
Chapter 65): Do You Want To Play Some Baseball!?...Or Get Into A Coven War!?

Chapter 65): Do You Want To Play Some Baseball!?...Or Get Into A Coven War!?

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ Advanced Chapters on Buy-meacoffee/flaminglines, plus check out the new book You: Oh Joe! For level 2 Members}


Ryan yawned as he sat at the cafeteria table, their game last night ended in another win, they were now in the third round of the playoffs, which he wasn't intentionally losing. While stuffing chips into his mouth the Cullens joined him at the table, "So there is a storm coming!" Alice said excitedly as she looked right at him.

"Okay?" He said even though he was sure he knew what she was asking.

Rosalie rolled her eyes, "She is subtly asking you to join us for baseball this Saturday, why she can't ask normally, I have no clue."

Alice just giggled waving Rosalie off, "So will you join us?"

Ryan thought about it and knew he probably should, not for any other reason then the fact that they would be meeting the Nomads here at the game, which he couldn't miss. Plus he was sure that Edward would still be bringing Bella and he was actually interested to see what changes would come along with the new Nomads in the group, he knew they were more violent.

Ryan had been out to watch them twice more since the last time, and Victoria had playfully smiled at him each time, he didn't know what it was about still as she refused to answer, but he was determined to know. She found enjoyment in teasing him though, so he doubted he would find out anything soon.

"Sure thing Alice, I haven't played baseball in awhile anyway." Ryan said shrugging as his phone rang, it was his mother and unlike before where he would ignore it he smiled as he answered, "Hey mom what's up?"

"Ryan, great news!" She answered excitedly through the phone.

"Oh?" He asked it had been awhile since she was excited about something so it had to be something big for her to call.

"Your Aunt Lily is getting married at the beginning of summer! She wants us both there so we are going to fly out to New York before we go to your grandmother's this summer." She said excitedly.

Ryan on the other hand paused, it wasn't that he had a problem with the wedding or even going, it was more of the fact that he didn't want to be in New York, but with the wedding be knew it was a family event that he couldn't skip. He frowned though as he thought about going back there, things were way different when he went to New York, he was the Ryan he was now.

"Your grandmother understands that we need to go to it, she is even going to meet us there since it is her daughter getting married after all." His mother went on.

"Sounds great." Although he was cringing at what he was sure was going to happen the moment he returned, they didn't talk much more before the phone was hung up.

"You okay?" Rosalie asked with a hand on his shoulder as he basically slammed his forehead down on the table.

He sighed, "It's nothing serious, just not all that excited to go back to New York I guess."

From his tone of voice they knew not to press so no one else spoke for the rest of lunch, Rosalie did lay her head on his shoulder though wrapping her arm. It wasn't to bad of a thing to go to New York but it was super annoying to go back though, there were some major things he was happy to get away from there, it looked like he needed to deal with it again though.


Ryan put on a Blue Jay baseball cap as he walked out the house, he had invited Leah to play with them but she scoffed stating she was spending time with Emily, who no doubt was near Sam so she would be annoyed today. He offered to join her to lessen the awkwardness of it all with Emily agreeing, but Leah turned him down stating she was a big girl and could do it herself.

Walking outside he wasn't surprised to see Rosalie leaning against his dirt bike waiting on him, he didn't want to ride in Emmett's Jeep with Edward and Bella instead he chose to get himself there. She was dressed in the same outfit she wore in the movies, it was basically a baseball uniform, even the pants she wore were authentic baseball pants.

"Well don't you look ready to play." He chuckled as he swung his legs over the dirt bike.

She nodded, "Yes, we don't get to do this a lot so I take it serious ever chance it get. These are really the few times we get to let loose."

He hummed as he started the dirt bike, since he knew what field they were playing at he went directly through the woods, after being asked to play he already found a path that would lead him right there. Since they couldn't really get hurt he let loose doing jumps he found and even swerving last minute to miss trees, it caused him to laugh the entire way.

"I swear if you crash and mess up my outfit I will kill you!" She said which he heard clearly over the engine and his own laughter.

Shaking his head he saw the last jump and went as fast as possible, it wasn't a big jump but it was kind of risky because if he went to fast then they would no doubt be hitting a tree. She clutched his stomach as he laughed and leaned last moment making them miss the tree by millimeters, they landed in the clearing to her family watching them.

"Ryan your an ass." She growled when he parked and got off.

All he responded with was a chuckle as Bella and Edward finally appeared, "So, what is my roll in all this?" Bella asked Edward as they walked up.

"You can umpire with me Bella." Esme said with a smile.

"She thinks we cheat." Emmett said with a smile which no doubt just meant that they did, it did make the game more fun when you were as fast as they were.

Bella nodded as a cap was placed on her head, Rosalie glared at her making him lift her by her waist carrying her off, they were on the same team and batting first, he didn't need her to kill the girl so soon. Rosalie didn't protest as they set up with Alice going to pitch, thunder boomed overhead as Rosalie was the first up, she kissed him distracting him before he could go to plate.

