
Tyrant system in one piece

*** Read my novel " Detective Max 007 . *** John Keyenes came to one piece world and bound to the Tyrant System. After many years of hard work as bounty hunter he completed the opening task of system and got PARAMECIA --BLACK HOLE FRUIT in novice spree. Now watch how John dominates one piece world. #no romance #no harem #system flow #not follow luffy * 5 chaps/week (except Mon, Thus) ************** Support me on Patreon and read "FIVE advance chapters " of Tyrant System in One Piece  along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_ * the first half translation is slightly lacking, might edit later. * Buy me a coffee ko-fi.com/daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

The final decisive battle broke out, and millions of troops came out!

"Ding, Host triggers the King of the World quest!"

Carlo Emperor Palace, in Genting Sky Garden.

The electronic sound of the system played in Keynes' head.

"Please host, lead the attack at the Holy Land Mariejois, defeat the world government, and become the new king of the world!"

"Mission reward: All things return to their bodies, the world wormhole shuttles!"

Listening to the mission released by the system, Keynes smiled lightly, and a trace of blood flashed in his eyes.

After waiting so long, the time has finally come.

Following the order given by Keynes, the entire army of the Carlo Empire began to be dispatched.

New World, the Kingdom of Carlo Empire.

The most powerful kingdom in the world, the whole New World is shrouded under the rule of this kingdom.

All nations, pirates, bounty hunters and underground kings in the New World have a common figure above their heads, the killing tyrant, John Keynes.

On this day, one hundred warships of the highest scale sailed out of the waters of the Carlo Empire.

Each warship carries 2,000 soldiers or pirates, with a total force of 200,000.

The moment the warship appeared, the whole world shook.

As everyone knows, this is Keynes' war signal to World Government and Marine.

After that, there were a steady stream of warships rushing out from the waters of the Carlo Empire,

One hundred ships, two white ships, three hundred ships, the number of warships can no longer be counted.

Not only are there armies at sea, but there are armies in the sky.

Ten small islands lined up in a row, like ten warships, flying towards the Holy Land Mariejois.

These ten small islands have all been remodeled, and war fortresses have been built on them, with countless heavy artillery.

Every isle is no weaker than Naval Headquarters Marineford.

Under Keynes, two and a half million troops were pouring out of their nests, rapidly approaching the Holy Land Mariejois.

Marine spies and agents hidden in the New World, reported the news to Naval Headquarters and World Government as soon as possible.

This time, Keynes' actions are not disguised, and everything is above board.

This is the final battle, and Keynes wants to let the world know that total war is breaking out.

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

The urgent siren sounded endlessly, spreading to every corner.

"Assemble, all Marines, all assembled!!!"

"Hurry up, move fast, put down everything in your hands, and gather immediately!"

"The army will set off immediately and rush to the New World!"

A Marine Vice Admiral mobilized his soldiers, and as long as the number was all in, they immediately rushed to the Holy Land Mariejois by boat.

Now the fastest way to reach the New World is through the Holy Land.

In the Naval Headquarters corridor, Marshal Kong had a serious expression and was in a hurry.

Behind him, Admiral Fujitora, Momousagi, Great Staff Crane, and Vice Admiral Garp all looked solemn.

"Have you figured out what's going on with Keynes? Where exactly are they now?"

Kong asked coldly.

"Reporting, Marshal, the vanguard of the Carlo Empire is currently in the Rama Sea, and with the speed of their warships, they will reach the Red Port in three days.

Adjutant Marine said calmly.

"Don't relax, order front-line agents to pay close attention to Keynes's trail and report any situation in time."

Although the vanguard army was still three days away from arriving, Kong did not relax in the slightest.

"Inform the entire army, Keynes is cunning and treacherous, and it is not ruled out that he may launch a surprise attack from the sky, let them not relax, war may break out at any time!"

"Also, notify Admiral Green Bull, and let him arrange for the Celestial Dragons to take refuge in the Holy Land immediately."

"Keynes is accustomed to raiding base camp, and will likely send Enel, the god of thunder, or himself to attack the Holy Land from the sky.

"Yes, I'll do it right away!"

After Adjutant Marine gave a military salute, he immediately went down to contact the Holy Land.

"Fujitora, Momousagi, this time, the two of you will lead the troops to the New World to stop Keynes' vanguard."

