

a orphan on the verge of dying finds out he has powers, fueled by his hatred for demons he fight them but later finds out he's not human but a hybrid of angel and demon now with this confusion and happenings of events around him he must find the secret behind he's powers and the truth about his parents, join Zeke in discovering if his an angel, demon or human

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasy
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36 Chs


Welcome to a world where the asteroid never hit the earth and the seven continents never formed, the earth only had three main land mass, each land mass had different species ranging from elves and dark elves, fairies, humans, demi humans,dwarves and orcs. There where also mysterious islands that had never been explored. All races came together to better support and help each other to form the racial alliance R.A for shorts.

Dear dairy

It's been five years since the fifth great crisis where demons once again came into our realm and tried to destroy the world, the orphanage was destroyed and all my friends and family where killed, I don't know why but I survived, I was the only survivor when it was clear that any human would die from that but somehow I survived, anyway that was also the day met the seekers a man and woman who adopted me and became my new family Aldo it wasn't all fun and bliss

Derek the first son in the family acts like I don't exist, I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing since it's is also the first time I've been somewhere other than the orphanage but I didn't mind too much

Lisa the second child and first daughter of the family despises me, she loves everyone in the family and could do anything for them except me, she feels I'm an imposter and should have never come into their lives, how do I know this ? cus she tells it to my face every single day

Damion the middle and second son of the family completely hates me, why do you ask ? cus to him a worm like me should live in a world with him, he sees me as beneath him and the scum of the earth

then there's Minnie the last baby girl of the family, she hates me simple cus the others do, she breaks stuff then blames it on me, always looking for ways to put me in trouble.

To sum it all up, except for Mr and Mrs seeker the others hate me cus I'm adopted, they feel I'm not part of there family and never will be plus there's also something else when it comes to them, there filthy rich so it doesn't come as a surprise that there all spoiled rich kids, there nice but are very defensive ad protective when it comes to family so it's a not a surprise why they hate me

As for Mr and Mrs seeker, there like angels they help the poor, and give donations to orphanages and so on, there the co-founders of mage tech enterprises, as the name suggest they make technology and tools that uses magic, boosting ones magical abilities and also helping those with low amounts of manner, almost everybody had one and since it mostly used by humans which where the most populated species the company grew into a house hold name but still it was regarded as a second class company or rather a regional company since there work only had mostly human customers. They sheared a simple dream to help and protect the smiles on people's faces so they tried as much to help in anyway they can. They took me in and where nice to me, giving me food and new clothes and my very own room, they even took me to there factory where I met uncle Dante, he took me to work every time he was free Aldo I don't really remember what we do or what happens when we get there. whether I'm liked or not doesn't matter cus for the first time in my life I actually have a family