Alice smirked then wound up before releasing, the ball hit the bat and a loud crack sound just like thunder, the ball sailed out and Edward was off quickly making Bella question if it was a home run. Ryan swung the bat as he waited for Rosalie to run around, they said Edward was fast but she was already rounding to third as he caught the ball, running to home the ball just entered the field.

With his eye sight Ryan saw her foot touch a millisecond before Esme touched her, she was safe but Bella called it an out, "She was safe." Ryan said drawing every eye to him, "By a milisecond she her foot touched the base before Esme touched her. It's really not a good idea to let Bella umpire if she can't see that clearly."

Everyone looked awkward while Bella blushed at being called out on her call, he did do it to embarrass her but also because he wanted a fair game and if it wasn't going to be called fairly then of course cheating was needed. Moving to the plate Rosalie smiled kissing his cheek before walking pass him, she also threw Bella a glare as she did so.

Alice only smiled as she line up her next pitch, it was a slider down low but Ryan didn't let it confuse him, he swung with everything he had laughing as the ball tore as it sailed in the air. While gloating he ran base to base, Rosalie rolled her eyes as she saw him do that, Esme just clapped politely.

"Show off." Rosalie smirked as he stood next to her again.

From there they played like in the movie with just Ryan adding some runs after getting good hit, finally the moment came, "Wait!" Alice called out as they all rushed to her while her vision finished.

"What is it Alice?" Carlisle asked as the leader.

"They were leaving but they heard us playing and decided to come by." She said with worry in her voice, he thought it was fake though. There was no way this wasn't a possibility that she had seen when she saw the storm coming, he smirked as he held Rosalie by the waist standing in the rest.

As they waited the five walked out from the mist as if they were dark and mysterious, he had to try his hardest not to laugh, though he did see the way Victoria's eyes immediately went to him and Rosalie. At first there was a playful smile on her lips but then taking in their position she glared at his hands around Rosalie's waist, he rolled his eyes because it was obvious to him she enjoyed the game she was playing with him, she just didn't expect him to have someone on his arm.

Rosalie looked at him with a glare but he could only smile helplessly, it wasn't as if he knew Victoria personally, in her mind he did but he couldn't remember their meeting.

While this staring contest went off the ball was already thrown and caught by Victoria who spoke, "I'm the one with the wicked curve ball."

Just then the air hit right as James stared down Bella, her hair lifted but it wasn't just him who pounced as they caught the scent, the viking woman, Claudia, and her paramore Jensen also pounced. Ryan didn't move as they all stood ready to battle, Victoria looked as though she wanted to escape but she stood staring at him.

"Why are you protecting a snack!" Claudia hissed, "She should be eaten rather then cared for, plus she smells so delicious."

Jensen smiled and quickly sped towards the Cullens, the Cullens not expecting for them not attack were momentarily frozen, Ryan didn't have that problem though as he collided with Jensen. Thinking Ryan would be easy he went for a bite but Ryan threw him off, he didn't see a need to change so he was going to fight hand to hand.

Rosalie was also engaged in a fight with Claudia as everyone else took off, Victoria watched him for a moment before she took off without a second glance, James just smirked as he ran away. The Cullens took off without even trying to fight back with Claudia and Jensen, instead they left Ryan and Rosalie to fight them.

Ryan scoffed in his head, with th fight they were having now Bella would be safe so he didn't plan to help after this, they didn't care enough to help them fight so he wouldn't care enough either. Throwing a punch it was like hitting granite as his fist collided with Jensen face, spiderweb cracks appears on his face but there was still a giant smile there.

It wasn't hard to tell that he was a sadist, Ryan dodged as he pulled out a butterfly knife and swung at him, "Oh, I am going to enjoy this." Jensen said with the same creepy smile on his face as he kept attacking Ryan.

Ryan was actually having to try in his human form, Jensen appeared to be faster then any other he has fought before, he would even say that he is faster then Edward to which was a hard thing to accomplish. Grabbing the wrist holding the knife he threw him over his shoulder making him hit a tree, taking a second he looked to see Rosalie nearly being impaled by a dagger.

It seemed a second was all it took as Jensen took that moment to speed to Ryan wrapping his arms around his torso, in the next second multiple ribs broke or fractured as his strength was something Ryan wasn't expecting. Spitting out some blood Ryan coughed, "That's what I like to smell!" Jensen grinned licking off the blood which hit his face.

Headbutting him Ryan caused his face to crack but at least he was released, he took deep breaths which hurt as he backed away from the vampire, "Ahh!" A scream drew his attention, he looked to see Rosalie holding her arm as Claudia was able to cut her.

Growling he shifted, even if it hurt, letting the wolf take over a moment to feel less pain he watched as it immediately went to the wide eyed Jensen, the man didn't have a second to fight back as teeth sunk into him. Using his draining bite Ryan watched as his body grew warmer a flush going over his cheeks as his eye color changed back into a deep blue.

"What the---" Jensen didn't have a chance to finish because with a snap Ryan took his head off before howling loudly.

Turning he saw Claudia wide eyed as she looked at them, Rosalie took that moment to get some separation between her and Claudia looked pissed off as she glared at the two of them, "I will kill you!!"