
Two Stack Part 2

Tan Jia Guang retreated this time. Yet for some reason, his eyes kept on looking at Damian Cheng's Dazzle, the Shadow Priest.

When Shallow Grave's duration was about to end, Damian Cheng's hands had already left the keyboard as he started planning his next move.

"DON'T COUNT ME OUT YET!" Tan Jia Guang shouted as Damian Cheng also heard a loud war cry coming from the game.

A crimson colour Sven, the Rogue Knight has returned to save his friend as he throws out a stun.

God's Strength, a skill that stays true to its name as the powered-up Sven, the Rogue Knight started swinging his Outcast Blade at the enemies.

double Kill!




"I told you that I won't let anyone die under my watch." Tan Jia Guang said as his Sven, the Rogue Knight stood undefeated in front of Dazzle, the Shadow Priest.

A faint smile curled up on Damian Cheng's mouth as he told himself. 'Maybe, just maybe, playing with this annoying guy won't be half bad.'

Even after a team wipe, the enemies still persisted in looking for a fight and the dire side heroes gave them what they wanted and fought.

Spells are flying everywhere as ten heroes battle it out around the Roshan pit to contest for the Aegis of Immortal.

One of the pinnacles of items in the DotA 2 universe, the Aegis of Immortal can revive the hero possessing it to its top form so it could continue to wage war against its enemies.

Within this chaotic battlefield, two heroes shine the brightest as Sven, the Rogue Knight is essentially immortal with the support from Dazzle, the Shadow Priest.

Likewise, Dazzle, the Shadow Priest was safe from any danger as Sven, the Rogue Knight protected him with his life on the line.

The duo had created headaches for their enemies and comfort for their team as they made their way for the final push up the high ground.

With an amazing Blink Dagger usage, Sven, the Rogue Knight broke into the enemy lines and a timely stun.

With the support from his team, he netted himself another rampage and a victory as his screen showed the radiant ancient bursting as the words DIRE VICTORY appeared.

"Looks like we won, that means you will be my support now?" Tan Jia Guang asked as his smile grew wider and wider.

Damian Cheng scratched his head as his eyes are still glued onto the DIRE VICTORY sign. A feeling that usually appears when he won during a chess match started bubbling up in his heart.

"Looks like you got yourself a support player, annoying fly." Damian Cheng said as he smiled once more.

In the post-match chat, the Radiant side is cursing their own teammates and the two stack players while the Dire side is one step ahead and had already commended Tan Jia Guang and Damian Cheng for their performance.

All of the sudden Tan Jia Guang heard a loud chime, that chime was familiar to him. It was the sound that the system produced when someone was commended, but he had already received three commends from his other teammates, that would only mean Damian Cheng had commanded him.

"Maybe, it is enjoyable playing with a fly." Damian Cheng said as he stood up from his seat.

Then the same chime echoed into his ears as Tan Jia Guang told him. "I will enjoy every moment of it, so don't worry tsundere chess princess."

"So how about we play another match?"

DOTA fact: Roshan was named after Guinsoo's bowling ball.

Good_Light_Sleepcreators' thoughts