
Twilight: Return of Vengeance

After dying in a tragic clash between criminal factions on his own farm, Damian Blackwood finds himself facing the dreaded Mephisto, one of the Kings of Hell. Betrayed by his last Riders, Mephisto seeks a new and powerful general to contend in a war for the throne of Hell and the positions of lords. He offers Damian the opportunity to become the legendary Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance, and get the power he needs to take revenge on everyone who caused the death of his father and mother.

AaronBlackwood · Movies
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Chapter 4

The sun began to set, painting the sky with shades of orange as the abandoned warehouse came to life with sinister activity. Austin Foster, a middle-aged man with a cunning appearance and cold gaze, stood at the center of the warehouse, surrounded by a group of buyers thirsty for illegal weapons and drugs.

Dim and flickering lights accentuated the dangerous gleam in Austin's eyes as he negotiated with the buyers, offering contraband of dubious quality. His predatory smile exuded complete confidence in his ability to deceive and exploit those who dared to enter his shady business.

Meanwhile, from a dark corner inside his Hell Charger, Damian watched as an ominous figure. With a thunderous roar, Damian sped into the warehouse, the sound of the hell charger reverberating off the walls and sending chills down the spines of those present.

The buyers, stunned by the sudden appearance of the ghost rider, looked on in shock as Damian approached, his black leather jacket and combat boots reflecting the light from the dim lamps.

When I get in front of hellCharger, I say, "You're the easiest rat to find, Austin Foster." A powerful and ominous voice emanates from the flaming skull.

"Who the hell are you?" Austin questioned, trying to conceal his unease.

"I am the justice for your sins, and vengeance for those who have suffered because of your sins," Damian replied, his voice echoing mysteriously inside the flaming helmet.

The buyers started to disperse, trying to escape from the unfolding confrontation. But the Ghost Rider was swift and relentless, using his chains of fire to restrain the criminals and prevent them from fleeing.

As the battle raged on, the infernal hound Sirius also entered the scene, his red eyes shining in the darkness. He lunged at a group of criminals, frightening them with his supernatural presence.

As Damian fought, he seemed to grow stronger, absorbing the souls and sins of his victims with every death, whether by his own hands or with his chains.

With my peripheral vision, I saw Austin attempting to escape. Giving a command to the Hell Charge, it quickly complied, accelerating and sending Austin back into the warehouse with a powerful impact.


Crying in pain after crashing directly into a stone pillar, breaking some bones, Austin groans in pain.. Seeing that almost everyone has fallen, and the rest being hunted by Sirius or run over by the Hell Charge, I make my way to Austin after tossing aside a body I had absorbed the sins and soul from.

Ensnaring Austin's body with the chains from my left hand, I immobilize him, causing even more agony. With panic-stricken eyes as he sees me so close, and unable to move, Austin desperately begs for mercy, "Please, don't do anything to me! I have a family, and they depend on me. I don't deserve to die!" His tearful voice trembles.

He continues to writhe in pain, "Have mercy, please!" Tears stream down from his eyes.

Bending down and looking into his eyes, I reply, "You don't deserve mercy." And then my eyes glow intensely, activating the 'Eyes of Penitence.'


The desperate scream of Austin echoed through the warehouse, blending with the sounds of wreckage and flames engulfing the place. As I held my chains tightly wrapped around him, my fiery eyes penetrated Austin's soul, revealing all the darkness and malevolence he had caused throughout his criminal life.

Memories of Austin's cruel and ruthless acts flooded my mind, and a wave of pain and hatred consumed me. It was impossible to ignore the suffering he had inflicted on his victims, including my parents.

Not only was he involved in the drug and arms trade, but also other heinous activities such as organ and human trafficking.

However, his desperate pleas for mercy couldn't shake my resolve. I knew he didn't deserve compassion for his malicious and heartless actions. His cries and tears were not enough to erase the evil he had spread.

The fiery energy of the "Eyes of Penitence" surged through me, intensifying my determination to bring justice. My fists clenched tightly, and with a single look, I knew Austin must pay for his deeds, and my decision was final.

"You've reaped what you sowed, Austin Foster," I said with a cold and unforgiving voice. "Your wicked acts condemn you, and now it's time to face the consequences of your choices."

With a swift and precise motion, I unleashed my chains from my left hand even more, allowing them to spread and envelop him completely. In an instant, he was consumed by the blazing chains, burning his impure soul and stripping away all the sins and torments he had inflicted upon others.

I watched unperturbed as justice was served, and the flames consumed the corrupted body and soul of Austin Foster. His cries and screams of agony were soon silenced, and he turned into ashes, leaving behind only a trail of darkness and destruction.

With the mission accomplished, I stepped away from the scene, allowing the flames and smoke to dissipate. The warehouse lay in ruins, and the night had witnessed a battle between justice and evil. The Spirit of Vengeance had done its part, and retribution was complete.

But my journey had only just begun. The vengeance against those who took the lives of my parents had only just started. There were other culprits to hunt down, and my determination to deliver justice knew no bounds.

With Sirius by my side and the Hell Charge at my command, I was ready to face anyone who crossed my path. I was the Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance, and no one would escape the burning judgment of my fiery eyes.

- Break -

Waking up as a beautiful and majestic dragon, I rise from my nest after a good night's sleep.

One of the things I enjoy most after waking up is having a nice cup of coffee, milk, or both together, and a famous milk tea that I discovered after reading about the 'milk tea girl' in China. I came across this while reading an urban novel...

After making my coffee with some cheese accompaniments – I love cheese – I put on my running clothes and call for Sirius, who is lying on my bed: "Let's go, boy, let's run a bit. Even though we no longer need to, I still want to keep this habit."

