
I had no idea

The only reply he got was a turn of Alina's face as she focused on the target and took her stance.

"Here, try to stand a little . . . . . . " Max began, intending to help Alina get the proper posture. But his words stopped in mid-sentence as he looked at the petite girl in front of him.

Alina was standing directly facing the target, her legs shoulder length apart, the perfect stance for a good balance. She was holding the gun in both of her hands, with the handle pressed into her chest for support, exactly like Alex had done a couple of minutes ago. She closed her left eye, taking aim. Didn't seem to like it, tried opening the left eye and closing the right. But that also didn't do the trick.

"Do whatever feels natural to you. Aiming with my right eye feels natural to me, doesn't mean it will work for you." Alex spoke out. Alina looked as though she hadn't heard what he just said, but she opened both of her eyes, taking aim.

Finally, after taking a couple of seconds to aim, Alina slowly let out a long breath and pulled the trigger. BANG! The voice echoed through the quiet forest and Max, who had been looking at the target to see Alina aim, was thrown off his feet. He caught his balance and instinctively reached out to support Alina, who had been thrown off by the recoil of the gun.

"Phew!! I had no idea it backfired with so much force." Alina spoke, straightening up and wiping her brow.

Max looked at the target to check out Alina's aim and to see what he had to work with as he explained, "It's called a recoil. And yes, it packs quite a punch. Especially with the customized guns Alex usually uses." "Of course he uses customized guns." Alina rolled her eyes as she also looked at the target. "Damn! Missed it just by an inch!!" she exclaimed.

Alex, who had been watching the exchange quietly, spoke up, "Please!! I think there is someone four blocks away that was hit by your bullet." Alina narrowed her eyes upon hearing this and pointed the gun at Alex, whose only response was raising an eyebrow.

"Wh-What . . . . What are you . . . . What!?!?!?" Max was the one who was flustered. Alex's lips curved into a smirk as he said, "Don't worry dear. She just doesn't like losing." Though Alex looked quite self-confident, Max was still worried. He really believed Alina was capable of killing someone if she felt like it. "Please Alina. Don't make me a widower even before my wedding night." he pleaded.

Alina only huffed and didn't move. Just as Max was beginning to wonder if this girl was really planning on pulling the trigger, she turned around to face the target once more.

This time she took a more stable stance and tucked the gun into her armpit a little, along with pushing it into her chest. "Do you want some help?" Max asked, moving behind her to provide support for the recoil.

Though she didn't agree, Alina also didn't tell Max to f*ck off, which he took as a good sign and lightly leaned against her. Alina took a few second to aim and pulled the trigger once again.