
Ultimate Godly System

After being killed by an aerial truck attack, a young man was reincarnated with what he had always dreamed of. Follow Uchiha Itachi as he plots against others and sets out to seek absolute domination. ______________________ Anyone who wants to support me: https://www.patreon.com/proddy69 ________________________ Disclaimer: I have no right to any character other than those created by me

proddy69 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 14

"Akeno I will have to ask you to back off with Ingvild."

Akeno nodded, she knew she wouldn't be much use in this battle.

"Will you be all right?" Ingvild asked worried, since she saw that those explosions were not effective against that man.

Itachi just hit her forehead with two fingers. "It's all right." He said before he disappeared.

Ingvild looked where Itachi was a few moments ago thoughtfully.

"I thought you ran away, you bastard." The green-haired man said irritated, if he had been a little weaker or hadn't received a little divinity then he would already be dead.

Itachi didn't answer, while sending a huge amount of Chakra to his eyes.

Itachi's eye patterns started to change in front of the three men.

"Eye power?" Both thought surprised.

"It seems this man keeps many secrets." Moki thought scared.

Itachi had activated the mangekyou sharingan, he knew it would put a huge burden on him, but it was necessary.

"I'll get it over with quickly."

With Samehada in one hand and a kunai in the other, Itachi advanced quickly scaring all three men.

"How is he so fast?"

They couldn't react in time, and by the time they realized Itachi was already in front of Moki.


A huge amount of blood spilled from Moki's left arm.

Itachi had severed his arm with his sword.

"Aaargh!" Moki screamed in pain, he couldn't even react to this attack and when he realized he had already lost his left arm.

Itachi knew he couldn't give them a chance to breathe, so he concentrated even more Chakra in his eyes.


Black flames started to appear around Moki's body, making him scream in despair.

"PLEASE!! Stop, I promise not to interfere in your affairs anymore". Moki's voice had already become hoarse, slowly his body was consumed by the flames.

Moki was trying to stop the flames but everything seemed to be a useless effort, since the flames would never stop burning.

Blood flowed from Itachi's right eye, the pain he was having to endure was enormous, even he didn't think the reaction would be so strong.

The two envoys were paralyzed while watching the amaterasu consume Moki.

Even after Moki stopped breathing, the flames kept burning, that made them take a few steps backwards, they had the feeling that if they were caught by that flame they would be dead.

Itachi used that moment when they were distracted to move away a little, the reaction of his eyes was frightening and all he wanted now was to end this battle, so he could rest.

Itachi had plans to use his amaterasu to end the two men that were left but doubted that he would be able to use the amaterasu twice more.

Besides, his senses were constantly alerting him about the danger of these two men.

Both came out of the state of shock they were in, and decided to kill this boy with everything they had, they had the feeling that he would be a problem in the future, so it was better to finish him here.

Itachi seeing that they were already prepared knew that this would be the final battle, if he didn't take care he could die here.

Taking distance from the two men, Itachi made some hand stamps, before concentrating a large amount of Chakra on his right hand.

The two men were scared because Itachi was concentrating a huge amount of lightning on a sphere in their right hand, what scared them most were the noises of birds they were hearing.


Itachi finally moved, the men couldn't react in time, and by the time they realized Itachi was already on top of them.

The green-haired man wrapped his body in Touki and decided to receive this attack from the front, he knew that with his high defense he would survive this attack.

When Itachi was about to hit the green-haired man, he disappeared instantly, appearing behind the red-haired man.


Itachi hit the man's chest.

They were shocked, this level of speed is simply abnormal.

"When you?!" Before the red-haired man could react, Itachi pulled his hand off his chest, and returned to his initial position.

"BROTHER!" The green-haired man screamed as he hugged his brother.

In the past, they were twin brothers, and the only difference between them was the color of their hair, they had a normal life, until that day.

The day their family was brutally killed by a noble family of demons, driven by hatred they sought power, so they could take revenge in the future.

They even subjected themselves to thousands of super devil creation tests so that they could get a little strength, and they really got the power to take revenge.

But now the man with green hair, saw his brother with a tear in his chest on the verge of death a huge fury ran through his body.

"You bastard!" He screamed with tears in his eyes.

Itachi saw something that shocked him deeply, the green-haired man's body was fusing with his brother's, it was a frightening sight.

He wanted to stop it, but his body was rooted in the ground, so he could only observe.

The two brothers' bodies began to fuse, it was a vision that Itachi could not forget even if he wanted to.

Taking the Sephiroth Grail fragment, Itachi could see the brothers' souls merging in perfect harmony.

But he also realized that their soul was not normal, there was something strange as if they had been modified.

"What kind of experiments did they go through?" This doubt made Itachi stay alert, he knew this was done by someone. It was impossible for the soul to be modified that way.

He didn't have to wait for long, because the bodies of the brothers had just merged.

Itachi kept the Sephiroth Grail fragment, and prepared himself for what would be the most difficult battle he had so far.

The current appearance of this monster, yes a monster, they could no longer be considered people, they became a dark mass, dripping with blood from time to time.

"Wasn't their fusion perfect?

That made Itachi sweat cold, if their incomplete fusion was already frightening what would it have been if it had been perfect?

Itachi felt something quickly approaching him, but it was as if his body could not react in time.

He was sent flying, and only stopped when he hit a tree that broke in half due to the impact.

"Coff! Coff!"

Itachi was coughing up blood, this attack broke some ribs in his body.

"It's a good thing I was able to turn Susanoo on in time, otherwise I'd be dead now."

Itachi saw that Susanoo's materialized ribs were cracking, probably due to the force of the blow.

"With one simple punch I was already seriously injured."

He knew he couldn't escape, since this monster's speed was almost as fast as he was.

"Uff! It seems I have no choice."

A huge amount of Chakra began to cover Itachi's body, this Chakra was molding into a giant red skeleton.

Itachi decided to condense its Susanoo.

"I hope that's enough."

Said Itachi with a tousled appearance.

Susanoo put a giant pressure on his body, and Itachi was already wounded which didn't help much, even though it was Jinchūriki of two Bijuus, the Chakra he was receiving was healing his body very slowly.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Those were the only words the monster said while attacking Itachi once again.

But this time Itachi was prepared, and defended himself with everything he had, and from this he only took a few steps back.

His Susanoo who was not yet complete was cracking, he knew he would not last long in this state, making him put more Chakra in his eyes.

Itachi's Susanoo started taking a humanoid form, the skeletal form was being equipped with what looked like armor, it was an amazing sight.

Two weapons appeared in Susanoo de Itachi's hand.

The Sword of Totsuka, a mystical and ethereal sword capable of sealing everything that perforates, sending the target into a world of eternal genjutsu, and the Mirror of Yata, capable of reflecting any attack, endowed with all the transformations of nature.

Now it was possible to say that Itachi was invincible, its red Susanoo received an orange tone making it even scarier.

With this Susanoo Itachi he had confidence in winning.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The monster started to punch Susanoo, but thanks to the yata mirror the whole attack was being reflected, but this was only on the surface.

These sacred items that Susanoo held, put even more pressure on his body, even if he had trained enough Susanoo's reaction was still enormous.

Swinging the Totsuka sword with the intention of sealing this monster, Itachi ended up missing his attack, and a large cut appeared on the ground showing the strength that Susanoo had.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The strength of this monster was increasing with each attack, and Itachi wanted to end it as soon as possible.