
Twin Supreme Successors

Imagine traversing the world and other numerous places that's beyond our wildest imaginations. Encountering amazing creatures and subduing magical races. Running for your life and succeeding immeasurable power. And all this done with your twin brother/sister who always got your back no matter what entails. ______________________________________ My first official book release. Please go easy on me. The fact that I do not have a sister and insisted on writing, scared me a bit. But I will try my best to please you. I promise. ______________________________________ Chapter Word Count : 700-750 words Future Updates : 750-800 words I like short chapters. ______________________________________ Found cover image on pinterest.

Demons_Candy · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 19 - Eggy emerging.

At the edge of the day, dusk surrendered to the darkness of the night. Eggy was finally hatching.

Accompanied by Hale and Dia. The egg that slept on the pillow, was trembling. It jumped up and down, trying to break the egg shell or it's hatch house. The egg cracked, with a long - CRICK - sound. As the shell broke in half, a blinding light simulated itself in the room. The blinding rays of light, which originated from the half egg shell's, made Dia and Hale have their eyes shut tightly.

Whilst this was happening, Diana was bickering with a merchant man, trying to cut the deal in half, saving her some money, which she can use to treat herself better.

Diana was not by the valley for such a splendid occasion. She was shopping in one of the cities in the kingdom, which happens once a month. Sadly it was that time of the month again. And she needed magic crystals and proper foods to feed the family. Although she would like to hunt, but she finds it very boring and strenuous.

She prefers shopping which is a very enjoyable task for her, as she likes to window shop and bargain for deals, because of the lack of knowledge a person has on said item. Sometimes she loses and sometimes she wins.

She like to discover mysterious items within the market, obviously at low prices. It was finding the wonder in the simplest of things or actions. It is mostly because of her woman-like nature.

Which is why Dia and Hale rather stay at home and not accompany her, because they know that she is going to take an entire day.

Going back to the Eggy.

After the persistent light rays. A little girl with a black dress, with pure, long black hair, and a very jade-like skin hovered asleep in the air. She hovered for a few seconds and than fell into Hale's hands. Hale was astonished, "What the hell is this? Why is a girl stuck in a pet egg?" Hale was asking questions aloud.

Dia just stared at the girl. She was also very shocked and did not know what to say. She just looked on, considering her silence.

After the dreadful silence, Dia came up with a quick answer, "Maybe the spirit within had already transformed to it's human-form. I remember, Mother once said that, one of her spirit pets also transformed to a half-human state, a fox-like human - a human with fluffy ears and a fluffy tail."

The little girl began to open her eyes slowly. Her eyes were like red emeralds. Her eyes deep red and gorgeous looking. She stared at Hale, who was still holding her in a princess-carrying position.

She than yelped,"Master! Master!! I finally get to see you." She said while laying in Hale's arms.

"Master?....Me?" Hale was bewildered. How can this little girl be a pet, when she obviously looked more human than him.

"Yes Master! My name is Eggy."

The girl said delightfully, while attempting to hug Hale with excitement.

"She is definitely a pet. Egg-gy, ahem! which spiritual race are you from?" Dia asked warily, like Hale had did something wrong.

"Eggy does not know!" The little girl had a confused look. She looked cute whilst answering.

"Then can you transform into some-type of creature or spiritual form? You know, like one of these." Dia asked once again, while pointing to a picture on a book with a Griffon and Phoenix drawn on the cover.

"Oh! Eggy knows! Eggy knows!!" Eggy repeatedly replied whilst nodding her head seriously. She seemed to really understand what Hale and Dia wanted to know.

She woke up from the pillows that Hale left her on, and stood straight up. She than tried to remove her dress. Which Hale and Dia quickly intervened, before she moved to do anything dangerous. Obviously in Hale's context.

Eggy was probably at their age and this would be inappropriate if she attempted to take of her clothing.

Eggy looked more confused. She tried to do what they asked but they immediately stopped her. She did not know what to do now, which muddled her head thoroughly.

Eggy looked at Hale weirdly and asked, "Master, Eggy know little of the speech you use. Eggy does not under-understand fully." She seemed to be trying to recall some words to construct her sentences. Her word choices and speech was almost identical to Hale's. She must have learned and heard the way he talks, when she was still unhatched.