
Twisted Saints

He knocked the knife out of my hand, making me cry out, pushing me against the wall, his knee pressed between my legs. "I don't think that's how you thank your knight in shining armor, Princess." His breath hot against my ear, his spicy cologne overwhelming my senses. Twisted Saints, the words tattooed on the inside of his arm, revealing the words to me as he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "Would you like to try again, Sweetheart?" Smirking at my slightly shaking body. "Well?" He whispered into my ear, his face almost buried in the crook my neck, His hands now pinning my arms to my sides. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Arlyne Elliott lived an expensive, wealthy life, but also a sheltered one. She knew nothing of her father's work, neither did she care, more interested in her own life than the people around her. Her life perfect, a supportive loving father by her side, her life planned, set in stone, but all is not well in the small Elliott family, when Arlyne starts to notice things, starts to get curious. While visiting her childhood origin, Venice Italy, Arlyne pushes and pushes for the truth determined not to be tied up lost in the deception of lies Arlyne has been told all her life. But what happens when her plans are disrupted, by a dangerous man, a gang leader? The leader of The Twisted Saints himself. Vincent Agnello promises her answers, but is she willing to take them? Or is she afraid of the truth? What happens when Arlyne feels a pull to this deadly stranger, luring her further into his grasp? Only she can decide her fate, or can she? Or will Vincent Agnello choose for her?

Sunshinegirl_la_la · Teen
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4 Chs

| Business Trip? Hell Yeah! |

Coldwater flowed down my body from the showerhead. My body slowly cooling down from working out, my muscles relaxing under the water.

Sighing I turned the shower off, before getting out of the shower and wrapping a towel around myself, then taking down my dry hair from the bun it was imprisoned in.

I exited my shower before going to my wardrobe opening it quickly digging through my clothes before settling on a pair of high-waisted black jeans with a bright yellow tube and a leather jacket. Ruffling my hair slightly I walked into my bathroom, my bathroom that was one foggy now clear showing my reflections.

A lot of people called me pretty, but I just saw myself as a pretty normal-looking girl. I had big, long wavy bright blond hair that I let wild because I really didn't want to tame it. I was not tall at all, and probably shorter than an average person, the complete opposite than my father, who was over six feet. I had super green eyes and a very fair complexion courtesy of my Irish genes.

I didn't look anything like my father and more my mother, every time a person asked where I am from and I answer from Venice, Italy they usually think I'm lying.

Pulling out my make-up bag I began to start on my make-up. I wasn't much of a make-up person, but I liked to look natural, I usually only used makeup to cover my scars from middle school, what a terrible phase. Images of my middle school pictures flashed through my head and I think I visually shivered, I was definitely a late bloomer, no guys were interested in me until my junior year of high school, not like I wanted their attention, I didn't chase boys in high school, I did the complete opposite, like running away from them.

After my make up I packed it all back under my sink, you could call me a neat freak, I definitely thought of myself one, that's another reason I stayed away from boys in high school, because like me and my father say, boys can only offer you BO and acne in high school, nothing else like financial stability, that's why I didn't pay too much to my love life, more to my grades and friends groups.

Walking out of my bathroom, I walked to my shoe rack picking out platform Fila's, yes, I wear Fila's to make myself feel tall, don't judge.

Slipping them on I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and grabbed my backpack from the corner of my room, shifting it on my shoulder, striding into the cold hallway towards the stairs.

My house was too big in my opinion, I wish my dad just got more of a homie house instead of a modern clean cold house, but my dad liked to show his money by buying expensive things, in my opinion, it was a waste of money but my dad didn't really give me a say.

Walking down the humongous stairs that led to the foyer I walked through the house to the kitchen.

Opening the kitchen door I put my bag on one of the kitchen chairs before fishing into the fridge.

We used to have a chef you would cook for us when I was little but when I turned fourteen I began to hate being served too, I felt lazy and it annoyed me. So I begged my dad to let go of the chef since I wanted to do chores like a normal girl and make my own eggs.

He let me of course, my Dad usually let me have tiny things like this.

Taking milk out I grabbed the cereal box from the pantry. Before pouring my milk into my cereal I started the coffee maker, after putting the grounds in.

At the table, I dug into my Lucky Charms, while looking through my friend's feeds on Instagram. My best friend, Lily posted a picture of her and her boyfriend at the movie theaters, they were honestly so cute with each other and I couldn't help but feel a little envious of Lily's relationship even though I kept repeating, boys can't offer you anything but BO and acne.

The kitchen door creaked, before opening fully, as my dad walked briskly in, like usual wearing a suit, his white shirt unbuttoned slightly.

My Dad was fairly young, my Mom got pregnant at age sixteen when they were in a relationship and they married shortly after knowing, so I was born when he was just eighteen, crazy right?

