
Uchiha With the Nine Tails

After the Madara lost to Hashirama in the battle of the final valley, what if Indra and Ashura's chakra never found their next host? What if they merged together? What would happen then? The answer is; A jinchuriki with the sharingan. —X—X— I am still getting used to writing so I can't guarantee you the best of quality. But I will say this; You will never read a fanfic like this ever again. —X—X— Chapter Size – 1.5k - 5k words per chapter. The Voting for and against Harem/Smut is still Open. This story has many POVs other than the protagonist's own, so there is also a deuteragonist.

GuiltyOfSloth · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

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Amidst the dense canopy, the air hung heavy with an unspoken tension, mirroring Yagura's skepticism as he questioned Enkai for the umpteenth time. Enkai, his eyes ablaze with the eerie glow of the Sharingan, stared unwaveringly at the ancient tree before them. Its bark, weathered and scarred, concealed an inconspicuous door nestled between its gnarled roots.

But the tree was just the beginning. The entire forest surrounding them wore the scars of a cataclysmic event, as if nature itself recoiled from the intensity of a battle. Trees lay destroyed, their branches twisted and broken; painting a picture of utter devastation.

Yagura's voice cut through the silence, a note of skepticism woven into his words. "Are you sure this is the right place?" he asked, his eyes narrowing as he studied the gnarled tree before them. 

Enkai, a figure of quiet confidence, stood beside him, his gaze fixed on the tree's imposing form. "Yeah," he replied, his voice a calm echo in the stillness of the forest. His response, though simple, held the weight of unwavering certainty. 

"How?" Yagura's curiosity, sharp and annoyed, cut through the eerie silence. "Do you have a third eye or something?" he demanded, searching for answers in Enkai's cryptic demeanor.

Enkai's response was a mere whisper, laden with the weight of ancient knowledge. "Mind's Eye is a rare trait, even among the Uzumakis," he replied, his voice carrying the echoes of forgotten battles. "How do you expect me to have it?"

"Then how do you know this is Orochimaru's base?" Yagura pressed on, his impatience manifesting in the rhythmic tapping of his foot. 

Enkai's voice cut through the forest's hushed symphony, his words carrying the weight of profound insight. "Because this is one of the only places in the land of sound that has destroyed trees all over the place," he explained, his tone laced with a quiet certainty.

Yagura's impatience surfaced, his curiosity pushing him to probe deeper. "Yes, and?" he prodded, urging Enkai to explain further.

Enkai, undeterred by Yagura's skepticism, continued as if painting an unseen picture with his words. "And what? That means a large-scale battle has happened here recently. I would bet around the time when we had recruited Gaara," he said, the air of inevitability in his voice resonating with the rustle of leaves around them.

Enkai's explanation hung in the air, a delicate thread of revelation woven through the dense atmosphere of the forest. Yagura's impatience surfaced, his nostrils flaring at Enkai's cryptic response.

"Ugh!! And how exactly is that related to Orochimaru?" Yagura's voice cut through the stillness, his frustration evident in every syllable.

"I happen to know that Orochimaru recently had a fight with Jiraiya, one of the Sannins," he declared, his voice carrying the weight of irrefutable truth. "The damage this place has sustained is likely the byproduct of their fight."

His gaze, sharp and focused, bore into Yagura, challenging him to comprehend the depth of the situation. "What business do you think Jiraiya had with Orochimaru?" Enkai's question, though seemingly casual, held an undercurrent of profound curiosity.

Yagura, his skepticism momentarily eclipsed by Enkai's intensity, attempted to deflect the weight of the revelation with a veil of sarcasm. "I don't know, maybe he wanted to say hello to his old friend," he quipped, his tone nonchalant, as if trying to mask the unease that lingered beneath the surface.

Enkai's eyes, like twin orbs of piercing insight, remained fixed on the tree, as if unraveling the secrets hidden within its ancient bark. "Jiraiya was intentionally tracking down Orochimaru," he explained, his voice steady amidst the impatience that surrounded them. "Orochimaru, elusive and cunning, was likely hiding and doing his own experiments. But when Jiraiya found Orochimaru; a battle broke out."

