
TWINKLE BELLE (impossible love)

Read fantasy through this book and discover many things on magical creatures no one thought about. "Why are males always favoured? Why are we females not allowed to dominate in this world? Why don't we mark them instead. Why did God give them muscle to carry heavy loads and females tears to cry? This is because their muscles serve as handkerchiefs to wipe our tears. Behind every successful Emperor is a soft hearted and intelligent Emperess who wasn't given a chance to rule by herself." Those were the thoughts of a little girl called Isabelle Mendel. While an Emperor tired of being betrayed went on hiding in a land filled with creatures who wants his head, went back to his land for his 200th birthday and found a rose which cost is priceless and sooner untouchable. Read and discover how Isabelle and Emperor Twilight meet up and unleash all thier secrets. The book cover isn't mine, screened shot it from Pinterest.

Prosperity_Bep · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Authors note

This episode contains deficits of violence, mature contents and is not advisable for kids."°~°"♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

I could see my image reflected by the mirror, all prepared and dressed up, i was putting on a strapless white ball gown with golden laces as holders and saphir ornaments at the bottom and top edges of the gown, it was also decorated beautifully with some golden ink drawings.

"Isabelle am done with your hair" Norea spoke.

Norea had tied my hair in a bun letting some well aranged on my forehead as for the tradition and had some golden pins pushed into my hair to make them blink in contact of light.

"Isabelle do you need anything again? " she asked probably seeing the sadness in my gaze and will of loneliness ,I shook my head and she left.

Finally everyone had left me alone in this house, the only people Left in the palace were Norea and two other servants plus the carriage master, the others had already gone to the wedding hallow as for the culture, which stated that, the bride is suppose to be left alone before her wedding to bring good luck to the family and avoid tenderness to go back home.

"My future wife" a voice spoke which was accompanied by a roaming finger from my neck to my fingers tips in a slow bit carefully calculated motion.

The mirror also reflected the person behind me and it was the Emperor but looking a little different as his eyes were no longer blue but red.

"Are you satisfied, now you will have me as your wife ?" surprised of what slid from my mouth, i asked ignoring his sudden change in eye colour assuming he had turned into a passive vampire "why do you say that? don't you belong to me already? " he replied me with another question making my eyebrows draw together in wonderness and disbelieve to what he said .

"Why didn't you tell me about our past life during the ball?" words rolled out my mouth which I cursed myself inwardly for spitting them out as I had recalled my first kiss.

"let the sleeping dogs lie, i am not here to talk about the past but the future" with that, he carried me and swayed me around as if I was weightless making his musicless dance end up on my bed. Him above and I bellow aiming at kissing me but I surprisingly tilted my head ditching his every attempts.

I don't know why but his touch was different and not that pleasant, i tried to pull back but he held my waist tied to the bed and below him.

"No my emperor, i can't accept this, we can do this after we get married, after then you will have all rights on me " I spoke using my hand to put a boundary between our two lips and tried pulling myself upward afterward without no result.

"why should we wait, if I bite you now, no one will oppose my decision " he replied loosening the golden laces which held my gown together consequently exposing my upper features. "No my emperor, i don't want to get married in this way, what if someone sees

you or the kingdom discovers about this? I will not like to stain my dad's name" I

spoke but the man completely ignored me as his hands were exploring my hingelimps from my feets to my laps and finally he arrived in the center which I couldn't ignore anymore and kicked him away, sweeping him from my body and freeing myself from his grip.

What I did caused alot of noise, Norea teleported herself to my room and tried to scream seeing the scene but the Emperor shushed her as he said"Now leave, i and my wife need to have a good time together " then he excorted Norea out closing the door behind her.

The stunning Emperor turned to me stripping which made me wonder from which planet he was from, 'don't he know the signification of no' I asked my self parting my now red coloured lips .

Something was lacking. Now I remember, the Emperor had my name written on his chest but the man infront of me didn't. "who are you?" I spoke while pointing my dagger at him making him laugh like a villain who didn't care his plan had been revealed and then he swifted to his real physical appearance.

I watched him closely as his body turned in to fluid moving haphazardly but not losing any drop of the liquid and finally his real form was revealed .

