
Ultimate Gene

Earth has changed...

3Iives · Urban
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3 Chs

Silver Monkey

Lu Yi sat on his bed firmly holding the gene solution in his hand, He took out the small video chip at the bottom and inserted it into his computer. Soon a video popped up, it showed a person standing still while a robot punched him, he dogged it effortly and then it ended. It then showed a black screen with the text reading, "Dear Altered im a very sorry if you got this gene solution.. It has not been developed and all we could show you is the first tier, it is my hope that maybe you can develop it further.

The video stopped and Lu Yi had a contorted look on his face, "That's it? Fast reflexes? I should have just had a clock." He was about to throw away the gene solution when the face of his smiling mother popped in his face making him rethink, "Mom could not evolve to noble rank and she had done a lot to try and insure i have a bright future, it would be a very awful thing to throw it away after all the things mom has done for me"

He stared at the gene solution one last time before opening the bottle and drinking its contents, the solution dripped down his throat and it tasted rather unpleasant. As soon as every last drop was down Lu Yi's thought he started to feel dizzy and he passed out.



Lu Yi opened his eyes and he found himself in a dark room, the floor was wet like an ocean. He began to stand up when he saw a small silver monkey walking around him, looking at him curiously. The monkey then stopped and looked at Lu Yi, "Who are you?". Lu Yi was startled at first but then he remembered that he had to make a contract with this monkey in order to gain its power. He straightened himself up and asked in a polite tone, "Mr Monkey, I would like to make a contract with you".

The monkey face looked stunned but then it began to soften to a laugh. "OOH AAH OOH HAHAHA You really think I A PROUD BEAST would ever stoop so low to be a servant to a human" The silver money then began to roll around while laughing historically, "OOHH AHAHAH OOOH AHAHAH humans really are a different thing entirely." Lu Yi was a little bit irritated but did not show it on the outside, "But weren't you killed by a human?"

The silver monkey then stopped and looked at him with annoyance, "I would never have been killed. You humans are really disgusting, you kill those who are weaker than you" He then jumped on Lu Yi's head, "Those sly humans killed me when I was a baby! I was not even able to hoen by abilities before I was killed" a sad expression rose in his face.

Lu Yi patted the silver monkey giving his sympathy, "Tell you what, you give me power and I'll give you all the beast cores I obtain." The monkey's eyes widened, "All of them?" Lu Yi coughed, "Yes that is if i get any". The silver money then wrapped his silver tail around Lu Yi's head and hung in his face. He bit his hand drawing blood and lifted his bloody finger towards Lu Yi's head, "Remember our promise".

The world around him started to fade and then Lu Yi was back to his room, a silver monkey perched on his shoulder.