
You saved him

She fumbled for words for a few seconds as he turned around, but finally gathering up courage, she said, "Thank you Max. Thank you for being there for him. You've saved him."

"But what about you Alina? You need saving too. Saving from this he*l-hole. Saving from yourself. Who's gonna save you? Especially when you don't even let anyone in." Max swallowed these words as Alina resumed her work, and he turned around and walked in the living room.

The doorbell rang just as the table was set and the three people in the house were ready for dinner. Max, being the closest to the front door, opened it and led in Steve, looking very dashing in a fresh pair of sky blue shirt and black pants, with his dusty blonde hair neatly combed back.

Dinner was a chatty affair as everyone had a good time. Steve was a genuinely nice person, asking about each and every thing going on in their lives (they couldn't tell him everything of course) and sharing funny stories of himself of his childhood. Alina also seemed to be in an unusually good mood as she kept giggling and laughing non-stop at whatever Steve said and kept piling up food on everyone's plates.

Max was also having a good time, but he had of course noticed that Alex was quite tired. And it was to be expected, he had had a long day after all. Max wanted to say something as Alex's eyes almost closed right there on the dining table, but he stopped himself when Alina suddenly let out a large burst of laughter.

It had been a long time since he had seen this girl laugh so loudly, actually, Max didn't think he had ever seen her laugh like this. But Steve had apparently also noticed Alex as she said, "Alina, I think we should wrap up dinner. Your brother has had a long day, he must be tired." Alina was surprised with herself as she turned to see Alex letting out a tired, apologetic smile. How hadn't she noticed? She could usually anticipate Alex's attacks and tiredness before he himself experienced them, but tonight she seemed to have gotten carried away.

"Oh of course. I'm so sorry Alex!! I completely lost track of time." Alina exclaimed as she stood up. Alex shook his head and said, "It's not your fault."

Alina smiled and kissed his cheek goodnight as she said, "I'll clean the table and do the dishes." "Max, can you help him change?" she added, already beginning with the work. "Of course." Max replied as he stood up.

"Goodnight Steve. Goodnight Alina." Both Max and Alex called out as the former wheeled the latter in their bedroom. "Goodnight!!" Alina called out, already having too many dishes in her hands.

"Here, let me help you." Steve said, standing up and taking most of the dishes out of Alina's hands. "You really don't have to." Though she said this, Alina was already handing him half the dishes and moving towards the kitchen.

"Dinner was really delicious!" Steve said as he walked in the kitchen with two bowls in his hand. Alina turned to look at him with a smile and asked, "Is that the last of them?" gesturing towards the bowls with her head, as her hands were all wet with the dishes in the sink.