"That's a good theory, but aren't we wasting too much time?" he interjected, his frustration palpable in the way he clenched his fists.

Enkai, undeterred by Yagura's skepticism, held his ground. "It's not just a theory, Yagura. It's a fact," he stated, his voice carrying a mysterious weight, as if he possessed knowledge beyond the ordinary.

"Sure, Sure~?" Yagura's retort sliced through the air, laden with frustration and impatience. Sarcasm dripped from his face like water from a leaky roof, his skepticism growing with each passing moment. 

The hours they had spent in the forest, waiting for a revelation, had worn his patience thin, and Enkai's unwavering focus on the tree with his Sharingan, as if seeing something he couldn't see, seemed to only fuel Yagura's irritation

Enkai, unfazed by Yagura's tone, finally tore his gaze away from the trees. The Sharingan, once a blazing beacon of insight, dimmed as he deactivated it. 

His voice, laced with a hint of amusement, sliced through the air like a blade. "Do you know how I know about the fight between Jiraiya and Orochimaru?" he asked, his smirk curling with a secretive satisfaction. "Because I was the one who incited it."

Yagura, caught off guard, was rendered speechless. His curiosity, previously a quiet flame, now roared to life like a blazing fire. Before he could voice his astonishment however, a voice, laden with surprise and realization, pierced the silence of the forest.

"No wonder that idiot managed to sniff out my hideout," The voice said, "It was you."

The sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting ethereal patterns on the forest floor. Shadows danced around the figure emerging from the trees, revealing the infamous Orochimaru, his presence akin to a serpent slithering through the shadows.

Enkai's Sharingan blazed like twin crimson moons again, locked onto Orochimaru's calculating eyes. The atmosphere crackled with tension, the air thickening with a sense of impending conflict. 

"You look weaker than I thought," Enkai's words cut through the silence, his voice carrying an undercurrent of confidence that seemed to challenge the very essence of Orochimaru's being. 

Then he continued, his words hanging in the air like a challenge, "It's fine; we can fix that," as if Orochimaru was nothing more than a puzzle waiting to be solved. To Enkai, this encounter was not a threat, but an opportunity—an opportunity to tame the untameable.

In the hushed forest, Yagura's voice was a mere whisper, a hesitant plea born of nervousness. "Pssh, Hey. You basically admitted that you ruined his peace a moment ago, shouldn't we...you know, maybe run away...!?" His words hung in the air, an echo of doubt that contrasted sharply with Enkai's unshakable resolve.

"It's fine, Yagura. Orochimaru isn't petty like that," he said, his voice carrying a quiet assurance that cut through the tension like a blade.

"The Kage Hunter, Enkai," Orochimaru greeted, his voice a silky whisper that danced on the air, laced with an almost playful curiosity. 

His eyes, aureate pools that held decades of knowledge and dedication, bore into Enkai with a keen interest, dissecting the mysterious aura that surrounded the figure before him. 

Enkai's response was laced with a similar tone, his words a perfect echo of Orochimaru's greeting. "One of the legendary losers, Orochimaru," he said, his voice carrying a subtle undercurrent of challenge and amusement. "I invite you to become my subordinate," he declared, his gaze clashing against the snake's.

Orochimaru's gaze intensified, his scrutiny piercing through the layers of mystery that enshrouded Enkai. "Why would I do that?" inquired, his voice a soft, sibilant hiss that slithered through the silence. His tongue flicked out, a serpentine gesture that mirrored the essence of his being—calculative, predatory.

Enkai met Orochimaru's penetrating stare with unwavering confidence. "If you join me," he began, his voice carrying an undertone of conviction, "then I will give you everything you have ever wanted."

"Do you even know what I want?" Orochimaru asked, his eyes twisting in a mocking curve, his tongue flicking out like a serpent's in anticipation.

"Ninjutsu and Immortality," Enkai said, his voice dripping with confidence, his winning smirk almost audible. Orochimaru's smile faded; he went silent, his expression unreadable.

Enkai's tone shifted, adopting an air of an epiphany as he continued, "Oh, did you perhaps mean my Sharingan? Well, if you join me, I will shower you with dozens of Sharingan." 

