
Twinkle The Seer

"Get ready, we'll be moving". Dad said I see, my birthday vacation, but why all this luggage? I guess we will be spending the whole holiday together. Yipee! It will be so much fun. Semilore will be jelly(jealous). I rushed into the van elated, and we started. After hours of endless driving, my excitement weaved down and I drifted to sleep, then I had a nightmare. I saw a girl, her back was turned to me, and she was playing in the water, suddenly the tide was coming in full force, I tried calling out to the girl, but she couldn't hear me, the tide covered her up, I closed my eyes in terror, I opened my eyes and to my greatest surprise, I saw the girl still playing in the water, suddenly she sunk. "No". I whimpered. I opened my eyes. What was that? Where am I? Oh! The van. But where are my parents? I saw them beside the van. I got down and walked up to them. "What's wrong?". I asked. "Something is wrong with the car, we suddenly have a flat tire". Dad said cleaning off the sweat on his forehead. "T, the sun is scorching hot, head back into the van unless you want yourself tanned without applying sunscreen". I laughed. "That is the last thing I would want". I want no sunburns before my birthday. As I turned to return to the van, I saw a beach, the same beach I just dreamt of. How is that even possible? I got into the van and shut the door, confused I stared endlessly at the beach, people were sunbathing, children were playing sand castle, and some people were at the faintest side, just then, I saw a figure, squinting to be sure, I saw a girl THE SAME GIRL? She was walking and running at the same time into the water, but why are people not stopping her? I tried getting down but the door was locked, I tried calling out to my parents, but suddenly everywhere was deserted, even the beach which was full of beings a second ago, was deserted. But how come? I couldn't see the girl's front view, I don't want to watch, then suddenly I'm floating. I couldn't stop the force no matter how hard I tried. The force halted a few meters away from the girl. "Don't go, mother will be upset if you leave". The girl said crying. Who is she talking to? Who is she trying to stop? Suddenly the tide was coming in full force, but the girl was still running deep into the water. Come back, hey! I tried stopping her but I couldn't move my legs, and words weren't forthcoming, It was like I was watching a horror movie, but I don't like this movie, I want to stop watching this movie, but I had no choice because I was being held stiff at a spot. The tide was coming, and the girl was screaming, I also was screaming but I couldn't even hear my voice, I could only hear the girl's echoes of scream, suddenly the tide covered her up. A few seconds later, the sea became calm, I tried running but it was of no use, I was transported back to the van, and suddenly as if nothing happened, people filled the beach, I stared at the beach, everything looked normal, but what just happened? I had a feeling that things were going to change from that moment, and I was right, nights after night, I kept seeing the girl's back view, sometimes, there was always a twist to the story, and other times, I'd be transported back to the beach to watch the scene over and over again, and anytime, I wake up to seek my parents' protection, I would not see them, instead, I will see a pinned note telling me to take care of myself. Isn't that ironic?

Babashola_Maryam · Teen
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9 Chs


As I saw, Angela did not show up to school for a week, soon exams came and went, the results came out and I came out with flying colors, first term exam was done and dusted. My other classmates and I became close, because of the guilt I felt when I foresaw Angela's fall, I helped her in every way possible, and with that, we became very close, though not as close as telling get about my 'gift'. I got home and surprisingly let my parents, wow! First, I don't dream again, I now have a cordial relationship with my classmates and my parents are staying home more often but why do I still feel there is more to it?

"Good evening sir and ma". I greeted.

"Good evening T". Mum said

"How was your day?". Dad asked.

"Fine". I showed them the report card and they looked pleased. After dinner, Dad and Mum called me to the sitting room.

"You like it in Grandma Awero's?". I looked at them, where is the conversation going?

"Yea". I responded.

"She likes it when you stay with her also". Dad said scratching his beard.

"I know". I looked like 🙄

"So when would you like to go?". Mum asked.

"ASAP". I replied.

"What about tomorrow?". Mum suggested. Weird! They are not always as eager as this to leave me but now, I can't help but think about what was going on in their minds, I instantly wish I'm a sort of a mind reader right now.

"Why-". Are you so eager to send me to Granny's place? I wanted to ask but Dad interrupted me.