Yeah, that's right, I'm one of the cool kids who has a cool hot dad. Walking over to me he gave the top of my head a kiss before walking over to the coffee.

"How'd you sleep?" He said while pouring coffee into his mug he constantly used.

"Good, dreams full of puppies and rainbows," I say still on my phone.

"Good." He huffed while pulling out a chair grabbing the milk and cereal from me and making his own. I got to say, my dad and I are almost exactly the same, when it came to food.

Pouring out cereal and milk into a bowl, he began to wolf it down, taking out the morning paper he had bought in with him and opening it. Dad didn't really read the newspaper but more like skipped to the cartoon area where they had daily cartoons that kept him entertained.

"Listen, I have a business trip, and I'm going to have to leave after you're done with school." My eyebrows quirked up at this, he's been having a lot of business trips lately. "We're leaving at five so be ready and packed." I smiled at this, he only usually let me come with him on business trips on a special occasion or daddy-daughter bonding time.

"Where are we going?" I ask curiously, his business trips took him everywhere in the world so I wouldn't be surprised if we were going somewhere exotic.

"Somewhere you're very familiar with."


"Yes, Venice." I gasped, I haven't been to Venice since my mother died. I was born in Venice actually and lived there till I was six, but when my mother died of burglary or that's what my father said she died from, we moved to America. My Dad always said we moved here for work and I actually quite like it here.

"I can't wait! Thanks, Dad!" I said happily, jumping from my chair and hugging him in his chair.

"I got to go to school, I'll be packed and ready by eight!" I exclaimed, kissing his cheek before grabbing my backpack and walking out of the kitchen.

"Love you, Hun, be safe on the road!" Dad said from the kitchen. Beaming I walked to the foyer before grabbing my keys from the small round table by the door, swinging the keys on my pointer finger. Ignoring the security guards that were always stationed in front of our house and at the gate. My dad said it's for safety reasons but I can't find any reason why we would be threatened, I think my dad was just paranoid after my mother's death, or maybe there had been security in Venice and I was just too little to remember.

I walked onto our long driveway towards my black jeep. The morning cold air breeze ruffled my hair as I climbed into the driver's seat. It was funny actually, such a tiny person driving such a big car.

Turning the engine on I did a donut on our circle like driveway, before driving down the dirt road that led to our gate.

I put down the windows letting the air blow on my face. Once the gate was in view I pressed the button tab attached to my keys that made the gates open.

Once on the road, I turned on the radio and rested my head against the headrest, I drove towards the school campus.

After about a fifteen-minute drive, I spied my highschool campus coming into view. Turning into the student parking lot, I pulled into my reserved parking space and climbed out, getting my backpack out with me.

The sound of my car locking sounded, as I walked across the sidewalk to the big building where students were hurrying into.

"Arlyne!" Right after that voice called after me I was bulldozed by my best friend Lily, making me stumble. She giggled at my scowl.

"Not sorry," She said bumping her hip with mine. Lily was corky and an awesome friend, she had chunky glasses and a bunch of freckles on her face, and like me, her hair was wild and untamed, except she had dark red hair, but more of a silky texture than a frizzy one. She was more of a hoodie type girl who picked comfort over fashion.

"Not sorry," I reply back before using my full forced hip bump to make her scramble sideways bumping into a group guys. I giggle as she fell on her butt in the middle of the group of guys making them stare down at her questioningly.

"My bad." She said before lifting her hand up gesturing to one of the guys. "Hey gentlemen, care to help a lady up?" Shrugging he gave her his hand pulling her up from the ground.

"Thank you very much," She said, before dusting her clothes off, "Now excuse me but I need to murder my friend." She looked at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes, and without further ado, I bolted toward the building with her one my heels.

Yes, we acted like Freshmen even though we are Seniors, and yes we are proud of that.

Pushing through the crowded hallways I ran, Lily's yells behind me.


I smacked into a locker, once Lily tackled me against one.

"Say sorry," she whispered into my ear pushing me more against the locker.

"Never!" I say in giggles.

"Woah! Catfight? This early in the morning?" Sam's voice said incredulously behind us. Lily immediately let go of me smiling sheepishly at her boyfriend.

"Yeah, and by the look of Arlyne's once smooshed face against a locker, I wouldn't mess with me. I'm feisty this morning," She said putting her hands on the sides of his waist, pulling him into a kiss.

Way to make the third-wheel awkward Lily, I think to myself trying to not look at them as they kiss, first just a smooch than kissing more passionately.

"Ahemmmmm." They broke apart, Lily biting her lip, "Before you all go fifty shades of grey on me, I'm going to have to pull Lily away before were late to class."

