
Twisted Desires.

In a world where ancient bloodlines wield elemental powers, Seraphina Flarewing, a young phoenix heiress, harbors a secret that could shake the foundations of empires. Tasked with a deadly mission by the Empress—a woman she despises—Seraphina must infiltrate the inner circle of her sworn enemy, Orion Drakon, a dragon prince with a mysterious past. As she navigates a treacherous court filled with betrayal and deadly intrigue, Seraphina uncovers shocking truths about her own heritage and the sinister plans of those she once trusted. With alliances shifting and her heart torn between duty and forbidden desire, Seraphina races against time to unravel a conspiracy that threatens to plunge the realm into chaos. But in a world where power and passion collide, she must confront the ultimate question: Can she sacrifice everything for revenge, or will love prove stronger than destiny?

ines17 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 (Author’s POV) :

The dawn light seeped through the heavy curtains, casting long shadows across the lavishly decorated room. The intricate tapestries and ornate furniture spoke of the wealth and power of the household, yet for Seraphina Flarewing, it was nothing but a gilded cage. As the first rays of the sun gently caressed her face framed by a cascade of long, white hair, her pale blue eyes, almost translucent in their clarity, blinked open, remnants of a restless sleep leaving her disoriented.

A soft knock at the door pulled her from her uneasy dreams. "Lady Seraphina, the Empress requests your presence," her maid's voice called from the other side, timid and respectful.

Seraphina groaned inwardly, her muscles protesting as she sat up. Today was not a day she looked forward to, but then again, when was it ever? The Empress's summons rarely meant anything good.

She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood, the cold floor against her feet a harsh reminder of the reality she couldn't escape. As she dressed, her mind raced with the possible reasons for this early morning meeting. Had she done something wrong? Or was this another one of the Empress's impossible demands?

Seraphina chose a simple, yet elegant white dress that allowed for easy movement, her fingers deftly fastening the intricate clasps and laces. She ran a brush through her long white hair, smoothing it into a neat braid that hung down her back. A final glance in the mirror showed her reflection—eyes filled with determination and a mouth set in a firm line.

As Seraphina headed towards the Empress's chambers, she ran into Pyro, one of her stepbrothers. His sneer was unmistakable, and with surprising force, he shoved her against the wall. The cold stone dug into her back, stealing her breath away. Pyro looked down at her with his ocean-blue eyes, strands of his long white hair brushing against her face.

"In a hurry, are we?" Pyro taunted, his voice dripping with malice. His eyes gleamed with a twisted satisfaction at having caught her off guard once again.

Seraphina clenched her fists, willing herself to stay calm despite the searing pain in her back. "Step aside, Pyro," she said evenly, trying to keep her voice steady despite the ache spreading through her body.

He laughed, a cruel sound that echoed down the corridor, drawing unwanted attention from passing servants. "What's the rush, Seph? Off to please our dear Empress again?" His voice lowered to a dangerous whisper as he leaned in closer, his hot breath brushing against her ear. "Or perhaps she's finally had enough of you."

She attempted to sidestep him, but Pyro anticipated her move, moving to block her path once more. "What's the hurry?" he taunted, his voice now loud enough to echo off the stone walls. "You don't look so tough now, do you?"

Before she could react, Pyro's hand shot out like a viper, striking her across the face with a sharp crack. The force of the blow sent her staggering, her vision momentarily blurred as pain radiated through her cheek. She tasted blood where her teeth had cut into the inside of her lip, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry out.

"Remember your place, Seraphina," Pyro spat, towering over her with a contemptuous sneer. "You're nothing but a pawn in this game."

With a final, callous kick to her side, he left her lying against the wall, bruised and battered. Seraphina struggled to her feet, every muscle protesting from the unexpected assault. She could feel the dull ache of bruises forming where Pyro's blows had landed, but she refused to let his cruelty deter her.

Gritting her teeth against the pain, she straightened her spine and adjusted her clothing, her jaw set in determination. Brushing a strand of disheveled white hair from her face, she continued on her way down the corridor

As Seraphina entered the Empress's chambers, the atmosphere shifted palpably. The room, adorned with tapestries depicting ancient battles and conquests, seemed to darken with the weight of power and intrigue that permeated every corner. At the heart of it all, seated upon a throne of ebony and ivory, was Drusilla, the Empress Consort.

Drusilla herself was a vision of imperial grace and danger. Her gown, a masterpiece of elven silk interwoven with threads of silver and sapphire, cascaded around her like a waterfall of midnight. The fabric shimmered in the candlelight, casting subtle patterns of moonlit elegance upon the stone floor. Adorned with intricate embroidery depicting scenes of phoenixes in flight and dragons coiled in battle.

Upon her brow rested a diadem wrought from mithril and studded with flawless diamonds, catching the light and scattering it into a thousand glittering reflections across the chamber. Her blond hair, intricately braided and adorned with silver pins, framed a face of aristocratic beauty—high cheekbones, a slender nose, and lips curved in a smile that held the promise of both warmth and calculation.

Drusilla's gaze, as cold and penetrating as the winter sky, locked onto Seraphina with unnerving intensity. Her icy blue eyes, rimmed with kohl and shadows of ancient secrets, seemed to assess Seraphina with a keenness that spoke of years spent navigating the treacherous waters of courtly politics and royal intrigue.

"Ah, Seraphina," Drusilla's voice cut through the chamber like a blade honed to perfection. It carried a hint of amusement, like a cat toying with its prey. "I trust your journey here was... eventful?"

The air between them crackled with unspoken tension, a silent duel of wills and ambitions set against the backdrop of power and ambition that defined the Empire.

