
Twilight: Son of Hades

Transmigrated into the body of a young teenager who had just moved to the small town of Forks, Ethan discovered that there were much darker things he had no idea about. Not only was this city the center of one of the movies he watched in his previous life, Twilight, with various monsters from the supernatural world like Vampires and Werewolves, but in a short time he discovered that he himself had supernatural power. Able to control shadows and induce fear, Ethan understood that he would not be as helpless as he initially imagined. While others needed to become vampires to be immortal, Ethan as the son of a god already had the possibility of immortality flowing in his blood. Follow Ethan as he understands his powers and evolves to become the next ruler of the Underworld.

Toruu · Movies
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84 Chs

Chapter 56 - "Am I Your Son..?"

"Okay! Can you take him to your place? I'll pick him up there when I get back with Edward! Just make sure he doesn't get too much sun. You can leave him in the trunk, he likes it!". Ethan sent it to Alice.

"Alright, lol xD." Alice sent.

"We better get going!". Ethan said to Edward.

They walked to their car and headed towards Forks.

The whole way was silent, but it was no longer an uncomfortable silence. Even though Edward was more receptive to Ethan, he still didn't feel that Edward was very trustworthy. It was obvious that Edward had only started this friendship out of interest, which didn't bother Ethan, since he was doing the same, but it still felt like Edward was hiding something important.

After a few hours, they arrived at Edward's house.

Alice was sitting in front of their house, messing with her cell phone.

"What are you doing there all alone?" Ethan asked lowering the car window.

"Just killing time! I'll get Umb for you!". Alice said, walking towards her car.

From inside the car, Ethan could see Rosalie standing at the window, staring directly at him, trying to intimidate him. Ethan started to stare back at Rosalie. They stood like that for a few seconds, until Rosalie moved away from the window, declaring that Ethan was the winner of that mini-dispute.

"Here you go!" Alice said, handing Umb wrapped in a blouse so no one would see, next to Ethan's backpack.

"Thanks!" Ethan replied, placing Umb on his lap.

"He behaved very well!". Alice said with a gentle smile for Umb, but without touching him.

"What the fuck is that?". Edward said startled, looking at that pile of smoke coming out of his blouse.

"A kitten!". Ethan said smiling.

Edward stared at the shadow animal for a few seconds, until Umb started to get annoyed and growled at Edward.

"Okay... I'll be back in a bit, Alice!". Edward said, speeding up the car.

"Bye, Ethan, good night!". Alice said, jumping into the house.

Umb jumped into Ethan's backpack and they headed towards his house, however, as they passed the police department, Ethan noticed his mother's car stopped.

"My mother's car? Can you pull over there, Edward?" Ethan said, almost jumping out of the car.

"My dad's car is here too. What's he doing at this hour?" Edward asked, parking the car.

Before they could enter the police department, they see Carlisle coming out of there.

"Carlisle, what happened?" Edward asked.

"Waylon Forge was found on a boat near his house." Carlisle replied.

Carlisle noticed Ethan's presence and seemed to become uncomfortable after looking into his eyes.

"I just examined the body!". He added.

"How did he die?". Ethan asked.

"Animal attack." Carlisle replied, looking at Edward.

Ethan realized what was happening.

"The same one that killed that lookout in Mason?". Ethan asked, curious.

"Probably!" Carlisle replied.

- So, is James' clan already arriving in Forks? - Ethan thought, looking at Edward, who looked back at him.

"Ethan? What are you doing here?" Enid said, still from inside the police department.

"We better go now, Edward!". Carlisle said, walking to the car.

"See you later, Ethan!". Edward said, patting him on the back.

"Edward was giving me a ride home and I saw your car here. What happened?". Ethan asked, trying to dig deeper.

"It was that same animal from last time. They're probably coming to Forks! I'm going to call your aunt, you're going to spend some time there until we can capture that animal.". Enid said, picking up the phone.

"What? But I'm right here!". Ethan said, trying to stop Enid.

"But you will stay there too. It shouldn't be too long! I want to keep you safe!". Enid said, dialing some number on the phone.

"But what about the exams? The school won't let me miss them because of that, and they're already starting that next week!". Ethan thought quickly.

Enid stared at him for a few seconds, thinking about Ethan's impeccable resume.

"Right! You'll get your exams done and go to your aunt's house. Deal?" Enid said, looking at him worriedly.

"Fine!". Ethan agreed.

So they went to their house.

Ethan ate something, took a shower, and went to his room with the excuse that he was going to study for the exams.

When he got to his room, he let go of Umb and took out his notebook.

Some of the information he had talked about with Edward was still swirling around in his head.

Ethan started researching the power of shadows, trying to find some lost articles that talked about it, but the only things he could find were articles from random religions that didn't seem to have much to do with the subject.

Until a title on one of the last pages of Google caught his attention: 'Shadow Lords: The Apocalypse'.

Ethan clicked on the article and settled down on the bed with the laptop on his lap, while Umb snuggled close to Ethan for some sleep.

'The Gods are at war for the kingdom. Only the most powerful successor, can decide the winner of the throne of the heavens. Commanding the fate of mankind.'

- Successor? - Ethan thought.

'It is believed that every 200 years, a rare species appears on earth. That species is born with an appearance of an ordinary human and after a few years, the blessings of abilities begin to be revealed to that individual. Some of these blessings are:

- Lightning; Light; War; Seas; Wisdom;'

- Olympian Gods? That doesn't seem like it will lead where I need it... - Ethan thought.

'Only a strong enough body will be able to master the blessing. Should the blessed individual manage to survive long enough to become strong, they must fight until their last breath with the other blessed to decide the next king of the throne of the heavens.

The abilities are revealed between the ages of 15 and 18, but there is little chance of the blessing evolving. If the individual does not have a strong enough body, he will live only as an ordinary human, without the knowledge of the blessing itself.

The abilities have common growth, without privileging any of the individuals, however, this does not apply to the blessing of the shadows.'

Ethan froze when he read that.

'Shadow blessing: The most feared blessing of the Olympian.

One who acquires this blessing will be able to raise skills more easily and in less time, and can reach the last stage in a few decades.

The body that receives this blessing must be strong enough to carry all the power. Otherwise, the child born with this gift will die within a few hours of birth. The shadows will begin to eat away at the baby, ending in sudden death.

It is believed that whoever gets this power, will destroy everything that gets in her way. Completely exterminating humanity.

However, in contrast, this is the only blessing that can only be acquired by direct love between a human and Hades.'

- That's why Hayden begged to take care of me! I was one of the few ones who survived! I am the son of Hades! - Ethan thought with wide eyes.

At the same instant, Ethan began to feel a strong pain in his chest. It was as if a hand was squeezing Ethan's heart very tightly. Ethan got up from the bed, trying to calm himself down, but he began to feel short of breath, causing him to fall to the floor.

"ETHAN?" Enid shouted, running into the room.

Everything started to go black and Ethan blacked out.


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