
Twin Cultivators

Ihaveacat · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

In a dark forest two teens could be seen passed out on the ground.

"Ughhh" one of the teens grunted as he opened his dark blue eyes. He looked around with a pained expression, as soon as his eyes laid upon the other teen his eyes widened and he jumped up.

"Ren are you okay!?" He shouted with a concerned voice, he jumped towards the teen known as Ren. He lifted Ren up carefully laying him upright against a nearby tree.

"FiVe mOr miNutEs…" he groaned rolling to the side huddled up in a ball.

"Ren get up this is serious" the teen rolled his eyes as he talked in a stern voice.

Ren slowly opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings,"Damn that sucks, where's the bed I'm tired" he asked in a unconcerned voice.

"This is why I am mom's favorite" the blue eyed teen said in a prideful voice.

[Hello hosts]

"What the- Ow" the blue eyed teen angrily looked at Ren as he had punched him in the face.

"YES!!" Ren threw his fist in the air, accidentally punching the blue eyed teen in the face.

"Opps, sorry Kai" Ren said nonchalantly.


[If you are done , then I shall introduce myself, I am known as a God, if you should know I'm here to grant you twins a system. You will be able to choose from this list of systems, then I will send you on your way]

"Kai you better not mess this up, I have been waiting for years until this moment has come"

"Don't worry idiot, unlike you I have planned if this would every happen, I have a lot of plans, like for the zombie apocalypse, monsters invade, etc. I'm more worried about you"

"Alright then where's the list all mighty God" Ren asked.

~Harem system

~God System

~ necromancer system


There were many others, but just as Ren was about to choose his system Kai stopped him, "Ren how about you choose the empire system and I choose the sect master system, therefore I can attract talents, while you build a force to protect the sect, also we can exchange many resources"

Ren instantly agreed to his brothers idea, he scrolled down and clicked the Empire system, and Kai chose the Sect Master System. So their journey began.


Suddenly they both appeared in a white room.

{Hosts please make your appearance}

An array of details appeared asking what their age would be, gender, etc. then at the bottom they had to think of their appearance and clothes.

Kai was a tall and lean young man seemingly in his mid teens standing and a height of 6 foot, long silky black hair the reached his knee's were tied up in a ponytail, dark ocean blue eyes with a circle of light blue surrounding his pupil.

Ren was the same age, height, and face but he had short puffy blonde hair, and hazel eyes that changed shade depending on his mood.

After confirming their appearance they appeared on a lone continent with no civilization to be seen, just a huge forest with wildlife everywhere you looked, not even the tiniest crack was uninhabited.

This soon would be the most powerful empire to every exist, alongside a sect that could match it. No one would forget the day they appeared, trillions of generations to come would still fear this empire.