
He's that bad?

"I could see that. Is he not even able to walk by himself now?" Alina asked.

Max pursued his lips, "I told him to go see a doctor. But he said it was all right. He would do it when he came to the village. He said he had time!!!!!"

Alina frowned, "When did his symptoms first appear?"

"A month ago." Max replied. The next instant, he looked up with alarm as he heard a loud thud. "Alina? ALINA!!?!" Max shrieked as he ran to Alina, who had slumped on the ground on her knees.

Max helped her up and made her sit on the stone. "What's wrong? Do you feel faint? Do you need anything?" Max worriedly hovered over Alina who sat with her head in her hands.

"I'm fine. Head back first. Alex might wake up anytime." Alina said after a while, looking up.

Max stared long and hard at Alina, but she really did look fine now.

Finally, he got up and walked away.

As soon as Max was out of sight, Alina held her head again as she began sobbing.

"A month? He's that bad after a month?" she murmured to herself and hugged her knees.

Max walked back to the house very mystified by Alina's behaviour.

He walked in the living room to see Alex sitting up, staring here and there with a confused expression. "You're up? Sorry, I just went for a walk." Max said as he wrapped the blanket more closely around Alex.

Alex chuckled as he patted the seat beside him, "Stop treating me like an invalid."

Max held his tongue about Alina's behaviour as he sat down. He had rarely seen Alex so happy, and he did not want to worry him.

His thoughts were interupted by Alex climbing into his lap.

Max chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Alex, "Someone is quite clingy today."

Alex also smiled as he placed his head on Max's chest, "Do you not like it?"

"I love it." Max replied with a content voice and the two fell silent.

"Something's bothering you." Alex said as he looked up at Max's face.

Max stared in Alex's chocolate brown eyes before he forced out a smile, "What makes you say that? I was just pondering over your sister's behaviour. But it doesn't bother me."

Alex sighed and leaned closer to Max's face.

Max's breath hitched as his lips met Alex's in a deep and passionate kiss.

By the time the two broke apart, they were both breathing very hard and their clothes were in a dizzary.

Max chuckled as he fixed Alex's shirt, "Let's not do this here. I have a feeling that your baby sister really will throw us out if she walks in."

Alex did not reply but stared fixedly into Max's ocean blue eyes. Max sighed after a minute, "You sure know how to get information from me."

Alex beamed, "Spill."

Max wrapped his arms more tightly around Alex and told him everything, including Alina's sudden reaction as soon as they talked about his disease.

"I'm worried about why did she react that way? Or is she coming down with something too?" Max finished with a sigh.