
Two Shinobis, a Fox, and The Multiverse

Naruto and Sasuke thought it would end by sealing Kaguya, but there's nothing to fear more than the anger of someone who's about to lose. With only a few seconds left to spare, new portals appear and, even if it's too late for her to go away, it's not for the ones in charge of the sealing to escape from going through one. Now that they're separated and trapped in a new world, what will they do? Will they survive or thrive? They're tired, injured, weak, and... Is that a human torso crawling towards him? . . The romance will appear when they meet up, after that it will be more than the afterthought it currently is. . . Current World: The Walking Dead

JorieDS · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 21 - N

There are a lot of things Naruto doesn't like and few, really few, he actually hates. Like stuck-up bastards and arrogant assholes who don't care about others or the consequences of their actions. Goddesses hell-bent on destroying the world and losing friends are currently on top of the list. Also, being unable to move for long periods of time is another one, apparently.

It's been days, a week or more with him just lying on his back, with the sun above him scorching whatever skin there is to show. He's managed to turn around but it doesn't help much. The night is worse lately, too. It's colder than the first days and it has rained at least one time. His jumpsuit is made for ninjas so it's for all kinds of weather and good at maintaining the heat of one. Even so, trying to sleep with soaked clothes is never fun.

It's currently raining. It's light, not as strong as it had been before but… Well, he's getting better and that's a good thing. He never learned medicine or completely understood the lectures Sakura tried to impart about it, so he really doesn't know if infusing Kurama's chakra through his muscles, bones and everything that hurt is wise. It doesn't hurt as it did the first time he woke up so he isn't going to think really deep about it.

Something tells him Kurama is going to get pissed once he takes a look at his health.

"And my stomach is eating itself. I'm sure if the seal wasn't there to restore my stomach, I wouldn't have one now." There are grunts around him that make him acknowledge the presence of the Edo Tensei wannabe. "At least I'm not alone in my hunger, right guys?"

He's going crazy. Probably. But he needs to keep talking or he's going to forget how to and his throat will hurt worse whenever he tries. Or that's what he keeps telling himself whenever he catches himself talking alone. It was easier to ignore how much he talks to himself when there's an actual, solid copy of himself to talk to.

"Ugh! I just want to move and leave this place!" he screams, as loud as he can. The monster's sounds are louder as they seem to regain whatever energy left they have to move again. Naruto wants to mock them at their ineptitude as it's the only hobby he's had these last weeks but there's a weird, loud sound coming from above. He turns his eyes from the ugly dead beings to the sky and sees a black dot with a trail of what seems to be smoke coming from it. He squints his eyes and sees as it grows closer and the thing becomes clearer. A flash of the winged devices that he saw in the land of Sky crosses his mind and he's left with mouth agape and widened eyes because the thing he's seeing is larger and more complicated than the one from Sky Country. It certainly has more metal.

Naruto looks at it for a long time, appreciating the shiny black exterior. Someone must be piloting that thing and that surprises him. He thought this world was only filled with monsters. Zombie apocalypse and all. He frowns at it, trying to see if there's someone inside. It's not until he realizes it's coming toward him, that he starts panicking.


Trying to stand up comes as a slow and erratic action. He should have tried it more but his muscles don't answer as they're supposed to. He tries anyway to go towards the corner far away from those ugly ass zombies. More because of the panic than the belief it will actually work. It's no surprise that it doesn't work. His crawling is not fast enough and before he can advance more than a few feet, the machine is already crashing towards the other side of wherever he is. Everything trembles for a couple of seconds and maybe he is lucky it's raining. He doesn't want to think what that fire would have done otherwise.

When he extends his head to have a better sight of the machine, Naruto realizes that he's probably above more than one floor as the thing stays hovering on the side as if it wants to fall.

"That was close," he mumbles and sees how the other zombies move from where they were close to him towards the shiny flying thingy. Obviously attracted to the sounds it keeps giving off. He doesn't know what exactly they can do but Naruto gets an off feeling from them that tells him to avoid approaching. They move slowly and so does he, but what better opportunity to escape from them than now?

The zombies are already close to the burning metal when Naruto reaches the end of the roof he currently is. He can see the height of the walls and the door under him. Considering how small the room he is on, the door probably leads to stairs.

Trying to ignore the pins and needles that make all his body ache uncomfortably, Naruto nods to himself and readies to use the safest and less hurtful way to fall.

"No! Away—go away!"

... What?


JorieDScreators' thoughts