Even though Enkai feigned the surprise of sudden realisation, his words cut through Orochimaru's facade, eliciting a serious frown. The gravity of the offer hung in the air, leaving Orochimaru to contemplate the depth of Enkai's proposition.

"As I was saying, as long as you become my subordinate, I will grant you the immortality you so desire," Enkai stated, his chuckle laced with a cryptic edge, as if discussing the secrets of the universe. "I'll provide you with countless Ninjutsu to explore, so very many Ninjutsu in fact, that you'll beg me to stop."

The weight of Enkai's words hung in the air, and Orochimaru, despite his usual composed demeanor, couldn't hide the depth of his intrigue and skepticism. This offer, however enticing, seemed almost too elusive, too good to grasp.

Yet, Orochimaru's curiosity swirled like a hidden current beneath his calm exterior. More than the allure of immortality; it was the source of Enkai's knowledge that intrigued him at the moment, prompting him to inquire, "How do you know this?"

"A little birdie told me," he said, his voice carrying a subtle undercurrent of amusement, his eyes glinting with secrets hidden behind the mask. In that charged moment, Enkai's response hung in the air like an unspoken truth, a riddle shrouded in enigma.

Then the next moment, Orochimaru's chakra surged, making his long black hair levitate as if charged with unseen power. 

His eyes, usually sharp and analytical, narrowed into focused slits, "Answer me," he commanded, his tone laced with impatience and authority. 

As his words echoed through the forest, an oppressive pressure descended upon both Enkai and Yagura, a manifestation of Orochimaru's formidable might.

Beside Enkai, Yagura felt beads of sweat forming on his skin as the heavy atmosphere enveloped them. His eyes widened in awe and excitement as he glimpsed the silhouette of a colossal eight-headed serpent looming behind Orochimaru, its presence suffocating in its magnitude.

Yet, the atmosphere grew even denser, an unseen force pressing down upon them like a mountain. Yagura shivered involuntarily, his senses tingling with the weight of an immense power. 

He turned his head instinctively, seeking the source of this overwhelming pressure, only to find Enkai staring back at Orochimaru. The Sharingan, once fierce and commanding, had transformed into fox-like slits, a symbol of ancient forces and untapped potential.

"In my hometown," Enkai's voice resonated, "there is a popular saying for people like you, Orochimaru. A Man's Ambition should Never exceed his Worth."

The words hung in the air, charged with an aura of profound knowledge and unspoken truths. Behind Enkai, a shadow, immense and foreboding, emerged—a nine-tailed fox, its form towering over the forest, a manifestation of primordial power. 

Enkai's eyes glowed like orange orbs, their intensity unwavering as he continued with a voice that was too deep to be called humane, "Don't ask things you can't fathom."

With that utterance, the oppressive pressure lifted, dissipating like morning mist under the sun's gentle touch. Enkai's eyes reverted to their normal blue hue, the shadows of the moment fading away. 

He smiled, a cryptic expression that hinted at the depths of his knowledge and power. "So? Do we have an agreement?"

Orochimaru, visibly taken aback by the display, returned to his usual composed façade, his keen eyes fixed on Enkai with a calculating intensity. 

His slender tongue slithered across his lips, a subtle gesture that spoke of contemplation and hidden agendas. "When can I join you, and what exactly do you want from me?" he inquired, his voice a blend of curiosity and intrigue.

Recruiting Orochimaru, it seemed, had been surprisingly straightforward, but Enkai knew better. Orochimaru's loyalty was as fickle as the wind, a truth Enkai acknowledged but chose to address later. 

For now, there were matters of greater importance at hand, and the intricacies of Orochimaru's allegiance could wait.

"Right now," Enkai responded decisively, his voice carrying a note of unwavering determination. "You will be joining me immediately." His words hung in the air, laden with a sense of urgency and purpose. 

"As for what I want from you…" Enkai's voice trailed off, lingering in the air with a palpable sense of anticipation. His calm, deep blue eyes bore into Orochimaru, their depths concealing unfathomable secrets. 

"I want you to research and develop a plethora of incomplete yet high-level jutsus," Enkai continued, his tone laced with calculated intent, "similar to the Edo Tensei Jutsu you have." The mention of Konoha's top secret technique hung between them, a testament to the depth of Enkai's knowledge and the gravity of his demands.

