
Twinkle The Seer

"Get ready, we'll be moving". Dad said I see, my birthday vacation, but why all this luggage? I guess we will be spending the whole holiday together. Yipee! It will be so much fun. Semilore will be jelly(jealous). I rushed into the van elated, and we started. After hours of endless driving, my excitement weaved down and I drifted to sleep, then I had a nightmare. I saw a girl, her back was turned to me, and she was playing in the water, suddenly the tide was coming in full force, I tried calling out to the girl, but she couldn't hear me, the tide covered her up, I closed my eyes in terror, I opened my eyes and to my greatest surprise, I saw the girl still playing in the water, suddenly she sunk. "No". I whimpered. I opened my eyes. What was that? Where am I? Oh! The van. But where are my parents? I saw them beside the van. I got down and walked up to them. "What's wrong?". I asked. "Something is wrong with the car, we suddenly have a flat tire". Dad said cleaning off the sweat on his forehead. "T, the sun is scorching hot, head back into the van unless you want yourself tanned without applying sunscreen". I laughed. "That is the last thing I would want". I want no sunburns before my birthday. As I turned to return to the van, I saw a beach, the same beach I just dreamt of. How is that even possible? I got into the van and shut the door, confused I stared endlessly at the beach, people were sunbathing, children were playing sand castle, and some people were at the faintest side, just then, I saw a figure, squinting to be sure, I saw a girl THE SAME GIRL? She was walking and running at the same time into the water, but why are people not stopping her? I tried getting down but the door was locked, I tried calling out to my parents, but suddenly everywhere was deserted, even the beach which was full of beings a second ago, was deserted. But how come? I couldn't see the girl's front view, I don't want to watch, then suddenly I'm floating. I couldn't stop the force no matter how hard I tried. The force halted a few meters away from the girl. "Don't go, mother will be upset if you leave". The girl said crying. Who is she talking to? Who is she trying to stop? Suddenly the tide was coming in full force, but the girl was still running deep into the water. Come back, hey! I tried stopping her but I couldn't move my legs, and words weren't forthcoming, It was like I was watching a horror movie, but I don't like this movie, I want to stop watching this movie, but I had no choice because I was being held stiff at a spot. The tide was coming, and the girl was screaming, I also was screaming but I couldn't even hear my voice, I could only hear the girl's echoes of scream, suddenly the tide covered her up. A few seconds later, the sea became calm, I tried running but it was of no use, I was transported back to the van, and suddenly as if nothing happened, people filled the beach, I stared at the beach, everything looked normal, but what just happened? I had a feeling that things were going to change from that moment, and I was right, nights after night, I kept seeing the girl's back view, sometimes, there was always a twist to the story, and other times, I'd be transported back to the beach to watch the scene over and over again, and anytime, I wake up to seek my parents' protection, I would not see them, instead, I will see a pinned note telling me to take care of myself. Isn't that ironic?

Babashola_Maryam · Teen
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9 Chs


"There is a limit to how much a seer wishes to see".

Prep is something I usually look forward to. No disturbance, just peace. Sparkling High School is known to be the best in the state, I rushed into my class and took my usual sit in the middle row, I brought out my book to revise and suddenly, I sensed someone behind me. WTH?

"Boom!". The person roared. Seriously? I jumped out of my seat in fright. I turned and saw Angela- my girl classmate. How dare she scare me like that? "Did I scare you?". She asked grinning wickedly. Really? Is she kidding? Summoning all the fake smiles I could get, I replied sarcastically.

"No, you did not, you scared Abraham Lincoln".

"Oh, I see". She flipped through the Government book I was reading. "Bibliophile, seriously Twinkle, you take this prep of crap seriously, did you not even notice that the others aren't in class". I glanced to and fro the big classroom and then back at Angela.

"So? This place has always been deserted during prep, so why would today be any different?". I asked.

"C'mon, you are in ss3, not jss2, you don't have to observe this prep of a thing, anyway, I came here to take my phone, we want to practice in the ballroom, if you want to tag along, no pro-".

"No thanks". I interrupted and sat down.

"Alien". She whispered, I jumped up as if I sat down on hot coal.

"What did you say?". I asked.

"Alien?". She asked innocently, who is she kidding?

"Yes, that".

