
Tyrant system in one piece

*** Read my novel " Detective Max 007 . *** John Keyenes came to one piece world and bound to the Tyrant System. After many years of hard work as bounty hunter he completed the opening task of system and got PARAMECIA --BLACK HOLE FRUIT in novice spree. Now watch how John dominates one piece world. #no romance #no harem #system flow #not follow luffy * 5 chaps/week (except Mon, Thus) ************** Support me on Patreon and read "FIVE advance chapters " of Tyrant System in One Piece  along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_ * the first half translation is slightly lacking, might edit later. * Buy me a coffee ko-fi.com/daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

The ultimate trick explodes! Seriously injured Im!

In the sky above the Holy Land Mariejois, a huge space-time Uzumaki took shape.

The powerful gravitational explosion rippled and distorted the space.

The deep cloud layer was torn apart, and then swallowed into the space uzumaki.

Pirates and Marines fighting on the surface of Mariejois were also sucked in by gravity.

Before approaching the center of Uzumaki, it was already torn apart by the powerful gravity, leaving no bones behind!

Keynes was suspended in the sky, dark Uzumaki appeared in the palm of his hand, aiming at Im in front, and a strong dark gravitational force erupted.

Im shuddered, struggling but being pulled over by Keynes.

Just as he was about to be swallowed by the dark Uzumaki, a space crack appeared on Im's side.

He got into it and disappeared immediately.

Losing his target, Keynes also put away the dark Uzumaki, and his Observation Haki spread out, searching the surrounding void inch by inch.

At the same time, the Lava puppet, the flash puppet, and the dark puppet rose into the sky at the same time and joined the battlefield.

The Five Elders were already dead, and no one on the battlefield can stop Keynes' killing puppet at this time.

It is enough to have Soul Puppet, Death Puppet and Buddha Puppet below.

Lava puppet's arm turned into a giant lava fist and punched Uranus on the back.

The flash puppet released eight-foot Qionggou jade, and countless flash bombs hit Uranus.

The dark puppet stood directly on Uranus' back, with dark smoke erupting from his hands, attempting to engulf Uranus.

Uranus naturally could not bear the onslaught of three killing puppets at the same time.

The huge body trembled violently, trying to get rid of the three killing puppets.

At the same time, being attacked also caused it to be bruised all over, roaring and wailing.

Suddenly, Keynes' eyes focused on a position in the void.

His figure flashed and disappeared immediately.

The next moment, a knife light swept across the void, leaving a space crack.

Im's figure emerged from the crack in space, and his body quickly retreated.

Keynes forced him into a corner resulting into a close-quarters fight with Im.

Im is a space fruit power user. Long-range attacks will be easily swallowed by him with space cracks. No amount of attacks are useful.

To defeat him, only close combat.

Keynes slashed like electricity, and the light of the knife was both vertical and horizontal, and he slashed hundreds of thousands of knives in one second!

Im used palms and fists to fight, and every time the blades and palms collided, a powerful shock wave would erupt.

"Swallowing Knife, Dust Slash!"

Keynes slashed down with a slash, crushing people with momentum!

The space in Im's palm was distorted, turning his palm into a fist, and the two attacks collided.


The space was twisted and exploded, meanwhile the blade and the fist did not even touch.

The two exploded their Conqueror's Haki at the same time, forming black and red lightning criss-crossing each other.

In an instant, the sky and the earth shook, and the endless momentum rose into the sky, directly dispersing all the dark clouds tens of thousands of meters in the sky.

The original blue color of the sky was shrouded in black clouds, turning the world upside down.

But in an instant, it turned into a cloud of thousands of miles, and the sun was shining brightly.

Changing the climate of the world has become a flip of hands for both Keynes and Im!

Click! Click! Click!

Between the blade and the fist, the space cracked with dense cracks.

Then it exploded with a bang, releasing an endless shock wave.

Keynes and Im were shaken back by the shock wave at the same time, but Keynes used the power of the black hole to dissolve the shock in an instant, and then chased after Im.


Everyone saw a streamer descending from the sky and then another streamer was chasing after him.

In the blink of an eye, the two streamers collided.

Keynes held up his black knife, and the four different forces of black hole fruit, dark fruit, Armed Haki and Conqueror's Haki were combined into one, and he finally slashed down!

"Overlord's Slash: Instant Flash"


The ultimate move was unsheathed in a split second, and Keynes had brushed past Im.


A large amount of blood spurted out, and a bloody wound opened on Im's shoulder.

Keynes turned and looked at Im falling down, and the ultimate move was launched again.

