
Tycoon’s Young Wife

“Uncle Ivan, Are you taken? If not, why don’t you be my boyfriend?” ‘Wait! I got marriage proposal on my first date?’

BlackGuide · Urban
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Are You Taken?

It was Thursday afternoon. It's a hot day today.

Dressed in a black puff sleeve tie back dress, showing off her perfect body line, she walked in the WE cafe.

"Can I get iced mocha coffee please!"

"That will be 3.45$"

"Ring~ Ring~ Ring~" Right after she paid for her drink, her phone started ringing.

She then walked to take a seat at the corner.

Looking at her phone screen, her face turned annoying. She wishes she could turn off her phone right now.

'Is it too late to turn off my phone right now?'

"Sigh." She then pressed on the phone screen and answered the call "Hey mom."

"Hey mom?"

The person on the line sounded a little angry. "Vivian Wah, can you please explain why you stood John up?"

One hand massaging her temple while the other hand holding her phone against her ear "mom, I already told you so many times that I don't want to go on blind dates anymore, but you still keep setting it up."

"Vivian, because of what you did, right now John's parents are avoiding my calls. Do you know how hard it is for me to set you up with John? That's really a thoughtless act."

Vivian Wah knows she shouldn't have done that. But she's too tired of going to the blink dates every week.

"I'm busy with work. I ain't got time to waste to date."

"After you graduate, all you care about is work. When are you going to settle down?"

"Mom, I'm only 21. I'm still in my prime. I can date or get married when I feel like it. But not right now."

"Are you saying that you're not going to go on a blind date anymore even when I set it up?"

"That's right. And I'm sorry that I didn't show up on today's blind date."

Before it was only Saturday and sometimes Sunday. But after seeing Vivian Wah hasn't gotten herself any boyfriend, Mrs. Wah got impatient and made her go on blind dates anytime Vivian Wah was available.

"If you're sorry, then go meet him this Saturday. I'll call his family to apologize to them and then set up another date for you and John."

Vivian shook her head lightly. "Why do we need to lower ourselves just for a guy?"

"John is a nice person. You can't find someone else as nice as him. You should grab a hold of him while he's still single. Plus he's perfect for a son in law."

Vivian was getting annoyed and tired of the so-called blind date.

"Mrs. Wah, If you like him that much, why don't you go on blind date and meet him yourself then?"

Mrs. Wah was furious with anger that she was lost for words. She couldn't believe her ears.

"Vivian Wah, is this how you talk to your mother?"

Mrs. Wah started pretending to sob. "Since your father passed away, I raised you up myself. Do you know how hard my life is?"

'Here come this damn story again.' shaking her head.

Vivian Wah sighs. "Mom, you know we're not poor."

"Vivian, I'm not talking about wealth here."

"Yea yea yea….."

Her mother always uses this story to make her give in. Anytime Mrs. Wah uses this story, it always works on Vivian Wah.

Vivian Wah felt heart broken hearing her mother sobbing. She knew her mother chose to raise her by herself and she still hasn't remarried till now.

Mrs. Wah is always there for her. She has always been both mother and father to her since she was a little kid.

But since she turned 21 years old, her mother started making her go on blind dates almost every weekend.

It's only been three months since she turned 21, but her mother made her go on more than 20 blind dates.

Vivian Wah gets sick of meeting different strangers every single weekend. She knew that it's her fault for talking to her mother like that.

Vivian Wah took a deep breath "Sorry mom. I shouldn't have said those words. I'll make it up to you."

Mrs. Wah feels a little better after hearing her daughter apologize to her. Mrs. Wah smirk "If you're sorry, then go meet up with John and apologize to John for standing him up. He's the best match for you."

"Mom, you said the same thing about my previous blind dates."

"This time is real. I'm not making it up. Make sure you are nice to him when you meet him. Don't make me lose face again. You know John's mom is my friend's friend. I don't want to let my friend down."

"Mom, I won't be meeting up with John. Not now and not in the future."

"Vivian! Are you going to make me angry till I die? Do you want to see me die young because of you? I want to live longer and play with my grandkids."

"Why would you die when you're that healthy?"

"Are you being serious right now? If you don't want to go meet John, then bring a man home. I don't care if he has one eye, one leg, or one hand."

'It seems like she won't give up till I bring home a man. I'll just have to put a stop to those upcoming blind dates.'

"Alright. I think it's time to introduce my boyfriend to you guys now."

Mrs. Wah was stunned and happy at the same time after hearing her daughter's words. She never knew that her daughter got herself a man.

'Is she telling the truth?' Mrs. Wah was not sure if she should believe her daughter or not.

"Don't lie to me Vivian. I know you don't have a boyfriend."