"Sorry, she just looked so pretty." He said with a little pink tinting his cheeks, Sam, wasn't one of the Jocks, or a Badboy, he was more of a surfer dude, yes, I lived in California; Sam also had a soft heart and a sweet personality that made you melt into jello with his romance, I know they are perfect for each other. Sam had rusty-colored blond hair, that was curly, bounced constantly into his face, his sharp jaw, and handsome features, making girls swoon over him.

"Uh-huh," I said before pulling a mesmerized Lily away from him.

Finally making it to our lockers I put my backpack in before taking out my pencil pouch and books, Lily doing the same.

"Isn't he just amazing," She said slightly giggling to herself as she leaned against the lockers in a daydream.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go puppy eyes." I pull her into the crowd, making our way to English class.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, just like normal, with my friends at school. Crossing the crosswalk I was interrupted by someone grabbing my arm.

"Hey, Arlyne," Brenden, my mood just dropped to a low.

"Yes, Brenden?" I asked, not really loving I'm having this conversation with. Brenden was a Jock, a player, and only wanted to get in girls' pants, which I was not interested in. He was really handsome and muscular and that's mostly why he is popular among the girls who drool over him. He messy black hair and his angled jaw, with hazel eyes, and full lips. He could probably go into the model industry if he wanted to.

"I need some serious help with my grades--"

"What makes you think my grades are better than yours?" He looks puzzled as he looks down at me.

"Isn't it quite obvious the praise you get from your teachers? All the advanced classes you take?" He said his figure towering over me, making me have to look up at him.

"I guess," I mumble.

"Hey, I'm just asking if we can study tonight, you know for the test coming up in English?" He said looking at me with puppy dog eyes. Oh, thank the lord my Dad invited me to go on the business trip.

"I'm sorry, Brenden, but I'm going out of town tonight. Maybe some other time?" He nods probably thinking it's a promise, Brenden has been hitting on me for months now, but he just can't see the obvious that I don't want to be with him.

"Okay, I'll see you next week then?"

"Maybe." He smiles at me beaming with pride, sometimes I don't think there is anything up there but air.

"Okay well, see you next week." He said about giving me a hug before I back up giving him a fist bump instead.

Friendzoned, hopefully, he got the message, which I doubt from the very clear messages I've given him, but at least I try.

Turning around slowly I made my way to my jeep.

"Bye, Arlyne." He says one more time, not bothering to turn around I live my hand in acknowledgment.

Grabbing my keys out of my pocket I unlocked my car and climbed in.

Driving steadily our of the busy student parking lot I finally turned out of The campus and drove down the same route I did this morning, but this time going back home.

Turning on the radio, succeeding in putting the country channel on.

Singing country music I finally got back home. Passing through the gate and the long dirt road that led to our house, I sighed in tiredly once parked in front of the house, listening and humming with the song playing.

Exiting out of my car, I waved to the security guards near the house. Of course, they didn't show a reaction but I still waved.

Entering the house I didn't bother calling out for my father, since he was probably working. I marched into the kitchen grabbing Vegistraws. I don't care about anyone's hate against Veggiestraws because they are still my favorite snack.

Running up the stairs with my backpack bouncing on my back I strode quickly into my room chucking my backpack into the corner of my room, before kicking off my shoes and jumping on my made bed.

I know jumping on your bed with your school clothes is gross, but I like to build my immune system.

I scrolled through Snapchat and Instagram for a while before checking the time, my eyes widened.

It's 4:30, I only have thirty minutes to get packed and be ready!

Getting up quickly I ran to the wardrobe flinging out outfits, PJs, dresses, and underwear on my bed.

I dragged out my big suitcase from under my bed, before stuffing it with all my clothes.

I had fifteen more minutes!

I ran into my bathroom grabbing my toiletries and makeup. I dashed to my suitcase, stuffing them in, not bothering to get organized.

Stripping out of my school clothes, I put on comfy joggers that said "Bite me" on them and a t-shirt.

I glanced at my now packed suitcase. What am I forgetting?

A hoodie! Silly me, it was going to be cold on the Jet. I grabbed my Rip-Curl white hoodie, then putting on my yellow Fila's.

I sigh, putting my hair up in a messy bun, lugging my suitcase down the hall and down the stairs.

I huffed in the foyer.

Well, that was interesting.

My phone dinged, a text from Lily.

Lily: Hey, wanna go to the movies with Sam and I tonight?

Me: Sorry can't I'm going out of town with my dad tonight. Maybe next time?

Lily: Totally, have fun! Text me every night or I will kill you. Love you.

Me: Love you.

"You ready?" I looked up from my phone, my dad was in a pair of black jeans with a t-shirt, his tattoos showing.

"Hell yeah!" I say happily.