Orochimaru's eyes widened imperceptibly, a flicker of surprise and intrigue dancing within their depths. "You even know about that?" he asked, his curiosity piqued by Enkai's intimate understanding of jutsu. The realization that his clandestine pursuits were not as concealed as he believed sparked a newfound fascination with the figure before him.

"Ideally," Enkai continued, his words flowing like a river of calculated persuasion, "I would appreciate your information network, considering my old one is mostly defunct. Additionally, I want you to teach me all five basic nature transformations, excluding wind and water." The gravity of his request settled over them, a weighty exchange of knowledge and power hanging in the balance.

"Very well then, I will swear my loyalty to you," Orochimaru said, his voice steady and eyes unyielding as he effortlessly kneeled down on one knee. 

"Just so you know," However, Enkai's response shattered the anticipated harmony of this moment. Orochimaru was met not with open arms but with a cautious warning. 

"If I see a cursed seal anywhere near my subordinates or, god forbids, Me, then I will seal your soul in the pure lands," Enkai's voice, though calm, carried an undertone of threat, and his eyes bore into Orochimaru, dissecting his intentions like a masterful surgeon scrutinizing an intricate puzzle.

Orochimaru, who had lowered his head in a display of obedience, widened his eyes briefly, a momentary crack in his usually composed facade. 

A crazed smirk etched its way across his face, a fleeting glimpse of the cunning mind beneath his composed exterior. Yet, as quickly as it appeared, the smirk vanished, replaced by a mask of unwavering determination. 

He stood up, his movement fluid like a serpent's, shedding his previous submission like old skin, to reveal part of his true self. "If I truly become Immortal and am presented with the kind of Ninjutsu you claim to possess, then I will gladly pledge my loyalty to you," Orochimaru's voice cut through the forest's air, resonating with a potent mix of ambition and acceptance,

"Sure," Enkai's response hung in the air, his voice carrying an air of nonchalance, but beneath the surface, doubt lingered like a shadow in the background, casting a subtle pall over the moment.

In the dim light filtering through the dense foliage, Orochimaru's eyes glinted with a mix of curiosity and ambition as he probed, "Now, leader, can we discuss how you can give me immortality?"

Enkai's gaze bore into Orochimaru, assessing him silently before he responded, his tone measured, "That entirely depends on how fast You can make the immortality jutsu."

Orochimaru's brows furrowed slightly at the unexpected response. "That is not what you promised," he retorted, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice.

A sigh escaped Enkai's lips as he explained, "Just because I have the world's finest ingredients doesn't mean I can make the world finest food; without a skilled chef, they would go to waste. That's why I sought you out—I need a master craftsman to create not just any immortality technique, but the world's finest, akin to preparing the world's most exquisite dish." His gaze bore into Orochimaru, unwavering and resolute. "Do you understand your role?"

Orochimaru's disappointment flickered briefly across his features before a small smile curled his lips. "Understood," he replied, a glint of determination in his eyes. The prospect of crafting his own path to immortality, akin to concocting a masterpiece in the culinary arts, appealed to his unyielding ambition.

The forest seemed to hold its breath in the wake of Enkai's declaration. His words hung in the air, heavy with purpose, as he abruptly commanded, "Then let's move out now."

Orochimaru's previous smile faltered, replaced by a puzzled expression. "...What?" he questioned, his confusion evident.

"I am telling you to move out with me now, with all the equipment you have, along with some of your close associates." Enkai said, his tone tinged with disinterest, his eyes fixed on the sky above.

Orochimaru considered this, then spoke, his voice laced with a hint of hesitation, "I don't mind moving with you, but I would like my freedom to conduct experiments in my original base. Most of my important equipment is scattered across many of my hidden labs; gathering them is not easy."

Enkai's gaze remained fixated on the sky, his expression calm and composed despite Orochimaru's rejection of his proposal. "You see, in the future, many exceptionally strong ninjas will search for us. Including legendary figures like the first Hokage. That's why we need an exceptionally secretive base," he explained, his eyes narrowing as he squinted at the clouds above.

