
Two faced Wife's three faced Husband

Annelle Xian, the president an CEO of "Xin Capital", one of the most notable women of country A. Although she is an adoptive daughter of one of the most prominent family of the capital but she is now at the highest point only based on her own struggle and hard work. She is the cold and stunning beauty who thousands admires but no one could get close to. A woman who men could only watch from a far. The ice queen only a few people dare to approach. But is she really like this or this is just a facade? -Hubby! Carry me to the kitchen. I want to eat some hot chocolate. -Sure wifey. -Husband! I'm cold. Come and coddle with me. Warm me up! -Wifey, are you sure you just want to coddle? There are other ways to warm ourselves up, you know? -You always think about naughty stuff. That's for night exercise. We will leave that for later. Now I want you to spoil me. You said you'll spoil me forever, didn't you? -Yes my wife. Adrian Shen, to the outside world he is the most prestigious and wealthy man. The chairman of "Integridy International". In home, he is a doting husband, a good son and a great life partner. But perhaps there is something hidden behind everything that no body knows? Something can nobody could ever thought of. -Hubby? I feel like you are hiding something from me. What is it? Time to find out what's behind those masks.

XeeNoxx · Urban
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9 Chs

Too Afraid to ask

-I was never hiding. I just don't like being in front of media.

His answer was simple. He was never hiding, they were unable to find him. It was true that he was low profile, too low profile actually but that doesn't mean he never made personal appearance before. In Europe, he did attend some banquets and parties before. But it's not his fault that in those press and media were not allowed right? Aside from that he was busy doing other things so he didn't had the time for entertainment.

-Then is there any particular reason for coming to coun..tr..y..A?

-Do I need someone's permission to return home?

This time the voice was extra deep and has little threatening vibe in it which ran shivers through their spine. It wasn't a shout or scream but somehow it was quivering. Everyone stopped their breathing as if they will be decapitated even if the sound of their breaths are heard. The higher ups who were waiting saw the whole scene unfold could not help but let out a low chuckle. The scene was familiar because they were like this some moments ago. Majority of them were older than him and some even twice as the age of him but somehow they were strangely intimidated. After the last answer no one asked any question anymore. The room was silent the whole time until a while later

- Your time's up. Looks like you don't have any questions anymore?

Seeing everyone responded with silence Adrian shen slowly left the stage. Lin Yi, the man from earlier could not help but sigh helplessly and say to himself, "Chairman it's not like they don't have any question anymore, it's just they are too afraid to ask."

When they left, the reporters finally heaved a sigh of relief. They never had to face such a intimidating man before. Everyone relaxed a little and sat on their seats when someone said-

-Hey you got some good shots of him right?

-Oh shit! I totally forgot! I was too intimidated to...

Everyone got up from their seats and dashed towards the exit. But they were a little late. The group with Adrian shen already left the airport premises. Adrian shen was talking with others holding some flower bouquets he received from them. Then everyone bade farewell and he got in in his limited edition Rolls Royce phantom. Everyone was in such a hurry and everything happened so fast that they only managed to get some pictures of his side profile only. Well at least that's better than nothing, no?


That night the business news and social media was in uproar. Specially when someone posted a photo of Adrian shen getting into his car. Only two third of his facial features were visible from this angle. Perhaps this is the best picture they could capture but it was enough. Enough to create chaos.

> New prince charmings arrival on city Q?

> Change of the list of most eligible bachelor?

> The young chairman of II is actually a native of city Q!

The internet was filled with headlines like this.