Seraphina bowed her head, hiding the anger that simmered beneath her calm exterior. "You wished to see me, Your Majesty?"

Drusilla's smile widened, and she gestured for Seraphina to approach. "Yes, my dear. I have a task for you. A task that, if completed successfully, will ensure your place on the throne."

Seraphina's heart skipped a beat. The throne—the very thing she had been striving for, the key to her revenge. She looked up, meeting Drusilla's gaze with a mixture of hope and trepidation.

"What must I do?" she asked, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her.

The Empress leaned forward, her expression turning serious. "You must kill Orion Drakon."

The words hung in the air, heavy with their gravity. Seraphina's mind reeled, struggling to comprehend the enormity of the command. Killing Orion—her sworn enemy, and yet... something more.

"Your Majesty, this... this is madness," she stammered. "Orion Drakon is..."

"A threat," Drusilla interrupted, her tone cold and unyielding. "A threat to everything we have built. You will do this, Seraphina, or you will lose everything."

Seraphina's fists clenched at her sides, her nails digging into her palms. She wanted to scream, to protest, but she knew it was futile. The Empress's word was law, and defying her would only lead to ruin.

Still, she decided to attempt to change the mind of the Empress. Glancing around, she noticed that they weren't alone. Her lady-in-waiting and guard were present, as usual, but the Prime Minister was also there, his expression mirroring her own shock at the Empress's request.

Gathering her courage, she voiced her thoughts in a careful tone. "Mother, I don't think it's possible. Let me think about it more before deciding what to do."

The Empress's eyes narrowed. "You doubt my judgment, Seraphina? You think I would send you on an impossible mission?"

"It's not that, Mother," Seraphina replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "It's just... Orion is powerful, and the task is dangerous. I need time to prepare, to plan."

The Empress leaned back in her chair, her gaze cold and calculating. "You always need time, Seraphina. Time to think, time to act. Sometimes, there is no time. Sometimes, you must act decisively."

"I understand that, but—"

"No buts!" the Empress snapped, her voice like a whip. "You will do as you are told. The throne is at stake, and you are the only one capable of securing it."

Seraphina took a deep breath, forcing herself to stay calm. "I just need a little more time to consider the best approach. I don't want to fail you."

The Empress's expression softened, but only slightly. "Very well. But remember, every moment you hesitate, you risk losing everything. Do not tarry too long, my dear."

Seraphina nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat. "I understand. I will do my best."

"See that you do," the Empress said, her voice dripping with false sweetness. "You are dismissed."

As Seraphina turned to leave, the Empress added, "You know what happens to those who disappoint me, don't you, Seraphina?"

"Yes, Mother," Seraphina replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I know."

Drusilla's gaze hardened. "When you make your decision, return to me. I will provide you with an artifact to transform your mana core into an aura core. We mustn't let the dragons recognize your phoenix nature. Additionally, I have an artifact to conceal the symbol on your nape and transform you into a dragon. You are now dismissed."

She walked out of the room, her mind racing. On her way to her quarters, she encountered Pyro in the corridor. He smirked at her, blocking her path.

"Where do you think you're going, Seraphina?" Pyro taunted. "Running away from another impossible task?"

"Get out of my way, Pyro," Seraphina said, her voice low and dangerous.

"Or what? You'll cry to Mother?" Pyro sneered, shoving her against the wall. "Face it, you're just a puppet, dancing to her tune."

Seraphina pushed him away, her eyes blazing with fury. "You don't know anything, Pyro. One day, you'll see."

"One day," Pyro mocked, mimicking her tone. "Sure, little sister. Keep dreaming."

With a final shove, Seraphina freed herself from his grip and continued to her quarters. Her heart pounded with anger and frustration, but she couldn't let it show. She had to be strong. She had to find a way to fulfill the Empress's request and secure her place on the throne.

Once in her room, Seraphina slammed the heavy oak door shut, the resounding thud echoing through the chamber. Leaning heavily against it, she closed her eyes, trying to steady her ragged breathing. Every muscle in her body throbbed with the ache of Pyro's assault, but it was the words of the maids outside that cut the deepest.

Through the thick wood, she could hear the murmur of voices—her maids gossiping about her encounter with the Empress. Their words, tinged with judgment and disdain, pierced through the silence of her room like arrows.

"Did you hear what happened to our poor Empress?" one maid whispered in a hushed tone, her voice tinged with sympathy.

"Yes, I can't believe Princess Seraphina made her cry once again," said the other in an annoyed voice, her disapproval palpable. "She really is horrible. The Empress is her stepmother, but she still takes care of her like her own daughter."

Seraphina's fists clenched at her sides, her nails digging into her palms. False rumors were once again spreading about her, twisting the truth into a venomous narrative that portrayed her as callous and ungrateful. The weight of their words threatened to overwhelm her, but she refused to let them see her break.

"And now she's refusing the Empress's commands," the first maid continued, her voice carrying a hint of betrayal. "She says she can secure the throne, but acts like a disrespectful brat. It pains my heart to know that our future Emperor will be her, I hope she declines the request so that Prince Pyro becomes the Emperor."

Anger surged through Seraphina like a tidal wave. How dare they judge her without knowing the truth? How dare they speak of her as though she were nothing more than a pawn in the Empress's game? She took a deep breath, steeling herself against the torrent of emotions threatening to spill over.

Pushing herself away from the door with a determined shove, Seraphina strode purposefully across the room. Each step echoed with resolve as she made her way to confront the maids and put an end to their gossip once and for all.