Orochimaru remained silent, prompting Enkai to continue, "It's not that I doubt your base's stealthiness; it's just that I happen to have the most hidden base in this world." He pointed a finger towards a clearing in the dense forest, guiding Orochimaru's gaze upward.

Gradually, Orochimaru's eyes widened in utter disbelief as a majestic flying Island pierced through the clouds, descending gracefully towards the ground. 

The sight was nothing short of miraculous, a manifestation of secrecy and power that surpassed all imagination. The flying citadel's presence commanded the entire forest's attention, leaving Orochimaru awestruck and humbled in its wake.

"Say, Orochimaru, do you think four thousand five hundred skilled builders and a flying base are enough to collect every piece of equipment from all your hidden bases?" Enkai's question hung in the air, its implications sinking in.

"Y-Yes," he replied, his voice betraying a hint of excitement and uncertainty. The legendary ninja stammered, his usual composed demeanor momentarily slipping away before he swiftly regained control. "It would be more than enough." In that moment, the vast possibilities of this new alliance stretched out before him, painting a picture of boundless potential and ambition.

The forest canopy was alive with the dappled light of the afternoon sun as Enkai's decisive voice resonated through the air. "Very well then, let's get ready for Taka's Landing," he announced. 

With swift, practiced movements, he leaped onto a sturdy tree branch to give better signals to the Taka Control Room, his movements fluid and confident. Yagura, his second-in-command, followed suit, along with Orochimaru.

Standing on the highest branch of the tree, Enkai took charge once more. His eyes, sharp and perceptive, flicked between Yagura and Orochimaru. "Right, we haven't done the introductions yet," he said, his tone commanding attention. 

He gestured towards Yagura, the former mizukage, introducing him with a brief yet respectful acknowledgment of his past achievements. Then, he turned his gaze to Orochimaru, his final subordinate, the enigmatic scientist whose reputation preceded his own.

Orochimaru's analytical eyes scanned Yagura, a flicker of recognition crossing his face before he offered a subtle bow, a gesture of respect. "No wonder you looked familiar," he remarked, his voice smooth as silk. "Nice to meet you. I am looking forward to working with you."

Yagura, a seasoned leader, responded with a warmth that contrasted sharply with Enkai's cynicism "Likewise," he said, his voice carrying the weight of his experience. "I know you're somewhat confused about who we are and the abruptness of the situation. Don't worry; I will fill you in on the details when we have time." His reassuring words elicited a small smile from Orochimaru.

Yagura, in his unawareness of Orochimaru's dark depths, approached the serpentine figure with a sense of openness. His trust, like fragile glass, remained untarnished by the stains of Orochimaru's true nature. 

This ignorance about Orochimaru's treacherous behaviour allowed Yagura to extend a hand of camaraderie, a gesture born from genuine goodwill rather than that of strategic calculation like Enkai's.

Meanwhile, Enkai's commanding gestures orchestrated an intricate ballet in the air. With measured precision, he controlled the fate of Taka, guiding it to a graceful descent and avoiding a crash. 

The small red vase he held, billowing crimson smoke, resembled a flight conductor's baton, directing a symphony of movement and coordination.

Amidst this aerial choreography, Enkai's eyes, sharp and calculating, focused on Orochimaru. "As Yagura said, he will give you the details later. For now, tell me, do you have anything to move from your hideouts in this area?" Enkai's voice, calm yet insistent, cut through the air.

"Although part of the lab here was destroyed by Jiraiya, most of it is still in good shape. So yes, I have much to relocate, even from here," Orochimaru replied, his words carrying the weight of his ambitions.

A hand-sized vase, now emanating a green haze, opened in Enkai's palm, signalling something else to the control room in Taka.

Soon, from Taka, a solitary silhouette descended, embraced by the gentle caress of sand, wrapping around the figure like a protective cocoon as the figure crashed onto the ground.

Upon landing, the newcomer revealed himself as Gaara. His gaze, though guarded, held a glimmer of curiosity as he observed the assembled group. 

Enkai turned towards Orochimaru, "Orochimaru, meet Gaara, he is my third Subordinate and the jinchuriki of Ichibi," Enkai's voice resonated with a quiet authority, emphasizing Gaara's role in their alliance.

