
Uchiha With the Nine Tails

After the Madara lost to Hashirama in the battle of the final valley, what if Indra and Ashura's chakra never found their next host? What if they merged together? What would happen then? The answer is; A jinchuriki with the sharingan. —X—X— I am still getting used to writing so I can't guarantee you the best of quality. But I will say this; You will never read a fanfic like this ever again. —X—X— Chapter Size – 1.5k - 5k words per chapter. The Voting for and against Harem/Smut is still Open. This story has many POVs other than the protagonist's own, so there is also a deuteragonist.

GuiltyOfSloth · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs


In the dim, pulsating glow of the control room, Yagura's fingers traced the edges of the alien buttons, his eyes reflecting the neon lights as if he was deciphering an ancient code. 

His voice was filled with a mixture of awe and disbelief, "Even though I expected this place to be filled with all kinds of things, the stuff here still blows my mind."

Beside him, Enkai's eyes were fixed on the surveillance screens, his gaze sharp and calculating. His fingers danced across the controls, manipulating the cameras fluidly. 

"Seriously," he chimed in, his tone laced with amazement, "if someone comes from where I am from here, then they would think it's their technology."

Yagura shot Enkai a quizzical look, his eyebrow arching in surprise, "Where you are from? Aren't you from Konoha and later Ame?"

"Nevermind that," Enkai deflected Yagura's question smoothly, his attention still locked on the surveillance screens. 

The flickering images painted a grim picture of the base's fate, revealing the aftermath of their fierce battle. His voice held a tinge of frustration as he continued, "Did you find any instructions on how to fly this giant temple?"

Yagura's shoulders slumped slightly, his disappointment palpable. "No, nothing is here," he admitted, his voice carrying a note of regret. "We really should have kept a few sky ninjas alive to extract some information out of them."

Enkai nodded in agreement, a shared understanding passing between them. "Yeah," he sighed, his tone heavy with hindsight. "In retrospect, letting my shadow clones explore and murder freely probably wasn't the best idea."

"What should we do now?" Yagura asked, his eyes searching Enkai's for a plan.

Enkai met Yagura's gaze squarely. "What else? We are going to search every nook and cranny of this god damn village until we figure out how to fly this thing," he declared, his voice unwavering in determination.

Just as their resolve solidified, a new presence entered the room. Enkai's attention shifted abruptly, and he exclaimed, "Oh, Gaara is here."

The door creaked open, revealing Gaara standing in the doorway, an aura of quiet confidence surrounding him. 

In his arms, he held multiple files, their weight a testament to the knowledge they contained. Behind him, his Sand Tendrils held even more files, and a table floated in the air, carried by Gaara's precise control over his sand.

A smile graced Gaara's lips as he spoke. "The Information Vaults and Records Archives were filled with everything we needed," he announced, his eyes alight with the thrill of discovery.

Carefully, Gaara arranged the documents on the table he brought, their contents promising a wealth of information. 

His finger pointed decisively, guiding their attention. "Enkai, this file has the records of the Ninja Shinnō that you asked for," he said, his tone filled with certainty. Gaara then shifted his gaze to Yagura, his finger indicating another thick book. "That is the instruction manual of Ancor Vantian,"

But Gaara's revelations didn't end there. His index finger pointed upwards, a confident gesture that belied the incredible scope of his find. "There are also hundreds of jutsus in the Information Archives, including regeneration techniques, fuinjutsu techniques, and even books on how to integrate Chakra and Machines together," he continued, his words resonating with the promise of untold possibilities. "I have carefully sorted all of them with my shadow clones and brought the few that stuck out among the rest."

"Hmm, good work Gaara," Enkai nodded appreciatively. Then with a momentary exchange of glances, Enkai and Yagura swiftly weaved hand signs, creating a small army of clones.

In a synchronised motion, Enkai grabbed the file containing Shinnō's records, and Yagura snatched the instruction manual. 

Then the pages were separated and distributed among their eager clones, who immediately dove into the texts with fervour, absorbing every bit of information they could find.

Amidst this whirlwind of activity, Gaara, their once-confident comrade, found himself in a state of despair. His meticulously organized notes lay in disarray; a chaotic jumble of once-orderly information. 