It was Julian!. Julian posses white coloured hair and red eyes almost like mine but more imposing, backed up by a well kept pale flawless skin. "Julian ?, what got into you !?" I asked, "What do you think ?, that I will end up as the paramour of that old lady. By the way, all this is your fault, if you hadn't rejected my marriage proposal then I wouldn't be single" he spoke then began approaching me, I tried defending myself but holding my gown and attacking once was advantageous for him.

He aimed at taking the dagger from me but got unlucky as it wounded him.

A red fume which didn't possess any smell made his way into the room, making my view blurred .Due to the blurreness, I planted my dagger to something stiff rendering me armless.

When he finally gripped one of my hands , i searched for my dagger with the hand which held my gown together making it fall but I sacrificed my gown for nothing as I met he's in my search. "No Julian No!!!" I screamed at the top of my voice and gave him a solid punch on the belly. It didn't take long for him to gather himself up and he had pushed me to the bed ,gripping my hands to the bed at opposite sides , i tried to use my magical abilities but it didn't work, the energy in my body was rapidly been converted into erotic energy . "Isabelle don't try to use your powers, you will only use up your energy, you didn't notice but the special fume which was sprayed in your room was aphrodisiac" he spoke with a wicked smirk and kissed me, moving from my ear to my belly still holding my hands pinned to the bed.

Was it because of the aphrodisiac? cause I wanted him so badly, i wanted him to explore more of my body, to rip off the leftover cloths which I had and most of all touch me there "Julian No! no! no! no!" I kept moaning as his hands were doing magic on my body, he was making sure he gave equal attention to all the parts of my body until I ended up asking myself if he was and expert as my body responded to his every move "Julian please!! let go of me!" I screamed and he pursed gathering himself and off my body.

I don't know why but something in me wasn't right I was so hungry for something I had never experienced in my life. I once heard the existed drugs which could make anyone go berserk for s*** and that it was very dangerous but I laughed as I didn't believe in any of those countless stories.

Julian picked up his shirt in the intention of leaving but I wasn't satisfied, my body needed him, my spirit needed him .In my situation I was even able to satisfy myself with the first tailed human being I meet even if he was just a slave.

"Julian please come back don't go !" I begged as his back faced me then he turned to me with a devilish smirk on his face "My future Emperess ,we aren't married so I don't want to continue further, may my Emperess be pleased with my decision " and just when he was about to leave, my mouth started spitting out rubbish "Julian what have you done to me ?, bite me if you want to but finish what you started, please" I pleaded as my skin kept begging for a man's touch and my breath accelerated ."But my Emperess, this is traison to the whole kingdom, if someone discovers this then" Julian replied with the same smirk on his face.

Why was he doing this ?,was it for me to be on my knees begging .He came to my room, disguised as the Emperor, then sprayed aphrodisiac to make my body go berserk "please Julian don't go, i am ready to do anything you want " what was I even saying, was my resistance to drugs that low ?, my mind was not even thinking of neither the consequences nor what I was doing, it seemed like the drug had washed out all my sense of judgement.

"If it has been asked so kindly ,then I won't refuse " Julian responded while putting his shirt down and came back kissing me and finally, he cut off all the leftover cloths which were separating my body from his and pushed me closer to him , finally penetrating into me. It hurt a little in the start but the satisfaction that accompanied it was overwhelming as he moved up and down like I was his horse and him the horse rider.

"Faster!" i screamed and he kept increasing his pase making me climb up and down mount Olympia, I moaned in pleasure shouting his name now and then "Isabelle you taste so good " he commented while doing his magic "Isabelle yes" he continued while running his tongue over his lips now and then in pleasure , sooner, i almost touched the climax when he pursed and bite me.

It hurts but it also came with a tinkly feeling of satisfaction and pleasure, i hand gripped the bed sheet tied to prevent myself from screaming but it was of no use as I screamed his name at the top of my voice.

it was funny as the touch which I didn't appreciate became an essential vitamin for my body.

He finally ended slowing down his pase little by little, though the aphrodisiac was still disregulating my body I felt all my senses getting back together "Isabelle is almost time for your wedding, am leaving, be a good girl" he whispered to my ear.

I was completely messed up, my hair was scattered around the bed and my gown on the floor, the last thing I saw across the blurred room was the Emperor and a pink fume before I blacked out.

Author note/question

In a vampire civilization, a bite is been regarded as claiming your wife or simply marking her.

What will you do in the place of Emperor Twilight when you discover your wife to be has already been claimed???

post your answers as a comment after this paragraph.