Orochimaru's eyes, glinting with keen observation, met Gaara's hesitant gaze. "Nice to meet you, I am Orochimaru, please take care of me," he spoke with a measured tone, his voice resonating through the quiet clearing.

Gaara, his normally composed demeanor momentarily shaken, stammered slightly in response. "It's fine... I am new here too," His gaze flickered between Orochimaru's distinctive presence and his allies. This encounter marked a rare occasion where someone engaged him with ease, disregarding the weight of his Jinchuriki status.

His fingers fidgeted subtly at his side, a nervous habit subdued by years of discipline. This change in dynamics both intrigued and perplexed Gaara. The newfound openness was refreshing, yet it left him uncertain about the appropriate response. 

For so long, he had been shrouded in the fear and awe associated with being the host of Shukaku. Now, amidst these strong allies, Gaara found himself navigating uncharted social waters, seeking connection while treading carefully.

Yet, beneath the surface of his apprehension, a glimmer of hope stirred. Perhaps, in this alliance, he could truly find acceptance not just as the Jinchuriki, but as Gaara, a person with his own aspirations and fears. 

Noticing Gaara's unease, Enkai, ever perceptive, approached him, his right hand wrapping gently around Gaara's shoulder in a gesture of reassurance. Gaara's tense muscles relaxed under Enkai's touch, a silent understanding passing between them.

Enkai's eyes glinted with a subtle spark of anticipation, his gaze shifting towards Orochimaru. "Then shall we begin your base relocation?" he inquired, his voice carrying a note of readiness.

"Yes," Orochimaru affirmed with a decisive nod. Sensing the moment, Enkai gently released his side hug on Gaara and directed his attention towards Yagura and Gaara, his tone turning authoritative. "Alright, here is the plan—Yagura and his clones will enter Orochimaru's Labs and retrieve his belongings. They will bring everything to the ground. From there, me and my clones will transport those items and fly them up to Taka. Gaara and his clones will then further organise those belongings to the vacant facilities inside Taka. Is that clear?"

Yagura and Gaara nodded in unison, their expressions reflecting understanding and determination. Enkai, satisfied with their response, pressed on. "Then, Orochimaru, guide Yagura to your lab. Let's proceed with the relocation."

"Just him? Didn't you say four thousand five hundred people?" Orochimaru inquired, his curiosity evident in his tone.

"Didn't you hear our clone-talk? You see, all three of us are jinchuriki and can create multiple shadow clones—when I say multiple, I don't mean ten or twenty, I mean thousands of shadow clones," Yagura explained, his voice steady with confidence. He glanced at Orochimaru, a silent urging to proceed.

Orochimaru nodded, absorbing the information, and then began to lead the way with Yagura by his side.

After Orochimaru and Yagura left, Enkai's demeanor shifted, his eyes ablaze with the crimson light of his Sharingan. With calculated precision, he scanned the entire area, each movement deliberate and swift.

When his scrutiny revealed no hidden threats, he released a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "I thought Orochimaru would resist having his labs relocated to Taka, fearing it might be a trap," he muttered under his breath, his voice barely audible amidst the rustle of leaves and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures. "But I am glad that's not the case."

His gaze shifted to Gaara, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of understanding. "Gaara, do you want me to fly you to Taka?" he inquired, his tone tinged with concern.

Gaara, ever composed, shook his head. "No need, this is a shadow clone," he replied, his voice steady. "Enkai, Orochimaru is an S-class rogue ninja. Are you sure it's okay to trust him?"

Enkai's eyes, still alight with the Sharingan, held a flicker of uncertainty. "No, at least not now," he admitted, his voice carrying the weight of caution. "However, his goals are simple, and as long as I help him achieve them, he will become one of our biggest assets."

"Understood," Gaara said, his voice carrying a note of acceptance. With a nod, he released his clone, allowing the memories to flow seamlessly into the original Gaara, who sat in Taka's control room, ready to use Taka's cannon if any threat arose.

"Now, it's time to do some manual labor again," Enkai sighed, weariness already settling in his bones. With practiced ease, he weaved intricate hand signs, summoning two thousand clones of himself into existence.

