "Let me see what kind of book it is, <<Invisible Hat>>, wow! Jason, where did you find this book, I have this book at my home too. I read it when I was little, but I only read half of it and didn't finish it. My father even used a hat to lie to me, said this is the invisible hat. Well, it doesn't make me invisible at all." Rachel said when she saw the title of the book.

  Jason snatched the book back from Rachel's hands

  "This book, I found from my parents' room. They told me the story was probably true, and it happened in Belleville!"

  Jason wanted to continue, but suddenly, a strong vibration came from the ground.

  "Run, it's an earthquake!" Jason pulled Rachel and rushed out of the library.

  The earthquake didn't last long. Jason pulled Rachel and ran outside, he just wanted to speak to Rachel, but only to see Rachel staring blankly at the sky and pointing her finger, "This, this, this, what is this?"

  Jason looked in the direction Rachel pointed, there was a huge black hole on the sky, the black hole was still infinite expansion, purple gas around the hole, and many things fell from the hole.

  "This, this, this" Jason and Rachel look at the black hole, do not know what to do.

  "Cough, cough, cough" Rachel suddenly sat on the ground and began to cough.

  "Rachel, what happened to you, why are you coughing suddenly!"

  "I, I'm fine, just a little tired, breathing a little hard!"

  Jason pulled Rachel and said "Then I'll take you home quickly and get some rest."

  Jason just pulled Rachel to stand up, suddenly a green-skinned, pointy-eared monster, rushed over towards the two people from a distance.

  The monster was holding an axe in his hand, and his mouth made a "Zaa, Zaa" sound.

  "Run, Rachel!" Jason took Rachel to run in the direction of the library.

  It's a holiday, the classroom doors are not open, only the library is open. Jason pulled Rachel and ran back to the library, and then two of them hid in the library's bathroom.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Don't know because of running or other reasons, Jason also started coughing and his muscles were sore. Rachel had completely passed out and lost consciousness.

  The sound of "Zaa, Zaa" gradually approaching the bathroom, Jason thought, "No, I can't hide here, I must lure the monster away from here. Otherwise, it will find Rachel!"

  Jason ran out of the bathroom, the monster found Jason, chased towards him. Jason ran in front, the monster chased after him. Seeing the distance between them getting closer and closer, Jason's body suddenly trembled and the whole person fell to the ground.

  The monster caught up Jason and raised the axe up cut directly to Jason's head.

  Seeing the axe will fall on his head, Jason rolled to the corner and picked up the fire extinguisher in the corner by hand.

  The monster's first attack fell short, but it did not give up. It immediately made another cut towards Jason.

  Jason was too late to open the fire extinguisher, only to raise the fire extinguisher, blocking the axe attack.

  The axe cut on the fire extinguisher, the gas inside sprayed out, the monster was sprayed to the ground by gas, and the axe also thrown aside.

  The gas inside the fire extinguisher quickly sprayed out, Jason barely stood up, shook his head many times to keep his consciousness from becoming fuzzy. He hold the wall and walked in the direction of the bathroom.

  Jason passed by the monster, but the monster suddenly moved, surprisingly to stand up from the ground.

  Fear to the extreme is anger, Jason directly picked up the axe that monster dropped aside, cut towards the monster's body.

  The monster was soon hacked to death by Jason. It turned into a cloud of black smoke and then disappeared, leaving only a small piece of gray crystal, Jason picked up the gray crystal.

  "Killed level 1 F- Goblin Slave, obtained a Slave Axe"

  A message came to Jason's brain, "Goblin?" Jason did not have time to think carefully, Charlie's voice came from nearby.

  "Jason, Jason are you there? Are you okay? Jason, where are you?"

  Hearing it was Charlie's voice, Jason hurriedly replied to

  "Charlie, Charlie, I'm here, I'm here!"

  Charlie held a pickaxe in his hand and ran towards Jason. Seeing that Jason was safe, Charlie relieved and said to Jason

  "What the hell is going on, I just finished training at the gym and tried to come to the library to find you, and then there was an earthquake, and then a black hole suddenly appeared in the sky, and I encountered a monster chasing me, it seems to be a Goblin ?"

  Charlie briefly told Jason about his experience. It turned out that Charlie was also chased by a Goblin Slave, but he grabbed the Goblin Slave's pickaxe during the fight and used it to kill the Goblin Slave.

  Charlie looked at the axe in Jason's hand and asked, "Did you kill a Goblin as well? Why there are Goblins in our world and how they suddenly appeared in our world!"

  "Yes. I did a Goblin Slave, and I got a message in my brain about getting a slave axe or something!"

  "Me too, me too, but the prop I obtained was the pickaxe!"

  Two people talked about the information they obtained while walking in the direction of the bathroom.

  "It's weird, I was coughing before and felt weak all over, but how come I can be better now?" Jason asked Charlie.

  "Me too, when I was fighting with the Goblin, I was also coughing and almost got killed by the Goblin, but it seems that after I killed it, I didn't feel uncomfortable anymore."

  Hearing Charlie's words, Jason asked, "After the Goblin 's body disappeared, did you also absorb a gray crystal! It must be related to that gray crystal. After we absorbed the gray crystal into our body, we are no longer weak!"

  Two people came to the bathroom, Rachel was still unconscious, Charlie frowned and said

  "She's here for you, right? Now she looks not well, let's take her to the hospital!"

  "No, not to the hospital, we have to kill another Goblin Slave and then let Rachel absorb the gray crystal!"

  "What what, did I hear you right, are you crazy Jason, you said to kill a Goblin one more! Do you know how hard it was for me to kill one Goblin Slave? We should take Rachel to the hospital now, then contact our parents and ask police for protection, not killing a Goblin!"

  Jason glanced at Charlie and said seriously "I don't know what the hell is going on, but there is still a distance to the hospital and I'm worried that Rachel won't last that long."

  "We can call the police!"

  Charlie then pull out his cell phone to call 911, but he found that the phone had no signal!

  "Jason, lend me your phone for a second, I'll make a call! My phone has no signal, maybe it was broken when I fought with the Goblin just now."

  Jason lent his phone to Charlie, who looked at Jason's phone and said in frustration

  "Why is your phone out of signal too? Is it broken!"

Jason took his phone back and they checked Rachel's phone again. They found that there is also no signal on Rachel's phone.

"This, this can't be true, there should be a signal inside the school. Something is not right, not right ah!" Charlie said depressingly.

  Suddenly, Jason covered Charlie's mouth, came up to Charlie's ear, and quietly said to Charlie

  "Don't make a sound, there seems to be a someone outside!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

This is my first time write. English is not my first language. If I made some mistakes or some sentences made you confused.

Please let me know.

Thank you for reading.

CAZer0creators' thoughts