A pout settled on his face, the epitome of dismay, as he witnessed his hard work dissolve into futile effort.

Meanwhile, Enkai delved deep into the knowledge, absorbing the information like a sponge soaking up water. After a few intense minutes, he dispelled his shadow clones, his eyes reflecting the depth of his newfound understanding. 

"Shinnō has last reported that he was somewhere in the Land of Fire looking for people with dark emotions," he stated, his tone grave. "Yagura, after we're done here, you will go and capture him. I need him alive for something."

Yagura's eyes darted across the lines of text, his troubled expression revealing his concern. "Sure, but that's only possible after we're done here," he replied, his voice laced with uncertainty. "By the looks of things, flying this might be harder than I previously thought."

"Hmm?" Enkai frowned slightly, his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

Yagura shifted his gaze toward Enkai, his expression serious. "The manual is really big and complicated, and multiple people are needed to operate this thing properly," he explained, his voice laced with concern. 

"Even though we can solve the lack of operatives with our shadow clones, there is still a much bigger problem." He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in before continuing, "This thing has been modified to operate on 'Dark Chakra,' different from regular chakra."

Yagura's plan unfolded before them. "You guys should go take a look at things in the power generation room first," he directed, his tone resolute. "Meanwhile, I will handle things on this end."

With a determined air, Yagura dispelled all of his existing shadow clones, absorbing their memories before creating a new batch to continue his research on the Vantian.

"Alright," Enkai nodded, acknowledging Yagura's proposal. He turned to Gaara, determination etched on his features. "Let's go," he said, his voice steady. Gaara, though sulky, followed Enkai, his sand tendrils shifting restlessly, embodying his unspoken frustration. 

Thanks to the information gathered from surveillance footage, maps, and the memories of their clones, navigating the vast expanse of Ancor Vantian was surprisingly easy. Swiftly, they made their way to the power room, their anticipation mingling with caution.

Upon entering, Gaara's breath caught in his throat at the sight before him, his eyes widening in awe and surprise. Meanwhile, Enkai activated his Sharingan, inspecting the room with keen scrutiny. 

The circular chamber was massive, its walls adorned with intricate patterns and runes, each one pulsating with dark chakra. Sticky thread-like protrusions snaked out from various points, all converging towards something in the centre of the room.

Gaara, although unsure of the significance, could sense the immense power emanating from the central entity. Enkai's voice cut through the air, carrying a weight of recognition. "This is the Zero Tails," he muttered, his eyes fixed on the artificial Bijuu, understanding the gravity of their discovery.

Enkai's gaze swept the room until it landed on a small door, hidden amidst the vastness of the chamber. Intrigued, he approached it with a purposeful stride. 

Pushing the door open, he entered and found himself in a dimly lit observation room. The walls were lined with multiple screens, each displaying intricate data related to the Zero Tail's status and functionality. 

His brows furrowed in concentration as he absorbed the information with his sharingan, his mind working at lightning speed to dissect the complexities of the system before him. 

"This is incomplete," he muttered, his voice carrying the weight of his realization. After a moment of intense analysis, he turned towards Gaara.

The more Enkai observed the Zero Tails and the power system of Ancor Vantian, the more his frown deepened. The artificial Bijuu was incomplete. There was only a single point from which chakra could be extracted and used to power up the entire base. 

This revelation meant that even if they were to switch the power source from dark chakra to regular chakra and replace the Zero Tails with a jinchuriki, that jinchuriki would have to be confined within this chamber for the base to function.

In Enkai's eyes, this limitation was unacceptable. His mind churned with determination; he needed to devise a system that could draw the jinchuriki's chakra from anywhere inside Ancor Vantian, not confining them to a solitary cell. 

Turning to Gaara, he issued his commands with unwavering confidence. "Gaara, inform Yagura that this entire place is a mess. We need a complete overhaul from the ground up," he instructed.

With Urgent steps, he left the observation room, entering the vast hall-like chamber that contained the Zero Tail; once there he summoned an army of two thousand clones with swift hand signs.

Continuing his instructions to Gaara, Enkai's voice echoed in the expansive space. "Guide some of these clones to the archives so they should fetch every reference book they can find related to this. Additionally, create some shadow clones yourself and start preserving the corpses of the sky shinobi here. We might need them someday."

