
Twilight:The King Of Death

A man dies and gets reborn in twilight as the original Vampire. Only thing I own is my OC’s. (OCxOC)

HiTherefic · Movies
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16 Chs

Chapter 5

"She was dating Edward Cullen but out of the blue they all just left she hasn't really spoken to anyone since." Jessica says.

"Why did they leave?" I ask curiously.

"No clue, some people think it was because Bella was forcing herself on them, when they were here it was like she was obsessing over them," Jessica says.

'When I was talking with Bella earlier it was just like she went through a bad break up she doesn't seem like the type to force herself on someone.' I think to myself.

After lunch school went by pretty fast, I hope in my car and start to drive home.

Once I reach my grandma's house I hear a loud engine so I turn around and see a rusted truck pull into a two-story house, I see Bella getting out of the truck, I was gonna walk over and say hi but she started to walk into the woods, I know it is supposed to rain later so I am gonna let get know to be careful.

I start following behind Bella, after about 10 minutes of me trying to catch up, I see Bella standing in the middle of a meadow.

"Be-." I was about to holler out to her when I saw a black man with dreads.

He looks at me and smiles, I see his eyes are a ruby red color, my instincts are screaming at me to turn around and run away, but I can't leave her here alone.

I start to walk toward them, Bella finally notices me and when I see her face she has a look of distress on her face.

"I see you brought a snack." the man says.

"Victoria, isn't going to be happy but I can't resist myself." the man says while lifting his arm in a hitting motion next to Bella.

"I love you, Edward." I hear Bella whisper.

I have so many questions right now why won't Bella run away, we can fight him together but she's already expecting to die, and why the fuck did he call me a snack, why are his eyes red and why is he in the middle of the forest with no shoes.

A sound breaks me out of thoughts.


I turn around and right behind me is giant midnight black wolf.


The wolf starts to walk forward never taking his eyes off the man next to Bella, I hear another sound behind me so I turn around again and see a whole pack of wolves.

"I don't believe it." the man says before turning around and running away at speeds I could barely see he was a blur to my eyes as soon as he started to run away, the wolves started to pursue him.

A reddish brown wolf maid eye contact with Bella before running after the the man, if that is even what he is.

I walk next to Bella who was still in a daze.

"What the fuck was that." I say while my hands are shaking.

"I-I'll tell you later." Bella says before grabbing my hand and running back to her house.

We make it back to Bella's house and there is a police cruiser and a beat of pickup truck in the driveway behind Bellas truck, Bella bust through the door dragging me behind her.

She pulls me into the kitchen, there is two men sitting at the dining room table.

"Their not bears dad their wolves." Bella says.

"Wolves Bella what are you talking about?"

"In the woods it's Wolves not Bears." Bella says looking at Charlie.

Why isn't she mentioning the man?

"what the hell were you doing in the woods Bells". The man asks.

He looks at me finally noticing me.

"S-She wanted to go hiking." Bella says.

I look back at her and start to glare.

"Jordyn Pratt," I say holding my hand out with a smile on my face.

"Chief Swan, but you can call me Charlie."

"I haven't seen you before, have you just moved in?" Charlie asks.

"I moved in with my Grandma yesterday." I say pointing at the house across the street.

"Sir, there is something that Bella isn't telling you." I say.

Charlie starts to get a worried look on his face.

Bella try's to interrupt me but I keep talking.

"There was a man in the woods trying to kill Bella, but before he could these massive wolves came out of nowhere." I say.

I can see The different emotions going through Charlie's mind anger, Sadness and furious.

I see Bella out of the corner of my eye Glaring at me.

"I need to go make a call." the other man says.

Charlie ended up taking me down to the station so I could give a proper report and witness statement.

To be continued.


AN. Sorry for the short chapter, next CHP is when the main plot begins so I had to stop this one early.