"You should start packing, we'll drop you off tomorrow". I went to my room and started packing my clothing after all it is a three-week holiday, I sat still thinking of why my parents wanted me to go to Granny's place so soon. Why are they so eager? Anyways, whatever secret or agenda, they might be keeping will soon be out.

I packed my luggage and was ready to go to Grandma's phone and I slept peacefully for some time before suddenly being transported to the beach to watch the scene of Bimpe drowning, I woke up sweaty, I haven't had a nightmare for a week now but suddenly on the eve of my going to Granny's place, I dreamt? I looked at my alarm clock, it said 6:30 AM, I said my prayers and waited till 7 AM before we took off.

Finally, in a few hours, I would be I'm Granny's place, I really can't wait to see her, we drove in silence, and we passed through a sign 'Restricted zone'. I've always been meaning to know why that sign has been there, is there a zoo or forest where wild animals stayed, but it skips my mind every single time I'm here, I'll make sure I ask before going back to the city. After what seemed like centuries, we finally arrived there, excitedly I opened the door and exhaled the fragrance of nature, I looked around me, town kids were playing 'baba sure. A handful of them stared at the car and greeted me, most of them were so engrossed in the game to either notice us, they looked so happy with the game, as a girl missed a step out of the box, the others laughed and giggled, I never got to have this type of fun, maybe because I was in the city, it was more of the educational games on tablets.

Grandma's cottage is one of the most modernized cottages in the town, I hear the booth door close and saw my parents holding my luggage.

"Shall we?". Dad nudged me and I nodded as we moved inside, I met Granny in the dining area, and she turned at the sound of our footsteps.

"Aye! Look who we have here". She said making to stand up, but I rushed to meet her.

"Granny!!". We hugged.

"Hey kiddo, you've grown up". We disengaged.

"Good evening mama". Dad greeted.

"Good evening my son"

"Good evening Mother". Mum greeted.

"Good evening Atinuke, you look more chubby than I could remember". They laughed.

"Someone is missing something here". A voice said coming from the room, I recognise that voice.

"Trisha". I shrieked, and I jumped on her, Trisha has been the one helping Grandma out with everything in the house, she literally stays here, but the last vacation I came here, she wasn't around, and now that she's here, this vacation would be so interesting. She greeted my parents and they responded and complimented her dress.

My parents and Grandma went to the inner room, while I gisted with Tricia, I needed to pee so I excused myself.

"——hallucinating and behaving strangely—". I retreated and tried eavesdropping on the conversation but I barely heard or make sense of what they were saying, sighing I went to the bathroom, and when I was done, I passed by the inner door and caught a phrase. "——living with you". What are they discussing, I went back to the living room to meet Tricia.

"Girl, so tell me where on God's green land you went to last summer".

"Twi, it is a long story, but I'm back now right".

"Right, mind sharing what it is?".

She looked unsure. "I'm not sure if you would understand".

"I'll try to, what's up?".

"I—". The crack of the door made her stop and we waited till the older peeps reach our table, I tried reading Granny's facial expressions but Granny knows how to use her poker face well, even my parent's face was expressionless. I sighed.

"We have a full house here, Atinuke and Segbowe will be staying for tonight". Grandma announced and I chuckled at the mention of Dad's name.

"Mama". Dad frowned. "Call me Dennis". Dad named me that.

"And I named Segbowe". Granny said and Dad groaned. "Anyways there's enough food in the kitchen, my inner spirit had been telling me to cook more food and I did, seems it was right after all". I smiled, Granny and her jokes, her inner spirit told her we were coming because obviously, Dad called her to tell her we were coming over, but wait a minute, my parents don't stay overnight, why today?

"Aduke". My grandma's voice stopped my thought.

"Yes Granny". I responded.

"I said assist me in the kitchen, where were you?".

"I am right here Granny, I'll be so glad to help". I said standing up and going to the kitchen with Granny.

"So, how are you Aduke?". Granny asked as she lit the gas cooker.

"I'm fine Granny". I replied.

"How has life been treating you?". She asked.

"Unfair". I replied honestly.

"Mind to share".

"No, but later on". And we prepared dinner talking about random things.

Author's line.

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