
Ugly duckling bride

Perhaps it was good luck that fell from the sky, Mo Rourou, the ugly duckling in the eyes of a man, accidentally married the handsome CEO Zhao Junlie because of his sister's escape from marriage, and became his bride. Zhao Junlie always wanted the best, no matter in business or in love, when he was a child, his parents adopted a professor's wife with very low money to a friend as an adopted son, but later his biological mother's youngest son died in a car accident, and he lacked a family heir, so Zhao Junlie read at the age of 20 University, returned to the home of his biological parents, accepted the rigorous training of the family business, and finally became the domineering and handsome president of Zhao's enterprise company. Mo Rourou has a deep love for Junlie. Although it is a commercial marriage, she is happy to complete her love fairy tale marriage and marry Prince Charming, who she secretly loves in her heart. However, it seems impossible for the fairy tale between the prince and the princess to be staged in reality. The lover returned from Harvard University in the United States, and he sent a divorce agreement to Mo Rourou? Faced with the ultimate disillusionment of her love, what should Mo Rourou do?

ppop9000 · Urban
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115 Chs

Chapter 91

Mo Xiaorou was carrying a luggage bag, wearing a sun hat, and a blue and white plaid dress. The summer in the United States this year was unbearably hot, but as she has lived in the United States for many years, she has already gotten used to it.

She decided to be Gao Jie's personal bodyguard and assistant, so she could get some news about Zhao Junlie from Gao Jie. This is another way she loves him!

"Xiaorou, long time no see°" is Li Baixiang's hearty voice°

"Brother Bai Xiang, you are also coming to America to work!" Mo Xiaorou smiled sweetly, and saw the Porsche driving leisurely.

"Yes!" In fact, what Mo Xiaorou said was only half true. Li Baixiang was indeed the vice president of a family company in the United States, and then he planned to pursue Mo Xiaorou. get married once°

"Can you send me to the address of this company? I am determined to be Gao Jie's bodyguard and assistant°" Mo Xiaorou took a business card and stuffed it into his hand°

"I decided to bravely face my own life. I am no longer a weak ugly duckling girl. I am an ugly duckling female warrior. I work as a bodyguard to earn living expenses and no longer rely on the Mo and Zhao families." She continued to talk freely.

"Yeah. Get in the car, I'll take you there°" Li Baixiang opened the rear passenger door, telling Xiao Rou to come up quickly°

Junlie, how are you doing? Mo Xiaorou looked at her and Zhao Junlie's photo album on the phone, feeling sour. Does he have a girlfriend by his side?


Watching Li Baixiang's Porsche drive away, Mo Xiaorou carried her luggage bag, showed a sweet smile, and walked to the guard room on the first floor.

"I came here to work and take up the post. I am the bodyguard and assistant of Master Gao Jie°"

"Well. Come in!" The male guard nodded with a straight face and confirmed his identity.

Mo Xiaorou knew that she was closer to Jun Lie. Although she was thirty-three years old, she wanted to miss Zhao Junlie's tenderness and consideration. The act of cheating death must have hurt Jun Lie's heart. She just loved a People don't have to stay by their side, they can live freely and love each other, and they are very lucky!

"Miss Mo, take a comfortable hot bath first, and after you wash yourself off, you will put on a black one-piece fashionable dress and prepare Master Gao Jie's lunch as an assistant. Master Gao Jie is not in the habit of eating in the company's staff canteen°" Leading the way, Li, the manager of the personnel department, explained patiently.

"Yes. I understand, I also miss Master Gao Jie°"

To put it bluntly, her name is an assistant, but she is actually a ready-made nanny!


The president's office where Gao Jie is located has a double room and a bathroom inside. Mo Xiaorou takes a bath in this bathroom. This is a jacuzzi, and rose essential oil is placed thoughtfully. She reaches out and rubs her chest, and waist, and back°

"I really want to sing!" So, Mo Xiaorou couldn't wait to hum the song that she couldn't wait °

Then she fell asleep in the bathtub in the bathroom °

"Uncle Junlie, I already know how to write invitations, make statistical tables, and manage accounts °" Gao Jie is a fifth-grade elementary school student. Over the years of internship and study, my ideas are much precocious.°

"I have a suit that I didn't get out of my bathroom, can you get it out for me?"

The answer was Zhao Junlie, who took Gao Jie to inspect the working conditions of various departments of the company today.

"OK°" Zhao Junlie felt that there was a conspiracy in front of the eleven-year-old boy, and secretly made a calculation°

"I'm going to the conference center, and have a video call with Yunlei's mother °" Then, Gao Jie turned around and took the president's exclusive elevator to the conference center on the tenth floor°


Good boy! When Zhao Junlie found that the bathroom door was unlocked, he mustered up the courage to walk in and saw Mo Xiaorou sleeping in the bathtub.

Xiaorou, my little Rou!

Zhao Junlie tried to pinch his chin with the palm of his hand. He was naked in the bath before his eyes. The woman sleeping now was his ugly duckling girl Noila Mo.

"Xiaorou°" His lips fell on Noila Mo's forehead, giving him a gentle kiss°

Noila Mo opened her eyes drowsily and saw Zhao Junlie hugging her with burning lips.

Her voice came out: "Let me go!"

"No, I want you"

Huh huh? God bless, what is Zhao Junlie talking about?

"Go away, are you flirting with me, a single woman?" Mo Xiaorou pressed his shoulders tightly with both hands, and said, "I'm going to call someone, if you don't let me go, I'll go back to Taiwan immediately, don't be a senior Master Jie's assistant°"

"I want to kiss you°"

Noila Mo immediately put on her bathrobe, opened her unkempt hair, and started pouring water to drive away the Big Bad Wolf CEO in front of her.

She originally thought Zhao Junlie would be angry, but he just laughed three times when he was wet.

"Xiaorou, I want to pursue you and make you mine again°"

Huh huh? What's the unexpected situation now?

Did he recognize her true identity?