"I'll bring him home on Saturday to meet you. Since you're so eager to see me date that much, I'll bring you, your future son in law."

"Vivian, are you being serious? You're not just making me keep my hope up by lying to me right?" Mrs. Wah couldn't help feeling overwhelmed with excitement. But on the other hand, she couldn't but feel doubt.

Because Vivian never dated before and she has never stayed more than five minutes on her blind dates.

One can tell that Mrs. Wah was in a good mood now.

"No mom. I'm serious. AND, as long as I bring a man home, you'll never force me to go on a blind date anymore right?"

"Yes. I swear that as long as you bring a man home, I'll never force you to go on those useless dates anymore."

"You'll accept anyone right? Doesn't matter if he's homeless or sick right? As long as he's a man, that's fine right?"


"Good. I'll make sure to bring home my man then."

Just when Vivian Wah finished speaking, her drink was placed in front of her "Here you go."

Bowing her head lightly, "Thank you."

Vivian Wah didn't pay much attention to the one who brought her drink. She just slightly bowed her head then focused on her phone.

"You're welcome." He then placed a slice of chocolate cake on the table next to the iced coffee. He gently looked at her with loving eyes, but Vivian was too busy to notice him.

"Mom, I have to go now. I'll call you back later."

"Alright. I'll make preparations."

Mrs. Wah hung up the call.

Vivian Wah was not sure if she should be happy lying to her family.

She grabbed her iced coffee drink on the table then she took a big gulp. When she was about to put her drink on the table, her eyes finally caught a slice of chocolate cake on the table.

Vivian Wah was confused. She was sure that she didn't order any dessert.

'Did they give it to me by mistake?'

Vivian Wah looks around but there's only two other customers and they're eating their dessert. And it doesn't look like this cake belongs to them.

Vivian Wah walked up to the counter "Hey, I think someone gave me a slice of chocolate cake by mistake."

Standing there was a handsome tall man in his mid thirties. He gave out a gentle smile "No. It's not a mistake. It's in the house. Feel free to enjoy it."

"Not again Uncle Ivan. Let me pay for it this time. I don't want to eat for free anytime I come here. You always give me free desserts anytime I come here. You're making me feel bad."

"No worry. Since you're a regular customer here, it's the right thing to treat you to something sweet sometimes."

"Are you this nice to all of your regular customers?"

"That's a secret." He said jokely.

Shaking her head, Vivian Wah took out her card "Let me pay for the dessert this time. I can't keep having free food here."

"Alright." He then took the card in Vivian Wah's hand.

Ivan returns the card back to Vivian Wah "Is everything ok? You don't look so good when you're talking on the phone."

Vivian Wah sighs "It's my mom. She kept forcing me to go on blind dates. She called to scold me because I didn't show up for my blind date today."

Vivian Wah explained everything to him. Including bringing home a man.

Nodding his head. "I see."

He then looked at Vivian Wah in the eyes "so… what are you going to do now?"

Confused, Vivian Wah asked "what do you mean?"

A beautiful big brown eyes staring back at him. It caught him off guard since this is the first time Vivian Wah looked him straight in the eyes.

He always looks her in the eyes but she never pays attention to it. But this time she looked back at him in the eyes and it made his face blush lightly.

"Cough.. cough… cough…" Ivan coughs to hide his blushing face.

He avoids Vivian's eyes "well, you said your mom's mad and I'm sure you don't want her to keep being mad. When you show up without bringing home a man, she won't like it."

Vivian Wah nodded her head in agreement.

She's sure that the nagging won't stop in a few hours when her mom finds out that she doesn't have a boyfriend.

Anytime Mrs. White nagging, she won't stop after 3-4 hours.

"Uncle Ivan!"


"Are you taken?"


Ivan was confused. Why would Vivian Wah ask him something like this out of the blue.

After hearing the handsome man standing in front of her answer, Vivian Wah's eyes lit up with excitement.

Vivian Wah smiles lovely. "Great."

Ivan frowned. "Why great? Are you happy seeing this old man staying single for the rest of his life?"

Seeing the change on Ivan's face, Vivian Wah quickly waved both hands "don't take me wrong. It's not like that."


"Why don't you be my boyfriend?"

There was silence for a few seconds before Ivan opened his mouth to speak.


"Great, you saved me from my worry. Since we're lovers, then let's go on a date."

"Now?" Ivan's eyes widened as he asked in disbelief.

"Yes. Why not?"


"Ah… you're still working right now. No worries. Do your things, I'll be waiting for you at the corner till your shift is done."

After she finished speaking, Vivian Wah walked back to her table without giving Ivan any chance to answer.