
Twilight: Rebirth

Death is a constant, but what happens when you get a chance at a second life? Gabriel was given a second chance in a world of supernaturals. Being gifted with powers beyond his comprehension. All he wants to do is find the meaning to a happy life, with friends, family and possibly some love? ********** (Beginning chapters are a bit rough, but the pacing and writing do get better a little after chapter 10. I was worried about my novel not being interesting, so I used overly complex words that really weren't needed. I'll try and go back at a later point and fix any glaring issues. If I mess up with the lore, please understand that I'm writing this novel for fun. I'm not getting paid for anything, this isn't locked behind some paywall. So please be kind.) #Romance #Reincarnation #R18 #Overpowered #SliceOfLife #Twilight

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The Incident

(A/N - Good morning fellow sect members, it is I, Daoist MTL Chat - GPT. I'd like to thank each and every one of you for supporting this novel, we reached #1 in both Popular and Collection rankings, and top 5 in almost the others. 4 days, this is insane! Much love to you all!

Donate Power Stone for true cultivation domination in this realm!)


Morning came, and Gabriel was merrily driving his car to pick up Rosalie from her house. The night before, he had sneakily sent her a text to confirm that she wanted to be picked up. He might be the most powerful being in the world, but that didn't mean he could ever understand the hidden meanings behind women's words.

A sleek black BMW M5 pulled into the Cullen residence, parking near the front door of the home. 'Conveniently,' Rosalie was just exiting her house, a slight skip in her step as she bounded toward Gabriel. Opening the passenger door, she gently sat down before turning to Gabriel and planting a kiss on his cheek. "Mornin', Gabe." Her eyes blinked with happiness at the sight of him.

"Hey Rose, perfect timing. I just pulled up," he said, smiling as he put the car into reverse, turned it around, and exited.

The drive was only ten minutes, but it was a peaceful time for both. As they clasped hands, they wound down the car windows and felt the chilling morning wind break across their bodies.

"So, I was thinking," Gabe broke the silence, "would you like to come over to my house tonight? I've seen your place, but mine's a mystery to you."

Feeling elated at his invitation, Rosalie squeezed his hand. "Of course! I've driven past it before you moved in, but I've always wanted to see inside."

Laughing happily at her words, Gabriel felt content that she was open to being more involved in his life.

The duo arrived at the school parking lot quickly. Parking the car, Gabriel fetched his bag from the backseat as he turned back to face Rosalie. "You know people are going to be gossiping more today once they see us together?"

Chuckling at his warning, Rosalie smiled sweetly. "Who gives a fuck? I only care about your and my family's opinion." She then opened the door and hopped out.

Shaking his head, Gabriel followed her lead. Exiting the car, he quickly locked it before they both locked arms and began walking through the crowd of students who spent their morning outside the school.

He walked up to Bella, who was just exiting her car. As she saw the duo getting closer, in a warm embrace, her eyes widened slightly, and her mouth opened in shock that Gabriel had already started seeing Rosalie.

"Mornin', Bella," he said smugly as he looked at her bewildered face. Looking between the two, she sighed deeply in resignation. "So, you two are already together?" Both nodded at her question with smiles.

Rosalie, looking around to see if her siblings had arrived yet, turned back to Bella with a soft smile. "Edward's back today. I know he's an idiot, but he seems to be interested in you."

Blindsided by the remark, Bella stammered in confusion, wondering how Rosalie knew she was interested in her brother. Laughing softly, Gabriel placed a hand on her shoulder, walking toward the school entrance with Rosalie in hand, before shouting out, "It was pretty obvious, Bells."

Entering the hallway, Rosalie rose on her toes and placed a soft kiss on Gabriel's lips. "I'll see you at lunch," she said before turning in the opposite direction. Her strides were confident and alluring, and Gabriel couldn't help his eyes wandering to her as he watched her soft but firm backside jiggle as she left.

'God, give me strength.'


