
Twist of fate:Two hearts

Two different hearts destined to be bound together by fate. Her family supposedly died in a fire outbreak at the age of 15, and she was the only one who survived, she lived survived by herself for a year but at the age of 16, a mafia king took her in to be part of them but fell in love with her and asked her to be his girlfriend in exchange that after 5 years she would leave but she runs away after three years not fulfilling her promise of staying for five years. She begins to achieve her dream as working as an actress in starlight entertainment and suffered a lot until she meets the most powerful man in the country and around the world. He is a cold,rude, arrogant and aloof person which no one can get closer to. She is the only one that can tame him. ****** Ning Quio dared not speak and Lu Laoyang also looked nervous but he spoke up. " I'm going to tell you something, I'll only say it once" Ning Quio nodded her head in approval but didn't expect the word that came out of his mouth " Be my girlfriend" ,she immediately froze, what did she just hear? be my girlfriend? "Erm Mr CEO could you kindly repeat what you said?" "I love you be my girlfriend" At this moment his love helps her to revive her true self and come out of the shell in which she had been hiding for years. ... This story has got two male protagonist and two female protagonist. The heart of two people twist the moment they meet their one true love. *Cover is not mine, credits to the owner*

Dessy_Success · Urban
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140 Chs

Be my girlfriend

A red convertible drove to her,the drivers window opened and she saw Lu Laoyang inside.

"Get in" He spoke as if giving an order.

Ning Quio had grown to become a bit scared of Lu Laoyang because she knew what he was capable of so she was obligned to obeying him. As the car drove,there was complete silence, Ning Quio dared not speak and Lu Laoyang too was a bit nervous though he made sure she wouldn't notice ,he finally decided to speak up.

"I'm going to tell you something, I'll only say it once", Lu Laoyang stopped the car after speaking and turned to look at Ning Quio intently.

Quio was a bit nervous with the way he was looking at her but she still decided to nod her head in approval but she didn't expect the word that came out from his mouth

"Be my girlfriend "

Ning Quio immediately froze her eyes widening with shock. She wasn't sure she had heard well, could it be that the accident had caused her to hallucinate? but the doctor had said she was fine!

"Erm Mr.CEO could you kindly repeat what you said", Ning Quio asked again

"I.love.you, be my girlfriend ", Lu Laoyang spoke word by word so she could hear him clearly. He had clearly said he wasn't going to repeat himself but...

Ning Quio was stunned for a minute before pinching herself because she thought she might be dreaming but it turned out she wasn't, this...this powerful legendary person she knew for just a few days whobwas very proud and cold was asking her to be his girlfriend?there was no way she could accept this.

Lu Laoyang realized that Ning Quio seemed to be in deep thought because she hadn't replied him yet,he promised to not repeat the question but he actually did.

"I must be hallucinating! This doctor clearly didn't check me well, I think I have a problem with my head", Ning Quio started hitting her head.

Lu Laoyang chuckled then suddenly leaned closer to her and kissed her softly for a short period.

"Are you still hallucinating?", He asked with laughter.

 Ning Quio stared at him with wide eyes out of shock of what he had done then suddenly started coughing,

Lu Laoyang immediately passed a bottle of water to her mouth and made her drink while patting her back "Are you alright?" He asked in a gentle voice when she was done drinking.

Ning Quio had already not recovered from her shock and the more gentle he became the more she couldn't believe it, where did this change of attitude suddenly come from? If it was any ordinary person she wouldn't be surprised and might have agreed, but this was Lu Laoyang! Almighty Lu Laoyang! This person was a god she could never even dream of dating.

When it came to beauty she wasn't bad but apart from that she was a nobody, she was a just a lowly actress no one recognized but Lu Laoyang was the kind of person who not only attracted ladies with his beauty but his personality as well. There were many other ladies out there who were much more beautiful than her and also a hundred times better than her ,why did it have to be her?

Maybe he was only thinking about fooling around with her but she wasn't interested in it, besides she had to focus on improving her career now.

"But you like men,why did you choose me?", Ning Quio asked, there were rumors that this big shot liked men.

"What did you say?" He asked in a cold voice

"Y...you like...men ?", Ning Quio stammered when she spoke, why did this man have such an overbearing aura? It was too scary!

"Where did you hear that? if I liked men then why would I come to you?"

"Maybe to hide your real sexual orientation", As Ning Quio spoke she felt the air around them suddenly turn very cold.

"You also think I like men?", Lu Laoyang sneered as he leaned closer to her.

"I...I just heard rumors, besides, who knows they might be true!", Ning Quio gathered courage and spoke calmly.

"Then I think it would be better if I proved my sexual orientation to you right here", Lu Laoyang immediately started to undo his belt.

"No!No! CEO Lu I...I was wrong for believing those rumors!", Ning Quio was frightened and almost believed his words.

"Are you sure?", Lu Laoyang paused and looked at her frightened look then chuckled.

"Yes! Yes I'm sure I'll never believe those rumors again! I can take a cab from here, bye-bye if fate permits we'll meet again", Ning Quio picked up her bag and was ready to leave but the door was locked.

"You...", Ning Quio turned to look at him in horror, was this guy really going to do what he said?

"Did I say you may leave? Why are you running away like I'm a beast?" He asked in a cold voice.

Ning Quio legs began to shake and she started sweating all over, her life was definitely over, " No CEO you've misunderstood I'm sure you have a lot of job to do at the company so I wanted to alight here so you could go back"

Lu Laoyang sneered and started the car not giving her any chance to escape.