
Twilight: Rebirth

Death is a constant, but what happens when you get a chance at a second life? Gabriel was given a second chance in a world of supernaturals. Being gifted with powers beyond his comprehension. All he wants to do is find the meaning to a happy life, with friends, family and possibly some love? ********** (Beginning chapters are a bit rough, but the pacing and writing do get better a little after chapter 10. I was worried about my novel not being interesting, so I used overly complex words that really weren't needed. I'll try and go back at a later point and fix any glaring issues. If I mess up with the lore, please understand that I'm writing this novel for fun. I'm not getting paid for anything, this isn't locked behind some paywall. So please be kind.) #Romance #Reincarnation #R18 #Overpowered #SliceOfLife #Twilight

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Update on Releases

So the store contacted me, and they're having 'issues' with the PC. I feel like they're jerking me around and not giving a clear explanation on the situation. I'm having a friend pick it up and have a look himself. No ETA on when I'll have the data back, with the chapters.

Also, y'all really went up in arms with the last chapter. I'm just going to say it once, and never again. I'm writing the story how I want, if you think it's forced, or you dislike a more humane approach to emotions, or think that his memories aren't his (you didn't read properly if you think that,) then you're free to drop the book. Shit's free and I could easily just turn this into some smut filled harem power trope novel.

Ciao, and see you all when I can get the data back.