The wounded Im groaned, ignoring the wound on his shoulder, and gave the space around Keynes a hard grip.

The space around Keynes collapsed inch by inch, then squeezed toward the center.

The space around Keynes formed a sphere and locked him inside.

As the space squeezed and collapsed, Keynes's survival range rapidly dwindled.

If he can't escape in time, he will be directly squeezed into dust and disappear completely!

"Devouring Knife, Lifeless Destruction!"

Keynes swung his knife across 360 degrees, and the circular slash smashed out of the air, directly tearing apart the space.

Not only that, Keynes fired ninety-nine knive slashes in an instant, directly smashing the space sphere made by Im.

After breaking the cage, Keynes teleported directly in front of Im and slashed down with a knife.

A knife fell, directly breaking Im's body and splitting it in half!

However, when the knife hit, Keynes did not let his guard down.

Because of the knife just now, Keynes didn't feel the touch of the flesh.

Immediately after that he saw Im, who was divided into two halves, there was no blood coming out of the wound, and the breath still existed.

Then the space was dislocated, and the two halves of the body slowly moved closer and healed directly together.

Im was unscathed!

The ability of the space fruit has been developed to the limit by Im, although not Logia, but the power to avoid damage is stronger than Logia.

In theory, as long as Im was using the space to dislocate.

No matter what tricks Keynes uses, he can't hit him, and it'll be dodged by space dislocation!

"Humble mortal, it is your honor to be able to hurt me."

"But as a price, you will fall today!"

Im's voice was indifferent, and with a wave of his hands, all the space within a radius of ten thousand meters was twisted and folded.

Countless Im appeared around Keynes, more than ten thousand people, as if he were everywhere.

Keynes' Observation Haki enveloped all Im, but couldn't discern his breath, because everyone's breath was real.

"Ant! Go to hell!"

Tens of thousands of Im shot at the same time, the endless space distorted, turned into sharp blades, and shot at Keynes.

At this time, attacks from all directions was the most bizarre space trick.....

For a moment, Keynes's heart was shaken, and it was like facing an unsurmountable enemy.

"Dark Domain Unbounded Destruction!"

Endless dark smoke erupted from Keynes, engulfing him in an instant, covering a radius of thousands of meters.

Countless space blades shot into the dark smoke, attacking non-stop, tearing the dark smoke to pieces.

Im's move is like lightning, and with a wave of his hand, he flung countless space sharp blades.

The deadly ultimate move lasted for several minutes, until the dark realm was torn apart!

Keynes has disappeared, and the breath has completely disappeared too and only a black hole was left suspended in the sky.

Seeing this Im frowned slightly and his murderous aura skyrocketed, but at the same time, the black hole suddenly became larger, a thousand times larger in an instant, directly engulfing the space field created by Im.

Before Im could react, he found himself at the center of the black hole.

The powerful dark gravity was pulling at him, trying to disintegrate his body.

But he exerted the power of space to reverse the power of the distorted space of the black hole, and only barely survived in the black hole.

Black holes can devour everything, and even ligh cannot escape.

But only space cannot be swallowed and decomposed by black holes.

The existence of black holes requires space. It can be said that black holes and space coexist with each other, but also destroy each other.

"Dark Gravity!"

In the black hole, an angry shout suddenly sounded.

Im's body was out of control and fell directly into a cloud of dark smoke.

The next moment, Im directly felt a burst of powerlessness.

His fruit power is gone!

Even though Im has lived for eight hundred years, it is likely that the inhibition of the fruit power person by seawater and seastone has been reduced to minimum.

But Dark Fruit's restraint on the ability person cannot be eliminated.

This is Devil Fruit's ability restraint.

Keynes has the ability of Dark Fruit, destined to restrain all Demon fruit power!

"Devouring Knife Black Dragon Double Slash!"

The dark space trembled, and after the space twisted, Im just disappeared.

He was swallowed by the black dragon slash.

But in the black hole, even light cannot exist, so Im was naturally unable to see the black dragon slash.


Im's chest burst open, then on his back, on his face, on his hands, and on his feet.

Attacks were everywhere, and every corner of Im's body was attacked at the same time.

He could not see where the attack was coming from, nor could he see his own blood.

Because all the blood has been swallowed and decomposed at the moment of leaving the body.

At the same time, the twisting power of the black hole was also twisting his body, and endless pain came from all over the body.

Im was shocked, and at this moment finally felt the taste of death!


Shout out to my new Patreon Aroking.

Support me on Patreon and read "FIVE advance chapters " of Tyrant System in One Piece  along with advance chapters of my other novels . 


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