
Did you turn religious?

Alina led Alex out from their house through the lanes.

Alex finally frowned as they walked in sight of the village church. "I didn't know you had turned religious." Alex said, looking at the church. How long had it been since he had been to a church? He didn't even remember.

"Huh? What?" Alina asked as she walk skipped. She seemed so excited that she could barely hold herself from jumping into the air.

"It's Sunday today. I didn't think you went to church do regularly. And all dressed up too!!" Alex chuckled, leaning on Alina's arm.

Alina's eyes sparkled as she spoke, "I don't go to church. I've technically not been to one for six years."

Alex raised an eyebrow, "Technically?"

"You'll see." Alina replied as she rolled her eyes.

Once the two reached the entrance of the church, Alex was all sweaty from the exercise.

"You're really gotten unfit. Do you think you'll be fine?" Alina whispered as she wiped Alex's brow and adjusted his tie.

Alex chuckled, "Sure I'll be fine. But what are we going to do?"

"You'll see." Alina replied with a mysterious smile and took his arm. And the two of them entered the church, Alina leading Alex.

As they entered, Alex forgot to breathe as he looked around.

The whole church was done up with beautiful vines, leaves and flowers, giving it the look of a forest. And not just any forest, Alex and Alina's favourite spot at a nearby forest where they used to play when they were younger.

Alex laughed out loud upon seeing a makeshift target, which the two of them had made for target practice and where Alex always best Alina.

"You did this?" Alex asked, blinking back tears.

Alina chuckled, "This was the only thing you best me at. How could I leave this out on such a special day."

"What special day?" Alex asked, still mesmerised by the decorations and not caring much about the answer.

The best he could think was that Alina wanted him to relive his best memories before he became completely unable to leave the house.

But what came next, truly shock Alex off his feet and he would definitely have fainted had not Alina been there to steady him.

As they entered the chapel, Alex's eyes met Max who was standing at the other end, wearing a white suit with a black shirt.

He stood under an arch of flowers that Alina had once found in the forest. She had instantly fallen in love with the arch and had declared that she would marry under this arch. And Alex had laughed at her.

But Alex hadn't noticed all this until Alina spoke. His attention was set on the person standing under the arch. Max stood under the arch of flowers, his eyes set on Alex, and a faint smile on his lips.

The only thing that stopped Alex from running into Max's arms was Alina's hand on his.

"Slow down tiger. He's waiting for you only." Alina chuckled as she whispered in Alex's ear.

"Alina...Alina you...." Alex managed to choke out before his voice cracked.

Alina smiled, "Welcome." As Alex turned his attention back towards Max, and saw the complete picture, Max under the arch.