
Ugly duckling bride

Perhaps it was good luck that fell from the sky, Mo Rourou, the ugly duckling in the eyes of a man, accidentally married the handsome CEO Zhao Junlie because of his sister's escape from marriage, and became his bride. Zhao Junlie always wanted the best, no matter in business or in love, when he was a child, his parents adopted a professor's wife with very low money to a friend as an adopted son, but later his biological mother's youngest son died in a car accident, and he lacked a family heir, so Zhao Junlie read at the age of 20 University, returned to the home of his biological parents, accepted the rigorous training of the family business, and finally became the domineering and handsome president of Zhao's enterprise company. Mo Rourou has a deep love for Junlie. Although it is a commercial marriage, she is happy to complete her love fairy tale marriage and marry Prince Charming, who she secretly loves in her heart. However, it seems impossible for the fairy tale between the prince and the princess to be staged in reality. The lover returned from Harvard University in the United States, and he sent a divorce agreement to Mo Rourou? Faced with the ultimate disillusionment of her love, what should Mo Rourou do?

ppop9000 · Urban
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115 Chs

Chapter 92

Mo Xiaorou was in the assistant's office, making chamomile tea for Young Master Gao Jie to drink, and trying to talk to Gao Jie about her work progress. Now she will receive 999 rose bouquets every day for a week. God bless her. I know it was sent by Zhao Junlie, alas! It was really difficult to work, so I had to give in for five buckets of rice.

Facing the Big Bad Wolf CEO, she, a little white rabbit, has to defend the city step by step. She will not go back to Zhao Junlie, even though Zhao Junlie has become much more mature and handsome, and emits a man's radio attraction.

"Aunt Xiaorou, my uncle and I are going to a Hong Kong-style teahouse to meet American customers. You probably don't know that he is a golden bachelor of a top 100 company, right? I can introduce you to him!" Gao Jie drank from a cup Take a sip, close your eyes again, take a deep breath, and continue drinking chamomile tea°

Mo Xiaorou felt sour. It turned out that Zhao Junlie had not married and had children after so many years. This deep love made her burst into tears.

"I don't understand why President Zhao never remarried? What kind of woman was his deceased wife?"

"Noila Mo is an ugly duckling girl with a pretty and ordinary appearance. Unfortunately, she suffered from cancer and had her uterus removed. She chose to end her life by lying on the train while in pain." Gao Jie's voice was very calm, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

Um. Mo Xiaorou lowered her eyes. Gao Jie didn't know that she had faked her death. Did Aunt Yunlei know about it and didn't tell him?

"I want you to go see my uncle with me. In order to inherit the Zhao family, I will accept the learning method of elite education. You will be my assistant to take care of my life and be my right-hand man. I will listen to you and tell me that your foreign language skills are excellent and you can English, Japanese and French, you can help your uncle with business conversations with American customers." Gao Jie ate pasta and drank wheat milk tea.

"Okay! As your assistant and bodyguard, I have the responsibility to protect your safety! Master Gao Jie, please introduce me to President Zhao!" Mo Xiaorou smiled slightly. She wanted to see Zhao Junlie and see how handsome he was. The smile is just that she has never been able to find her lost memories, especially the important memory of his wife, the memory of her marrying him on his behalf and the two of them falling in love.

"Let's go! I'll drive, I've got my driver's license." Then, Noila Mo blinked her beautiful eyes, her voice was sweet and melodious, and she walked to the underground parking lot, holding up Master Jie's personal suitcase when he went out.

She and Master Gao Jie first went to the fifth floor of the building where Hong Kong-style tea drinking was held. This was a social place frequented by the upper class in the United States.

Sure enough, Zhao Junlie had arrived at the scene and was talking to a middle-aged blond man in a suit.


Noila Mo looked at Zhao Junlie from a distance and wanted to hug him tightly. Now that she has become an ugly duckling female warrior, she is not as concerned about losing her fertility as she was before and was so depressed.

He is the only one in her heart!

"Uncle Jun Lie, my new assistant, Sister Mo Xiaorou, and I are here to learn how to discuss business with you."

The middle-aged blond man in a suit in front of him had a smile on his lips, ordered whiskey and appetizers, extended his hand and introduced: "I am Xu Shanlan, the eldest son of the Xu family, and I am currently the vice president of a company in the United States."

"President Zhao's new girlfriend is really beautiful and charming!" Xu Shanlan continued to say cheerfully.

Huh? When will the ugly duckling become a beautiful and charming girl, and more importantly, Zhao Junlie's girlfriend!

"You misunderstood, I am Mo Xiaorou, the bodyguard and assistant of Master Gao Jie!" Mo Xiaorou shook her head, stared at Xu Shanlan with serious eyes, and said seriously: "We are not dating."

Zhao Junlie decided to pursue his wife: "Miss Mo, you are so shy! We have already kissed, we don't mind kissing, and we can continue our previous passionate love."

"Shut up, President Zhao, please don't insult my reputation. I have no relationship with you. We are neither lovers nor husband and wife." Mo Xiaorou choked back.

"Aunt Xiaorou, can you and Uncle Jun Lie temporarily call a truce?" Gao Jie saw that the two of them were at odds with each other and the smell of gunpowder continued, so he advised.

"Don't offend the river. This is my only principle. I will never give in." Mo Xiaorou glared at each other and spoke mercilessly.

"President Zhao, it looks like you are going to have a hard time."

Marrying an ideal wife is not a gift that falls from the sky! Xu Shanlan said teasingly, thinking that a good show was about to begin!

After that, they started talking about business and cooperation opportunities. In the end, everyone was happy and the Zhao family and Xu family signed a contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Uncle Junlie, I bought a bottle of mineral water. You must be thirsty. I know you won't drink from the water dispenser outside." Gao Jie was considerate and ran errands because he knew that Xiaorou was talking to Xu Shanlan in English.

"Put it down first." He placed the mineral water in front of Jun Lie's desk, smiling mysteriously.


Zhao Junlie opened the bottle cap directly and took a big gulp. He thought that his journey to chase his wife was a challenge, so he went back to the hotel to go to bed first.

Back at the company in the United States, it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. Mo Xiaorou was laying a blanket for Gao Jie on the bed in the double room in the inner room of the president's office, letting him go to bed early, and moved the silk quilt to his chest to cover it neatly.

"Aunt Xiaorou, my luggage contains half a bottle of mineral water. It's a pity to throw it away after drinking it!" Gao Jie's eyes lit up, "Let you drink it and have a look. Don't worry, use a cup to pour it. I didn't drink it directly."

"Okay, I drank it, that's fine!" Mo Xiaorou is a person of action. She immediately drank the remaining half of the bottle of water. Suddenly Gao Jie snatched the empty bottle and laughed proudly.

"Now, you have drank from the bottle that Uncle Jun Lie drank from, and you have had an indirect kiss."

"Gao Jie, you're actually teasing me." Mo Xiaorou was anxious and angry, and finally returned to her original indifferent tone: "I won't love him. I want to fly freely and don't want to be trapped in the golden cage of marriage."

Therefore, this little white rabbit's city defense battle is a battle that cannot be lost°

Jun Lie, forgive me for not being able to love you°

I want to fly freely in the sky and become a brave ugly duckling female warrior°