Gaara, taken aback by the sheer number of clones, voiced his scepticism. "Sure... But do you think you have enough knowledge to modify these intricate structures and formations?"

"No, of course not," Enkai admitted, his Sharingan activated as he pointed at it with his index finger. "But I have the Sharingan's Photographic Memory and two thousand percent growth rate by my side. I suppose I will manage."

With a sharp nod, Gaara took charge, leading a group of Enkai's clones to scour the depths of Ancor Vantian's archives. They soon returned, laden with hundreds of books covering topics ranging from Fuinjutsu to Technology and beyond.

Meanwhile, with purposeful efficiency, Enkai swiftly organized his clones. A portion were tasked with memorising the wealth of knowledge from the books, delving into the intricate details of Fuinjutsu and Technology. 

Another group focused on practical applications; analyzing the observations of computers to gain hands-on experience. The remaining clones meticulously inspected the Fuinjutsu and runes engraved on the walls, researching the marking with Enkai's existing knowledge on fuinjutsu.

Just like that, Hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks. With tireless dedication, their efforts reshaped Ancor Vantian. The once-mysterious structure now bore the mark of their expertise and ingenuity, a testament to their collective brilliance.

Finally, after a month of intense labor, Gaara, Enkai, and Yagura stood in the control room of the newly remodelled Ancor Vantian. 

Filled with pride for the progress they had achieved, Enkai turned to Yagura, his eyes reflecting the glow of their success. 

"Yagura, tell me everything we have done to this place," he requested, his voice laced with anticipation. It was a moment of reflection, a chance to acknowledge the magnitude of their achievements and plan for the challenges yet to come.

"Of course," Yagura said, his voice filled with triumph. His eyes sparkled with the pride of their accomplishments.

A gleeful smile graced Yagura's lips as he continued, detailing their accomplishments. "We have completely cleaned this place, remodeling all the creepy face-like infrastructure into functional, house-like structures. Gaara and his sand powers played a pivotal role in this transformation," he exclaimed, acknowledging Gaara's contribution.

Yagura's voice resonated with pride as he continued, "We've made this semi-automatic, enabling a single person to control the entire structure. Additionally, the Chakra cannon installed in the base has been modified, enhancing its energy beam to be more concentrated and covering a significantly larger range. All thanks to my own expertise," he declared, his confidence evident.

"And last but not least," Yagura's tone grew serious, emphasizing the significance of the final achievement, "Ancor Vantian no longer relies on dark chakra to operate. It can now run seamlessly on regular chakra. Moreover, the base now absorbs chakra from everybody who is onboard and it automatically adjusts the chakra consumption according to the chakra reserves of the people inside. For instance, someone with lower chakra reserves will contribute minimally, while a powerful chakra source, like a jinchuriki, will supply a lot more chakra, thanks to Enkai's ingenuity."

As Enkai's fingers hovered over the control panel, a charged anticipation filled the air, thick enough to be touched. 

The room pulsed with a vibrant energy, mirroring the excitement etched on Enkai's face. He was on the brink of initiating something extraordinary, a culmination of weeks of hard work and ingenuity.

But just as the moment teetered on the edge of realization, Yagura's voice sliced through the air, sharp and urgent. 

"Hey! Hey! Stop! What are you doing?" His words echoed in the chamber, bouncing off the metal walls. The abruptness of his interruption was palpable, freezing the room in a suspended second of anticipation and confusion.

Enkai's brows furrowed in confusion as he turned towards Yagura, his hand hesitating inches away from the panel. "What? I am starting the system," he responded, his tone a mix of surprise and impatience. His eyes demanded an explanation for the sudden halt in their momentous journey. 

Yagura's response cut through the charged atmosphere, his words laced with a sense of urgency and insistence. "Yeah! That's exactly it! We worked so hard for this, we at least have to choose a proper name for it!" His eyes bore into Enkai's, emphasizing the weight of the decision they were about to make.

Enkai's face scrunched in concentration, his brows knitting together in contemplation. The room seemed to hold its breath, awaiting his decision. 