Beside him, Yagura replicated the same feat, matching Enkai's number of clones. Gaara, limited by the seals placed upon him, created five hundred clones, a testament to his strength despite the restrictions.

Then the labor commenced.

Yagura's clones emerged from the labyrinthine depths of Orochimaru's labs, each carrying valuable equipment and research materials. Enkai, suspended in the air, orchestrated the choreography, seamlessly ferrying the items to Gaara. Hours blurred into minutes, and then a full day passed in a whirl of activity.

Exhausted, Enkai turned to Orochimaru, his voice laden with fatigue. "Say, how many bases do you have?"

Orochimaru, seemingly unfazed by the physical exertion, pondered for a moment before responding with an amused tone, "In the Land of Sound, I have about ten hideouts. Additionally, I maintain a secret facility in every single country worldwide."

The enormity of the task at hand struck Enkai like a crashing wave. "And we have to relocate stuff from all of them!?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief. 

"Not necessarily, the labs in the Land of Sound are my main bases, and all the equipment there is sufficient for my needs," Orochimaru reassured Enkai, alleviating some of his concerns. Yet, curiosity glinted in Enkai's fox-like eyes, prompting a question to spill forth.

"How do you even make so many bases?" Enkai inquired, his curiosity piqued, as he drew upon Kurama's chakra to replenish his stamina.

Orochimaru met Enkai's gaze, his eyes holding decades of knowledge. A small, knowing smile graced his lips as he explained, "I have mastery over all five nature transformations. I can change my enviornment anyway I want. For what I can't do through nature transformations, I use my snake summons to do it."

Enkai's mind, sharp and analytical, leaped to another query. "And what about the shinobi your village shelters?" he asked, probing deeper into Orochimaru's clandestine world.

A flicker of indifference crossed Orochimaru's eyes as he responded, "Even though they are excellent fighters. In matters beyond fighting, they tend to err... Intelligence and strategy have always been my forte." His words hung in the air, emphasizing the sharp contrast between his cunning intellect and the raw power of his village's inhabitants.

"I see, then let's move on to your next base right away," Enkai said, his voice carrying authority, as he scanned the surroundings for Yagura, who lay weakly on the ground. However a swift kick revived Yagura, prompting him to rise.

Soon, Enkai, Yagura, and Orochimaru boarded Taka, and with a powerful surge, Taka took flight, gliding to the next location of Orochimaru's hidden sanctuary. 

Soon days melded into a week, and Enkai's team meticulously collected almost all of Orochimaru's lab equipment and essentials.

During their journey, Orochimaru had requested the inclusion of several individuals on Taka, yet Enkai had denied most entries. Only Karin, Suigetsu, Jugō, and the Sound Four members were permitted aboard. 

Despite Taka's majestic and intimidating presence in the skies, it still attracted unwanted attention. Foolhardy invaders attempted to breach their sanctuary, only to be swiftly dealt with by Gaara.

Now, they stood before Orochimaru's final base. As Orochimaru prepared to enter, two figures emerged, instantly recognizable to Enkai—They were Kabuto and Kimimaro.

Orochimaru seemed to have informed them of his impending arrival, evident from their preparations and packed bags. Kabuto, flanked by Kimimaro, approached Orochimaru, declaring, "We are ready."

Enkai, positioned behind Orochimaru, arched an eyebrow, his eyes locking onto Orochimaru. Sensing Enkai's scrutiny, Orochimaru redirected his attention to Enkai and stated, "Enkai, they wish to join us."

Enkai's emotionless facade remained unyielding as he shifted his gaze toward Kimimaro. His Sharingan blazed to life as he fixed his intense stare upon the young man. With a measured tone, he inquired, "How much time do you have left?"

"Wait, What?" Kabuto, who stood in front of Kimimaro, voiced his uncertainty.

However, Enkai remained silent, his eyes fixed on Kimimaro, his previous question—unspoken, yet loud. After what seemed like an eternity, Kimimaro broke the silence, his voice steady yet tinged with resignation, "Less than a year if I don't exert myself."

Enkai nodded in acknowledgment. He turned to Orochimaru, his voice firm, "He is allowed to enter Taka. Ensure his well-being. I have a method to heal him, but it will take time. Keep him alive for as long as possible, Orochimaru."

