
Twin Cultivators

Ihaveacat · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

|Ren's POV|

{Awarded 100,000 apprentice knights, 50,000 apprentice Calverly units, 10,000 apprentice archers, 1000 apprentice mages, 2 General knights(gold)Calverly General(iron)Archer General(Iron) Master Mage(advanced) 200,000 villagers(Jobs assigned manually) intermediate Kingdom}

"System what are the levels?"

{ The levels for troops are, Apprentice, intermediate, advanced, iron, gold, diamond, platinum, divine...

The levels for kingdoms and empires are, Small, intermediate, advanced, large, tier 1 empire, tier 2, tier 3, tier 4, tier 5, God empire…..}

"Oh thank you system, please make the intermediate kingdom" Ren asked the system.

After those words a golden light flew out of Ren's body and a large wall started forming around Ren, houses and shops of various sizes materialized, another wall many times larger, started forming in the middle of the city with a castle inside and small mansions for important nobles or military.

"This is a nice start, may not be much but it will become the strongest empire to exist one day" Ren muttered excitedly. One must know that if a single expert arrived here the continent would be annihilated without a single spot of dust to show it existed.

"In the world of cultivation only the strong preserve" he muttered under his breath.

"System take out 10,000 villagers" a large portal formed in the town square and 10,000 villagers stepped out, all of their eyes seemed lifeless.

"System what's wrong with them?" He was confused as they all stood in place staring mindlessly, they looked like stone statues that were very realistic.

{The villagers have not received their souls yet as they haven't been assigned jobs}

"Hmm, before I assign them jobs, can they cultivate?" He had been wanting to ask this question as it would be very convenient if he could give a few talents to Kai so he could start his sect.

{All beings provided by the system have been taken from different world, it is not certain that the are able to cultivate, but their talent is random}

"So you don't create them?" He was confused as all of the novels he read the system made everything, or at least is sounded like that.

{No, I take souls from the underworld and wipe their memories and replace them, creating them would take to much work}

"Hmm, system out of the 200,000 villagers, which have good talent?"


"Take them out" a portal appeared but it was much smaller than the first one. Many vil- no now they are disciples, stepped out of the portal. He then commanded them to follow him to the tallest mountain on the continent. There, he saw a tall wall surrounding the mountain, it had 5 walls which went from the outer wall to the top of the mountain, outer court was for new disciples or disciples that have yet to pass the exam to become an inner disciple, next the inner court, then the core, core disciples are prodigies that standed out among other disciples, then the elders, to become an elder you must have made huge sect contributions and a high cultivation level, finally the sect masters residence. He brought the disciples into the outer court and gave the outer disciple robes. They were then given cultivation rooms and were instructed to cultivate until they reached foundation establishment.

"Kai where ar-!"


"You we're looking for me?"

"Where in the-?" Ren stared at Kai with wide eyes.

"You didn't notice, the 'God' gave us Foundation cultivation" he replied.

"Oh so that's why I felt different, well then cultivation is settled for the moment, let's go back to the kingdom" he turned around and started walking.

"Wait!" Kai shouted to Ren.

"What is it?"

"I need to cultivate, I don't want to walk around with such low cultivation, and I also need more disciples, but look at my cultivation"

"Oh, well alright, I'm going to send some of my knights and a general to make bases in other continents" with that Ren turned around and walked towards the city.

Kai turned around and climbed the stairs up to his pavilion, when it came into view he sped up his pace.

"Uhh, why did I make it at the top of the mountain" he groaned as he finally arrived at the entrance. The entrance was a golden gate and he pushed them open. The gates slightly opened and closed behind Kai, he walked into the pavilion and slowly sat down on a mat that sat high above the ground, as he started circulating his Qi, Ren could feel himself improve as Qi rushed into his datain.

"What is the meaning of this" he asked confused on why he is gaining cultivation.

{Answer, since hosts souls are connected, you both receive the benefits of the other, both of you will always be matched and neither will be stronger, not even techniques can make you stronger than the other}

"Oh, so I get free cultivation, yes please"

A/N hello guys this novel will be updated daily, idk how many chapters but at least two, also give me money