Kong instructed: "Fujitora, after Marine's 200,000 troops have assembled, you can take them directly to the Red Port, and you don't have to go back to the Holy Land."

With Fujitora's power, it is not impossible to take 200,000 Marine soldiers over the red earth road to the Red Port with the Gravity Fruit.

And it's faster.

With only three days to go until Keynes' vanguard reached Red Harbor, their time was running out.

"Understand, I will do my best!"

Admiral Fujitora said in a condensed voice.

After instructing Fujitora and Momousagi, Kong turned to Garp again, "Garp, you and I go to the Holy Land."

"We're waiting for Keynes in the Holy Land."

Whether it's Kong or Garp, or Admiral Fujitora.

They all understand that the final battle is not in the red port or the sea, but in the holy place of Mariejois.

With Keynes' maneuverability, the sea and the red port couldn't stop him.

Even the red-earth continent, known as the natural danger, was just a piece of gravel in front of Keynes.

With Keynes's behavior, he will inevitably lead the elite to attack the Holy Land Mariejois directly, so as to win the battle.

Three days later, below the red earth road.

The island is already overcrowded.

200,000 Marine elites and 1 million soldiers from various countries all gathered on the sea, ready to fight.

Although there are more than one million people, at this moment, the island of Hogran is dead silent, and even needle dropping sound can be heard.

They were all waiting, waiting for that man to appear.

Suddenly, heavy fog appeared on the sea, blocking the sight of the millions of troops.

On the Red Harbor lookout, a hundred Marines stood on the lookout tower, looking at the fog on the sea ahead with binoculars.

Suddenly, a unicorn flag appeared in the sight of the telescope.

"Come on!!!"

The Marine soldier swallowed and gave a warning signal.

"The enemy is here, it's the unicorn flag of the Carlo Empire!"

The high-pitched siren sounded, spreading to every corner of the island and beyond.

With the sound of the siren, the fog on the sea dissipated, and countless warships and pirate ships appeared on the sea.

"It's the Sonic Pirates! Captain Katie Cullen, with a bounty of 722.5 million Bailey!"

"And the Corruption Pirates, Captain Pullman Ron, has a bounty of 733 million Baileys!

The Stinger Pirates, the Blood Knife Pirates, and the Black Wave Pirates are all world-famous pirate captains.

"And Germa's army of evil, and the army of slaughtering beasts!"

As the observers reported the name and origin of the enemy, the hearts of the millions of troops suddenly became heavier.

"Where's the general? Who is the general?"

Admiral Fujitora stood on the high platform and asked in a deep voice.

The Marine observer who heard the question immediately began to look for the figure of the main general, and finally locked his eyes on the bow of the main battleship ahead.

"Yes, it is Aokiji, former Marine Admiral Aokiji!"

"And the Devil's Heir, Douglas Bullet·!"


"The main will be Aokiji and Bullet!"

The voice of the observer was passed into the ears of every soldier through the telephone bug.

The minds of countless Marine soldiers were in a trance.

Thinking of Aokiji's strength, everyone's hearts are heavy.

The same goes for a lot of Marine Vice Admiral.

Aokiji's strength, they know best.

Nor did they expect that one day they would face Aokiji on the battlefield.

"No matter what Aokiji was before, he is now our enemy."

Admiral Fujitora shouted: "For the justice of the world, the evil must be eradicated!!!"

Fujitora's words inspired Marine soldiers and boosted their morale.

At the same time, Admiral Momousagi's eyes searched everywhere for Keynes.

Whether it is Aokiji or Bullet, although the combat power is terrifying, they are not the true master after all.

The only person who truly terrified Marine and World government was John Keynes, the Killing tyrant.

Without him, Marine and World government will not be able to relax for a moment.

Suddenly, Momousagi's pupils shrank, and Admiral Fujitora's pure white eyes suddenly opened.

I saw that ten islands flew from the sky behind the fleet of the Carlo Empire.

Such a shocking scene directly hit the hearts of millions of troops.

"Keynes is coming!"

Fujitora's eyes were fixed on one of the ten islands.

Although the distance between the two sides is now far more than 10,000 meters, Fujitora's Observation Haki still captures the breath of Keynes.

The unique atmosphere of Keynes, unique in the world, Fujitora will never forget in this life.

Support me on Patreon and read "FIVE advance chapters " of Tyrant System in One Piece  along with advance chapters of my other novels . 


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