"Well, that's your nickname, anyway, bye, see you in the assembly room in an hour alien". And she went out of the class. Could my day get any worse? I sat down and quickly ate my breakfast.

  After the assembly and lectures, it was lunch break, I went to the school's cafeteria and bought lunch of jollof rice with coleslaw. I heard hushed whispers coming from behind me. I glanced back and saw my girl classmates eating and staring at me, I sighed and looked back at my food and just then, I heard.

"May I please sit with you?". I looked up to see Cassandra standing with the replica of my food.

"Uhm, yeah, sure". She sat down across from me staring at me, we sat in silence, nobody saying anything.

"She needs your help Aduke". I glanced at her, how did she know my grandmother's name for me?

"How did you know I bear Aduke"?. I asked.

"She needs your help please". Cassandra repeated. Beads of sweat ran down my face.

"Who are you?". I shouted and the cafeteria went quiet. Not waiting to hear the response I ran off  to the class.

We soon finished lectures and school was over, I went home and as usual, the empty house welcomed me, I saw a pinned note on the freezer as usual and read.

"T, I won't be coming home for a week, we've a weekly assignment at the office, take care of yourself and eat well.

                Bye. Love from mum💜💜". I hissed and tore the note then I went into my room to change into a more comfy outfit and washed my uniform, I went to the balcony to spread the uniform, I can't wait to go to Ayedun Town, I missed Grandma's company, just a month left before a vacation, I went to the study to write my assignment, immediately I stopped writing, I felt the hairs on my skin stand, I could feel the presence of someone in the room with me, I looked around but couldn't find anybody, I packed my homework into my backpack.

"She needs your help Aduke". I dropped my backpack, did I hear it or assume it? Maybe my encounter with Cass earlier today is making hallucinate.

"Allow me to help you to help her". I'm sure I'm not imagining.

"Who are you?". I asked scared.

"Let me guide me to help her Aduke". The voice said. I'm not spending a nanosecond here. I dashed out of the room and out of the estate, where I took a rode to the beach near my estate.

When there, I rested my head on the warm sand, and glanced up at the sky, the sun seems to be retiring.

"Hey". I looked at the girl above me and sat upright, she looked 10 or 11, her skin is pale so are her eyes.

"Hey back".

"May I sit with you?". She asked.

"Yeah sure". I looked around and saw a few children running here and there with some adults cautioning them not to go closer to the water. I feel something off about this girl. She sat next to me, I can't place a point on her complexion, her skin is pale.

"I've never seen you here before, your first time?".  She asked.

"Uhm...yeah actually I came here to relax".

"To relax". She laughed. Her face looked so pale, and her clothes were drenched in water.

"Yes, you live around here". I asked.

"Yes, I live over there". She points to the water. I look confused, probably she did not hear me.


"There". She pointed to the water again.

"In the water"? I asked for confirmation.

"Do you know where that water starts from?". She asked me back. Why did she dismiss my question?


"Ayedun Town".

"Did you say Ayedun Town"

"Yes, do you know there?"

"Yes, my grandmother's town".


"How did you know?".

"I told you I live over there". She pointed to the water once again.

"How weird". I looked at her and our eyes met, I could swear on my literature textbook that I saw 'help' written in her eyes. I shook my head, I'm hallucinating again. I looked at her again. "Why is your skin so pale, did you swim all day long".

"I stayed in that big water body for so long without help and then..." she waved her hands all over her body. Okay, this is confusing. By now, they were few people on the beach. It's getting weird with this strange girl here and getting late. I need to get home. Just as I was about to get up, I saw her write something on the sand. H-E-L-P help? I checked my wristwatch and saw 5:50 PM.

"Aren't you going to be late for dinner, I'm sure your parent would be worried about you". She looked at me and smiled.

"Noone is waiting for me, but your mom is".

"My mum?". The ring of my phone almost gave me a heartache, I unlocked it and saw a message from mum, I looked at the strange girl sitting on the sand and turned to read the message from mum. "T, I'm home, actually the one week work has been postponed, where are you? it's getting late". Strange. I turned to ask the strange girl how she knew that my mum was already at home, only for me not to find her, she was just here a while ago. I should leave before I freak out, I ran out of the beach towards home, but I could sense something in the water.

Author's line.

This is my first time writing a mystery novel, I hope you enjoy it💋🥂 and follow me to get notified when I drop another chapter✍️✍️