
Two Shinobis, a Fox, and The Multiverse

Naruto and Sasuke thought it would end by sealing Kaguya, but there's nothing to fear more than the anger of someone who's about to lose. With only a few seconds left to spare, new portals appear and, even if it's too late for her to go away, it's not for the ones in charge of the sealing to escape from going through one. Now that they're separated and trapped in a new world, what will they do? Will they survive or thrive? They're tired, injured, weak, and... Is that a human torso crawling towards him? . . The romance will appear when they meet up, after that it will be more than the afterthought it currently is. . . Current World: The Walking Dead

JorieDS · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 20 - S

Taking his tongue out and directing a small drop of chakra in it, Sasuke licks the air slowly. He hasn't mastered the art of summoning, nor had he the time to try learning senjutsu with the snakes, so he needs to put more concentration whenever he tries it. Especially if doesn't want to waste chakra. He normally uses less than what it takes to form a kawarimi to use his snake-like abilities, but it seems that that amount is too much for now. Sasuke was slightly breathless at the end, but he obtained what he wanted.

It's early morning, it seems. Also, there are no people near, at the moment, but there has been a great number standing outside the room. Probably two days ago by the faint trace he's picked.

Sasuke goes to the door leading to the hallway and pours a bit of his chakra into the door, unlocking the seal and making the barrier fall.

It's kind of amusing watching how the door falls from its hinges once there's no power to hold it in place. Said hinges follow after, holes and scratches surrounding the places where they have been. He gives a small tap with his foot to the doorframe and hears small cracks going from the place he's kicked to the floor. Dust falls in front of him from the ceiling.

It seems the Governor did try to enter.

He turns the door over to see what kind of damage has suffered and can almost sense the frustration and anger coming from the marks adorning the surface. The handle is the one with a number of holes that smell faintly of the powder used in explosives. He blinks. Sasuke's sure he has smelled it before.

Remembering, he looks over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of the gun he retrieved from the Governor. They must have used similar weapons. He returns his gaze to the door and tries to analyze its power based on the damage he's seen. It must be great if they've managed to scratch the door at all, but there are few and their location seems thought with the purpose of bringing down the door without wasting unnecessary shots. He glances at the hinges which sport similar holes and notices the same.

The people he's managed to see didn't give the air to be the controlled bunch, so they most likely can't afford to waste their ammunition. The Governor has mentioned how this place was a haven from the monsters lurking outside, so they must have isolated themselves. He's also asked if Sasuke was planning of taking their supplies and food. Their resources must be low, too.

He's trying to form a picture from what he's seen and heard and, suffices to say, it's not pretty.

Sasuke's not sure if it's luck or not the one that made him fall into this place where people were near. His pain tolerance is high but he doesn't have the regeneration Naruto has. If he had fallen close to those 'walkers', as the doctor had called them, then…

Sasuke rolls his eyes at his wandering thoughts. After all, why try to think in the 'what if's? It's not productive.

Leaning more of his weight on the cane, Sasuke walks forward. The first thing he sees is the mess in the living room. Counting the different footprints on the floor, he can guess the number of the people in charge of killing him.

If they work like the civilians from his world then the non-combatants must be already afraid of him. He doesn't know how the Governor managed to tell his people into doing that ambush but he remembers seeing people watching from inside some houses. It'd be easy for their leader to fester that fear so they no longer see him as a teenager they must have assumed he was, but a monster of the same caliber as the ones they fear from the outside.

Sasuke's weakened and until he can have a guess of the power from those so-called monsters, it'd be better if he doesn't leave Woodbury. He's going to have to change their opinion of him if he doesn't want to constantly watch his back. Which involves charisma. Something he doesn't have nor is he willing to learn.

Well that, or he could make a deal with the Governor.

Yes, perhaps he should go and talk to the Governor. Deal or not, he still needs to see him.

After all, he hasn't returned his sword.

- Naruto -

Naruto has always thought it was Kurama's chakra inside his system the one that advanced his healing, and in a way it's true. It does improve his own healing. But just recently he's realized that without Kurama to guide his chakra and actually heal his wounds, his healing is not that much better than a normal ninja. Less painful, yes. Faster? Not so much.

How many days has it been with only the blazing sun as his ceiling? He's not that bad, though. He doesn't feel that constant pain anymore and he can finally move his head, believe it!

"Though I'm still so hungry," he croaks and that sound is enough to elicit more groans around him.

That brings him to another dilemma. It seems that whatever world he's fallen into, there are Edo Tensei wannabes around. The difference is that these ones look deader and are far less intelligent. Oh, and they're hungrier, too. The only thing probably keeping them from eating him is the small, and slightly destroyed room he may be on.

Still. Those grunts and moans remind him of that zombie movie Kiba tried to make him watch and since he managed to catch glimpse of the zombies surrounding him, he can't quite sleep. It's not as if they scared him, it's just that Ino pointed out once the movie ended the possible ghosts that must be around searching for their bodies.

He just wants to heal faster so he can move, search for a place to sleep without zombies, then look for Kurama and Sasuke so they can get out of this place.


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