Classes continued in their usual boring fashion, though there were some slight changes in the dynamics now. Emmett seemed even more invested in the word 'bro,' happily making remarks that now his sister and Gabriel were dating. It wouldn't be long before they were true brothers.

Throughout their sports class, he kept acting like an overprotective brother, mentioning that he was keeping his eye on Gabriel and that he'd kick his ass if he hurt her.

Though he knew Emmett was slightly serious, Gabriel couldn't help but laugh at how he acted. It was like a little Chihuahua yapping at his ankles.

In biology class, Rosalie showed a particular attachment to his side by moving her chair right beside him. Though she didn't smother him with affection, she acted much closer now that she also knew he was interested in her.

The only issue Gabriel had was the looks he was receiving in the hallways and classes since the revelation of him dating Rosalie, one of the most sought-after girls in the school. If he chose to read their thoughts, he'd probably hear them cursing his ancestors and hoping he would cough blood in anger.

'Fuck, I really read too many of those cultivation novels in my past life. My brain's rotting.'

Lunch had changed a little, but he could feel Edward's stare on the back of his neck. It was a possessive stare toward Bella, or a cautious one toward him. It had become so close to unbearable that he almost asked Edward what his problem was.

Fortunately, Rosalie's presence and the family's fun banter eased his mind slightly.


The last bell had rung, and Gabriel was making his way towards where the Cullens had parked. He had agreed to meet Rosalie there, as they had promised in the morning to visit his house. Seeing them at Alice's car, he smiled and made his way over.

Having a laugh in his mind, he couldn't help but observe them. 'They look more like a gang than a family. Especially Emmett. He looks like some kind of hired muscle for the whole family.'

Rosalie, seeing him come down the stairs, made her way over to him, grasping his hand gingerly. "You ready to go? I already let everyone know I was spending some time with you tonight."

Interlocking his fingers with hers, he hummed in response.

Before they could walk over to Gabriel's car, a loud commotion drew their attention.

A black van was speeding into the parking lot without realizing it was heading towards a reversing car. In a panicked state, the van swerved to the left, narrowly avoiding a collision. As the van turned left, it continued speeding through the parking lot towards an orange truck—Bella's truck.

She was blissfully unaware of her impending doom as music played in her ears. The van, mere inches away from crushing Bella, came to a screeching halt. Bella's whereabouts were unknown to the onlookers.

Believing the impact had crushed that Bella, the students screamed and rushed to check if she was okay.

Gabriel watched the scene while standing with the Cullens. He saw Edward rush towards Bella in slow motion, his facial muscles contorting with panic. Edward appeared between Bella and the van just before the moment of impact, shielding her body from the blow as he stopped the van with a single arm.

'If this was a Marvel movie, there would have been a sick slow-motion shot of it all happening,' he mused to himself.

Feigning ignorance, he quickly let go of Rosalie's hand and ran towards the car crash. Arriving, he saw Edward jumping from between the cars and running back away. Bella remained perfectly fine, but her face revealed the shock and scare she experienced.

Leaning down, Gabriel gently pulled her up and let her rest near the side of the car. "You okay, Bella?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Unable to answer, she simply nodded, but her body was fraught with shock as she was shaking.

Pulling out his phone, Gabriel dialed Charlie's number. "Sheriff Swan, please don't be scared, but there was a minor accident at school. Bella's completely fine, but I'll take her to the hospital to get checked up. I'll meet you there." Before Charlie could even utter a word of alarm, he hung up the phone.

He moved Bella to his car, placing her inside the passenger seat before turning to Rosalie, who had followed them.

"We'll follow behind in Alice's car. I'll call Dad and let him know what's going on," she said, her voice filled with worry. She was scared Edward had outed the family, as the two were standing next to one another before the accident.

Nodding, he kissed her forehead before letting go and entering the driver's seat, turning the car on, and exiting the school.

'Looks like it's going to be a long and eye-opening night.'