Orochimaru met Enkai's gaze and affirmed, "Understood."

"Enkai-san, don't forget about me," Kabuto's plea diverted Enkai's attention.

Enkai regarded Kabuto with a piercing gaze, his words cutting through the air like a blade, "Find your own identity instead of following others' shadows." With that, he turned away. 

As two thousand shadow clones sprang into action, the relocation resumed, and soon Orochimaru's final base in the Land of Sound found its new home within the confines of Taka.

With their task completed, Orochimaru engaged in a discussion with Kabuto, likely saying some parting words. After their conversation, Orochimaru departed for Taka, accompanied by Kimimaro.

Yagura was also about to follow them, however, on reflex his hands grabbed something that was thrown at him. He looked at it, and then looked at the person who tossed it, "A storage scroll? Why?"

"Yes," he confirmed, his tone steady and unwavering. "It has everything—money, maps and weapons along with a couple of flying machines used by sky ninja to fly."

As Enkai approached, he whispered commands. "I want you to go and kidnap Shinnō, the last high-ranking member of the Land of Sky," his voice, low yet commanding, hung in the air like an unspoken promise. "His location has been marked on the map. I want you to leave right now."

Yagura's eyes, once sharp with determination, now carried a hint of weariness. "Is this urgent?" he asked, his voice a mere whisper in the night.

Enkai, standing tall and resolute, met Yagura's gaze with unwavering determination. "Yes," he replied, his voice firm and steady. "Shinnō possesses exceptional regeneration techniques. Orochimaru is currently weakened after his fight with Jiraiya, and his trust in us hangs by a thread. I want to hand Shinnō over to him as a gift—it will be a bridge of trust between us and Orochimaru."

"Hmm," Yagura responded, a silent acknowledgment of the weight of their mission. 

Despite the exhaustion that threatened to pull him into the depths of sleep, he straightened his posture, his resolve unwavering. In the quiet exchange of glances, an unspoken understanding passed between them. 

"Come to think of it, you never gave me a gift when you recruited me, huh," Yagura quipped, squinting his eyes in mock jealousy. His tired eyes twinkled with playful mischief, a rare sight after the past few days of exhausting labor.

Enkai looked at Yagura and chuckled, his previously serious demeanor replaced by a relaxed tone as he said, "We will see about that." His laughter echoed through the clearing, carrying a sense of camaraderie that lightened the heavy atmosphere.

After a few laughs and giggles, both of them shared a moment of genuine connection, their bond strengthened by shared challenges and laughter amidst fatigue. 

Then with a silent nod, Yagura vanished into the shadows, embarking on his mission, leaving behind the echoes of their laughter in the tranquil forest.


Meanwhile, Under the intense midday sun, the Konoha gates stood sentinel, their guardians, chūnins, vigilant and watchful. Beads of sweat trickled down their foreheads, followed by occasional gasps.

In the hazy distance, the silhouette of three figures emerged, gradually taking shape against the bright backdrop. The chūnins' eyes widened as the trio came into a much sharper focus, revealing their distinct silhouettes.

Among them was a man with a wild mane of long, jagged hair, his eyes sharp and observant. Walking beside him was a woman with silky, shoulder-length hair parted in two bangs that glimmered in the sunlight, an air of confidence surrounding her. The third member, a woman with short, tousled hair, exuded a sense of determination.

Intriguingly, the short-haired woman clutched something tightly in her hands, cradling it protectively. Meanwhile, the man's wandering gaze drew the ire of the woman with silky hair, who promptly delivered a series of playful yet powerful hits to his head, attempting to redirect his attention. 

"Are they..." one of the chūnins muttered, his voice barely audible over the ambient sounds of the bustling village. The comical scene before them seemed at odds with the serious atmosphere that had settled over the guards.

Then the realisation hit one of the Chūnins, he grasped, "Quick! Inform the Hokage! They are..."

Behold the story's first 5k (5.7k) word long chapter, and spare me for not uploading in the past couple of day. This is not Today's chapter, and I will upload a seperate chapter for today. Finally, by the end of this week, you guys can expect two chapters a day, or at least 3 chapter every two days.

GuiltyOfSlothcreators' thoughts