
Murderous expression

This time, as she had been expecting the recoil, she managed to stay in position with a little help from Max.

Once back to stability, Alina looked at the target. She almost groaned out aloud, but swallowed it remembering that her brother was right here. Who was, needless to say, gloating as if he had climbed Mt. Everest.

Even before Max had time to look at the target, he knew something was wrong. Alina just infront of him had suddenly begun to ooze out negativity. He was just glad he couldn't see her face. Max was sure he would have run for his life if he had done that.

Max turned his eyes to the target and frowned. Alina's aim was nothing compared to Alex's, but that was to be expected. Especially as Alina was probably firing a gun for the first time. But it was still better than some people on the viper cartel.

The bullet had hit the second outermost circle. "This is quite good. You'll be as good as Alex with some . . . . " Max began, but he stopped mid-sentence upon seeing the dark expression on Alina's face. Max made a mental note to hide the guns before he went to sleep tonight, he was worried about his and Alex's safety with the guns and Alina on the loose.

"Yeah she'll be as good as me with practice," Alex said, and Max let out a smile seeing him supporting his sister, "In a million years!!" and then he completed the sentence. Max rolled his eyes and let out an internal groan which turned into a gasp when Alina turned to stare at Alex.

The two stared at each other, Alina with a murderous expression and Alex looking the most smug Max had ever seen him.

Just as Max was wondering if only one of them was going to leave alive from this clearing, Alina once again turned to face the target. She let out a huge breath and aimed. "A little help Max?" her words brought Max out of his trance and he hurried over to support Alina.

The rest of the practice passed in silence with Alina firing shot after shot and getting better with each shot. By the time she put down the gun, the target was full of holes and Alina was panting a little.

Even Max was feeling a little stiff as he began to do some light stretches. "I'll let you guys have some private time now." Alina said, "Max, you'll be able to wheel him back right?" Max nodded with a confused expression and Alina let out a smile. "I'll go get started on dinner then." she said, walking away.

"Don't you think you pissed her off a little too much?" Max asked, helping Alex sit on the grass and settling down beside him. "It's a sibling thing." he replied with a shrug, "Besides, she does much better with negative affirmations."

"Alina has been praised for everything she did her whole life." Alex began, seeing the confused look on Max's face, "That's how good she was at everything she did. So naturally, Alina could never stand being bad at anything. And she absolutely hated it when anyone else pointed it out." "I guess not much has changed since I left." he completed, his lips curving into an adorable smile.