He lifts his head when he hears me and rushes downstairs... He has always loved running with me in the morning; it's like a morning ritual for the two of us.

Caucasian Shepherds are quite energetic, right? Well, at least Sirius is, and he's very intolerant of other humans and animals he doesn't know.

But I trained him well, so he always listens to me. If I tell him to kill, he kills; if I tell him to marry, he'll marry – at least in this life, since in the last one he no longer had testicles.

While I go on my run, everyone looks at me and my big bear running alongside me. Many women who wanted to approach me couldn't even come close because they were afraid of him... My future wife will love him, though, as he's a great woman deterrent.

During the run, I start making plans for the night. I already have the location of the other four, as I looked through Austin's soul and searched for everything.

They are hiding in their base, which is a warehouse with underground floors. There, they stay together with the gang leader, Jack Thompson, and his girlfriend/fiancée, Cassidy Turner, who was also involved in the accident.

I wonder how they reacted upon hearing the news about the death of their gang members.

After the run, I head straight to the back of the house, take off my shirt, and jump into the cold pool... I don't feel the cold; perhaps because of my connection to the fires of hell, my body has granted me immunity to both cold and heat.

Sirius sits on one of the chairs, which, due to his size, looks like an adult trying to sit in a child's toy car. After spending about an hour in the pool, I get out and head for a shower when I hear the phone ringing.

It's Uncle Charlie.

I answer the call and say, "Hi Uncle Charlie, good morning."

Charlie: "Good morning, Damian. I called to check if you're okay and if you need anything." He sounds concerned.

I reply, "I'm fine, Uncle. Just got back from a morning run with Sirius. I don't need anything. Is something wrong?" I know he wouldn't be so worried without a reason, especially since we talked yesterday and he wasn't like this.

Charlie lets out a sigh of relief and says, "That's great. There was an incident last night, that seems like a gang fight or something, resulting in a warehouse... I shouldn't be telling these things to a kid." He stops himself, realizing it's a difficult subject and not appropriate to discuss with a child.

I speak with a frown on my forehead: "I'm 17 years old, Uncle Charlie, I can already drive, and I can also have a weapon!"

Uncle Charlie exclaims, "You can't have a gun! Who on earth told you such nonsense?"

I scratch my head, confused, and say, "Really? I thought I could have one at 16. This guy sold me some, and he didn't say anything."

Charlie replies anxiously, "What?! I'm coming over to get those guns, and we're going to that place that dared to sell guns to kids!"

I speak with a playful smile: "I'm just kidding, Uncle Charlie. I didn't buy any weapon." I know why he's worried about it; he must fear that I might try to take matters into my own hands...

I continue: "And I don't see a problem. I remember Grandpa telling me that he had already taught you how to shoot when you were just 10 years old. Something like that."

He responds in shock: "What? He told you that?" He quickly snaps out of it and says, "Your mother wouldn't allow that. She slapped your father when he had the brilliant idea of teaching you to shoot at the age of 8."

I smile at the memory; it was a happy time. My mother loved playfully hitting my father—not in a bad way or anything inappropriate; it was just her way of expressing her love, giving him some taps on the head.

I say, "It was a good time. Grandpa and Grandma were still alive, and Bella could still come to visit us. I miss those days," I say sadly. I must admit, it's strange to feel emotions again...

Charlie: "Yes, I miss them too." He sighs and then speaks a bit excitedly, "Actually, Bella is coming to live with me. I forgot to tell you about it. She'll arrive on the same day you come to Forks!"

I respond, a little happy for him, "That's great! I know you've always wanted to spend more time with her." His marriage was... a failure, but not because of him.

Through my memories and conversations between my parents, I understood that it was all caused by Renée. She hated living in the small town of Forks; she wanted to live in a big and wealthy place, not in a small town where everything was always the same.

It was a bad match between them when you think about it. He's the more reserved type and is content with the small-town life, while she is... a very ambitious woman.

It was evident that this would happen, especially when she wanted to move and an opportunity came up for them to leave. He got a job offer in a bigger city at the time, but he turned it down, and that was the breaking point for their marriage. (This is just the plot of my fanfic, not something real from the movies or books, okay?)

As I finish getting ready, I feel a mix of emotions. Seeing Bella again after all this time will be both comforting and a bit unsettling. But there are more pressing matters at hand - the ones responsible for everything that happened to my parents and me. I won't rest until I've dealt with them and brought them to justice.

The sun is setting, and the night is about to begin. With my resolve strengthened, I get into my Hell Charge and prepare for the hunt. The Ghost Rider is ready to ride again, bringing justice to those who deserve it.

Uncle Charlie wanted to stay and take care of our parents; my grandmother was very ill at the time, and since my mother lived about 3-4 hours away, it wasn't safe for her to do so. He is loyal to the family and always believed it was his responsibility as the older brother to take care of our parents, rather than his younger sister.

After talking for a while and agreeing to meet tomorrow to pick up Bella and go together... me in my car and him in his, I think Bella will want to come with me... oh, I understand why he asked me to come too. Both of them are awkward with social interactions, and he doesn't know how to handle his daughter whom he hasn't seen in a few years.

And so, I begin to make my plan for tonight, the last day for my revenge.


I had scheduled it for last night... I said it would be around 2-3 hours, right? But I mistakenly set the wrong date ;-; Regarding the love interest: it has been decided to continue with Alice. I plan to write a different Twilight fanfic in the future, and there, maybe it will be Bella? Or perhaps Leah. That's something for the future. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and if there are any mistakes, please help me ^^

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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