
Deserve a lot more

"Yup." Steve said and put the two bowls in the sink with the rest of the dirty dishes. "You need any help?" he asked, after standing around awkwardly for two seconds as Alina went back to the dishes.

Alina let out a chuckle as she shook her head. "You know you can't do dishes to save your life." she said. Steve pouted and replied, "I could. At least, to save my life." but there was a smile on his face as he said this.

"Do you remember that time when I tried to do dishes here?" Steve asked, remembering an old memory and letting out a laugh. Alina bit back a laugh as she said, "How could I not. The whole kitchen was such a mess that I had to spent the next two hours cleaning it. And the worst part was that you hadn't washed a single dish!!" Steve threw his head back and let out a hearty laugh as Alina also let out a few giggles which finally turned into a laugh.

The two were silent for a few seconds once they stopped laughing. "So, today was really nice." Steve said, walking over to the sink and leaning against the counter beside it. Alina nodded as she said, not looking up from the dishes, "He deserves this much." "He deserves a lot more than this Alina." Steve said, turning his body to completely face her as he continued, "And you do too. Don't you dare deny it Alina, you know it's true. You deserve, and are meant for much greater things than what you're allowing yourself to have."

Alina's only response was a sigh and a, "Can we not do this again?" "Please?" she added, as Steve opened his mouth to argue. "Fine!" he humphed and asked, changing the topic, "How is Alex?" Alina was glad he had decided not to pursue it further as began to explain the extent of Alex's disease and all she had speculated to Steve.

Half an hour later . . . .

Steve pushed himself off his position against the counter as Alina removed her apron and hung it on a hook. "I should be heading back. You should rest, you've had a long day." he said, walking towards kitchen door when a voice inside stopped him. "Wait a second. I'll walk you home." Alina said, rushing to grab both of their's coats.

Steve rolled his eyes as he took his jacket from her. It was kind of like an inside joke the two of them had developed. Once, Alina for some reason had insisted on walking Steve home after a dinner like this. It had still been a little early, so Mrs. Flame had agreed. And Steve, being a gentleman, had of course insisted on walking her back home.

The two of them had gone back and forth like this for hours until Steve's father had yelled at him to drop Alina home and get back in the house. He had also, very sternly, requested Alina to let his son walk her home.

It had become sort of a custom since then. Alina would say, "I'll walk you home." and the two of them would walk back and forth between their homes for hours talking, until it was too late or either one of them was tired.