
Ultimate Gene

Earth has changed...

3Iives · Urban
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3 Chs

Ultimate Gene

In a bedroom a 14 year old youth with thin jetblack hair sat on top of his bed, he held a piece of paper showing varys type of monster looking creature. His black eyes look at everything, a wide grin shown over his face. But then suddenly a knock was heard on the door and a beautiful woman with long black hair walked in wearing an apron, "Lu Yi im serious this time get some sleep you won't want to miss the big day tomorrow.

Tomorrow is when everyone at age 16 goes to Professors Fang lab to pick up their gene solution!. Earth has changed ever since Felix 'The god of blood' had destroyed gods temple, When god's temple was destroyed all the beast inside rose out and went on a rampage. Earth was able to fight back with the blessed but they soon realised that after the destruction of god towers no more people were being blessed.

So they came up with a great solution for the next generation, the beasts that came out of god's temple controlled some areas but when humans killed a beast there will be a 75% chance of it dropping a strange orb. Scientists ran many experiments on the orb and found out that it could be used to alter the genes of humans and give them unique abilities.

Once again humanity was back on top and those who use gene solutions were called alters. But even though there was no gods temple there were many planets out there that worked similar to god's temple! But anyways Lu Yi listened to his mother and excitedly went to bed, "Goodnight mom". His mother smiled, "Good night Lu Yi".

That night Lu Yi had a wonderful dream, he thought of all the cool gene solutions he could pick out".


The Next morning Lu Yi woke up and rubbed his eyes. He got out of bed and went to brush his teeth.


He spat out the toothpaste and washed his toothbrush, he started to walk down stairs when his eyes landed on the clock. His expression grew contorted as he almost fainted, "8:45! I'M LATE!". He quickly ran down the stairs and ran to professor Fang's lab in his pajamas. The other kids were laughing and talking to themselves as they held a silver bottle. When they saw Lu Yi rushing to the lab in his pajamas they almost burst out laughing.

Lu Yi ignored them, his mind was only set on making it in time, He ran for 3 minutes before he finally made it to professor Fang's lab, he burst open the door and an old man with white hair and a short white goatee beard was writing something down. The old man was Professor Fang. He turned to Lu Yi and smiled. But Lu Yi was in a hurry and he frantically asked, "I know I'm late but are there any gene solutions left? Please sir."

Professor Fang let out a hearty chuckle and picked up a silver bottle, "Young one always in a rush, here it's the last gen solution". Professor Fang then placed the gene solution in Lu Yi's hand and went back to writing down his notes. Lu Yi bowed respectfully and walked outside looking at the gene solution. It read [ Instinct ] and on the body of the bottle held a small video chip.

Lu Yi frowned, "The name sounds cool…" He then proceeded to walk home while fumbling with the gene solution in his hands. He heard many kids talking loudly about their solution.

"I got lions' rage!"

"Cool mine is called life door"

"Hmmm crystal skin…"

Lu Yi kept fiddling with the solution until he made it home. His mother was waiting at the door and when she saw the solution in his hands she became very happy. She patted her son's head and asked the main question going on in her head, "What type of gene solution did you get?" Lu Yi looked at his mother, "Something called Instinct". Lu Yi's mother smiled and let him be, "Be happy you got a gene solution, come on go and integrate with it!".

Lu Yi did not want to make his mother sad, he wanted something like [ Extreme punch ] or [ Sonic Scream ]. But he then pounded his chest as he made a promise to his mom, "Mom I will be the ultimate alter!". He then hurriedly went to his room eager to integrate with the gene solution. Lu Yi's mother smiled behind her son's back, "Just like your father" a sad expression washed over her face but she forced it away and went back to doing housework.

Pokemon ash vibes?


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