
Twilight x Fast & The Furious - Alexander x Rosalie

This is my first Fanfic hope you enjoy. This is a story about Esme's Son that was supposed to be dead, but he didn't die, as a reincarnated soul had entered the dying baby's body. Follow Alexanders journey across Twilight and Fast & The Furious. *Disclaimer I don't own Twilight, just writing about it for so fun* *The OC are mine though*

Jacob1011 · Movies
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Chapter 5 - Questions

(Classroom Alex POV)

After introducing our selves to each other, I started chatting with Rosalie, asking each other questions.

"So Rosy~, what do you like to do for fun around here in Forks, as there isn't much to do around here from what I've seen" I said with a big grin as I have just given here a nickname.

To which Rosalie looked at me with a small smile replying with "I like anything about Cars, Mechanics or Fashion, I saw the car you came into school with was it a V8 8.0l Twin Turbo?" almost letting a shocked looking expression on my face from hearing her.

I said back to her "Well I expected fashion with how gorgeous you look, but not having a hobby for cars and mechanics, when I saw you in the mall it was love at first sight due to our bond, but now I think that I just feel in love a second time with you if that's possible" looking at her cute expression when she gets embarrassed, thinking to myself 'and only I get to see this side of her for the rest of our lives'.

Pulling myself from my thoughts I answer her first question "But, Yes, you're right it was a V8 8.0l Twin-Turbo with the cooling system modified with an advanced EMS & Cooling system" then he leaned towards her saying in a low voice "also it has two 10lb NOS bottles installed for when I want to go really fast" smirking at Rosalie that look's like she just went into heat with how hard she is blushing.

Rosalie then snapped out of her thoughts looking at him with shock, then asked "Wait, how did you know about mate bond's?"

To which I just reply with a wink saying "Trade secret Rosy~" in a flirtatious voice, watching as she turns around ignoring me with a small pout on her face, that she didn't even realise she had.

I take out my phone taking a quick photo while my phone is in silent mode, which no one saw, but after I took the photo Rosy turned her head to see why I was moving only to catch me pointing a phone camera at her which made her more embarrassed at having her photo taken.

"Why did you take my photo?" in a pouty voice

"Because you look so cute when you pout like that Rosy~" greatly shocking Rosalie looking at her face in the photo, where she was pouting, she has never been shocked, embarrassed so much in the pass but today her mate had made her show a new side of herself, even she never really knew about.

*BRINNNN!!!!!!* *BRINNNN!!!!!!* *BRINNNN!!!!!!*

I turn to Rosy "Well see you at lunch Rosy~" giving her a quick kiss on the check, much to the shock of the classroom, especially Rosalie who just glared at her classmates making all of them instinctively look away from her and some leave the room as soon as possible.

The next two classes were boring for me not much happened, but I did hear some people in class talking about me and Rosy, about the fact that I kissed her as I was leaving the class, the rumours changed the more I heard them I even hear one pair saying that their friend was in that class when it happens, it wasn't just a class, but instead we were making out the whole time in class, which I just thought to my-self 'that doesn't sound to bad making out with my Rosy~ for the whole class, God knows school is boring as shit with my IQ.'

(Lunch Time)

I walk in the canteen to get some grub when I saw the Cullen's at their table looking over at me to which I smirk and said with a whisper "keep staring at me like that Edward I might think you wanna get into my pants or something" with a devilish grin to finish it off, which only earned an even harder glare from Edward, but the rest had different reactions.

Emmett almost fell off his chair laughing so hard "HAHHAHAHAHHA!!!!" rang out across the room

Jasper, Alice, Jennifer, Rosy just chuckle at my comment.

I walked over to the food area and grabbed some food to eat, then made my way over to the Cullen's table, I grabbed a spare sit from a different table and walk over to sit next to Rosy, to which I look at her and say "Told you I would see you at lunch Rosy~" with a super flirtatious voice, earning a smile and small laugh from everyone except Edward.

I look at the whole table and introduce my-self "Hello I am Alexander Stark, Rosy's mate, Nice to meet you all" shocking the whole table at what I said because that basically implied that I knew they were Vampire's, to my surprise the first to talk was Alice.

"Hi Alex, I am Alice, I think we are going to get along get" the Pixie said in a voice that sound like it was going to burst with excitement at any moment.

"Pleasure Pixie, since we are friend look at the photo I took earlier in class" said while pulling out my phone to show the table, then I heard from Rosy saying "No, don't show them" Ignoring her blushing up a storm, showing them all a photo of a pouting Rosy.

Emmett was the first to laugh out loud, while also earning a smack in the back of the head from Jennifer, making him stop really fast while giving a sheepish smile.

Everyone was laughing and introduced themselves to me.

"Hi Alex, I am Jennifer and this big but lovable idiot is Emmett, my mate." Jennifer said with a smile

"Hi Alexander, names Jasper, Alice's mate, nice to meet you. To which they all shock my hand.

Then I look at everyone at the table and ask "So who is the man that had been drilling a hole into my head a few minutes ago" once again earning a chuckle from everyone, as Edward moved his eye away from Bella and just said with a glare "Edward, also how do you know what a mate is? Are you even human?" seeing his face I can't help but laugh a little at him saying "Look I know I'm handsome, but please stop looking at me like you want to undress me, I am saving my-self for Rosy~" I say will covering my chest and bottom parts, acting like a teenage girl in the process. Much to my amusement, everyone at the table broke into a laughing fit at that comment, especially Emmett, who attracted the attention of the whole cafeteria.

"Well I can't tell you here, why I know, but I would like you to go home and ask Carlisle and Esme, if I could come over on the weekend to tell you all my story." I said in a tone while trying to hide the emotions in my voice, but Jasper could feel them (Sadness, Anger, Helplessness).

Which Rosy said "En, I will ask for you" I said "Thanks" with a forced smile, which was not missed by them.

After lunch and chatting with the Cullen's the rest of the day was boring, I spent most of it only my phone continuing my work on my A.I. to help with my daily life.