After a moment of thoughtful silence, he finally spoke, his voice carrying the weight of their future endeavors. "The name depends on whether we will be naming ourselves as an organization like Akatsuki or a village like one of the five great villages?"

A flicker of disbelief crossed Yagura's face, his skepticism evident in the furrow of his brow. "Wait, a village? That's impossible," he retorted, challenging the very notion Enkai had presented.

Enkai's response was swift, his words cutting through the skepticism with unwavering conviction. "Running a flying village that's as big as a regular village is also impossible without villagers," he countered, his tone firm and resolute. 

Yagura sighed, the weight of the practicalities settling in. "It's not that simple," Yagura explained, his disappointment palpable. 

He continued, delving into the complexities of village life, his words laden with the realities they faced. "For a village to work, there have to be clans, culture, and a variety of teams equipped to handle diverse situations based on their environment. Even if we somehow manage that, we'll still need a Daimyō's backing to maintain the village's economy." His hand found its way to Enkai's shoulder, offering a semblance of consolation. "It's simply not possible, not unless we figure out a way to maintain the economy in an ever-flying sky base."

Enkai's gaze met Yagura's, understanding passing between them. "Is that so?" he questioned, acknowledging the harsh realities they were confronted with.

"Yeah," Yagura confirmed, his voice heavy with the weight of their aspirations tempered by the constraints of their world.

Enkai's eyes glinted with a mixture of determination and acceptance, his acknowledgment of the situation mirroring Yagura's own understanding. "Alright then, for now let's name this place Takamagahara—The Plane of High Heavens, because this place will always stay in the heavens," he declared, his voice resonating with a certain reverence for their new home.

A subtle cringe passed across Yagura and Gaara's expressions, the weight of the name feeling almost too grand for their modest aspirations. "Isn't that name a bit too big?" Yagura ventured, his tone laced with uncertainty.

Enkai met Yagura's gaze, his expression softening with a touch of amusement. "Then let's just give it a nickname—Taka. That works, right?" he proposed, his voice carrying a sense of finality.

"Yeah," Yagura replied, a smile breaking across his face. The simplicity of the nickname seemed to ease the grandiosity of their initial choice.

The moment hung in the air, filled with the weight of their achievements. With a decisive press, Enkai activated the system. The room seemed to hold its breath for a moment before a chain reaction set in, and the entire Ancor Vantian began to vibrate. 

Beneath their feet, a colossal chunk of the earth began its majestic ascent, defying gravity with a grace that belied its immense size. 

The Plane of High Heavens, or Taka, embarked on its journey into the boundless skies, a testament to the ingenuity and determination of those who had brought it to life.

The roar of engines filled the air as Takamagahara, their newfound haven, ascended into the heavens. Enkai's eyes reflected the profound significance of this moment. 

As the colossal structure lifted from the earth, it marked not only the beginning of a new journey but also a testament to their resilience, unity, and ingenuity.

Amidst the vibrations and the rising altitude, Yagura, Gaara, and Enkai stood together, their gazes fixed on the horizon. The sun bathed Takamagahara in a golden glow, casting a surreal aura around their floating sanctuary as it ascended the clouds.

Unshed tears shimmered in Enkai's eyes, reflecting the surreal reality before him. This moment encapsulated his transformation, from a man broken and despairing to a leader filled with purpose and hope. The sense of accomplishment surged within him, reinforcing his determination for the path ahead.

Six years ago, had anybody told him that he would be able to walk, wield Chakra, ascend to superhuman heights, and own a flying country then he would have laughed saying it was a good joke. However, now, faced with reality he couldn't help but mutter, "It's real, it's all real," 

Enkai wiped away a stray tear, a blend of emotions overwhelming him. This moment was a culmination of everything he had endured, every obstacle he had overcome, and every instance where the stars had aligned in his favour.

Yagura, too, felt the weight of the moment. His eyes shimmered with a mix of pride and nostalgia, acknowledging the incredible journey they had undertaken together. 

Gaara, silent but observant, clenched his fists. This was more than a flight; it was a symbol of their potential, a testament to their ability to reshape their destinies.

As Takamagahara soared higher, and higher, Enkai's voice cut through the sound of engines. His voice, heavy with leaking emotions, quivered as he spoke. 

"Our next destination—Hidden Sound Village."

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