
Chapter 6)

Ryan woke with light in his eyes, he was sleeping at just the right angle where the sunlight hit his eyes, honestly he was a little annoyed by it. Though he knew that he would need to wake soon seeing as Sue would come any moment, though the weight on his chest prevented him from moving.

Looking down he saw that Leah was sleeping right on top of him, though to be fair with the size of the couch it was hard for them not to be sleeping like this. Sighing he reached for his phone straining his muscles as he tried not to move her, checking the time he saw that if he left even thirty minutes from now he would be on time for class.

Which caused him to frown, that just meant he didn't get enough sleep, so he would be sleeping a lot through the day.

"Good morning." A voice said from above them as he was checking his phone he was startled, looking at who it was he saw Sue with a bright smile.

"Oh, good morning Sue. Is there breakfast?" He asked with a wide smile.

She chuckled shaking her head, "I will make you something but you need to hurry and get ready. They need to be at school soon just as I am sure that you need to be too. So wake Leah and then you both can come eat."

Ryan frowned hearing that, she gave him the hardest task every, Leah wasn't a morning person, even worse she didn't like to wake at all. He got lucky last time they were on the beach seeing as she wasn't complaining since they weren't at home, but with her in this environment it would be hard.

For a second he thought of throwing her off or asking for water so he could dump it on her, the moment he thought of that though he stopped. No other reason then he didn't want to not be able to have kids, she had threaten that the first time he did something like that, and Leah always kept her promise.

But then again, who liked getting woken up in the morning?

Sighing he leaned down and yelled in her ear, "Leah! Wake up the house is on fire!"

Smiling in satisfaction as Leah jumped up alarmed he stood as well while stretching, it took her a moment but eventually she learned he was lying and growled. Ryan laughed hearing that because he thought of her as a wolf, but he knew that he shouldn't have just stood there.

"RYAN!!!" She shouted as he tried to take off, they both ended up on the ground though with her on top as she bit his chest.

"LEAH!" He shouted, it didn't really hurt him but she was biting hard enough to make it uncomfortable so he couldn't hold his shout back.

Laughter brought them back to reality, Leah lifted her head and Ryan turned his to see Harry and Seth laughing at the both of them. Meredith just walked over and licked his face before going over to the food that was set out for her, they both moved away from one another.

Though Leah was still glaring at him even as she walked down the hallway leaving them alone.

"Well then, my job is done meaning I can get breakfast." Ryan said with a smile as he walked past the father and son going into the kitchen where he could already smell the bacon and eggs.

Sue was setting down a plate of toast as he took his seat, "Ahh Sue, when are you going to leave Harry here and marry me? We could do it today even, my car is right out front we could run away together." He said with a happy sigh as he filled his plate, sure he could cook but having someone who could cook for him was always awesome.

Before she could answer he was slapped in the back of the head by two different hands, "Stop trying to steal my wife, she is never going to go with you." Harry said as him and Seth were the ones who had hit his head.

Rolling his eyes Ryan shot the laughing Sue a wink, "Yeah keep her close Harry, we both know she will fall for my charms sooner or later."

Seth threw a piece of bacon at him which he caught in his mouth while laughing, soon Leah walked into the kitchen hitting the back of his head as she passed, "Stop hitting on my mom, she is way out of your league." she said as she filled her plate, she was already ready for the day.

Sighing Ryan shook his head, "You guys are mean. Thank you for the breakfast Sue, I am going to go and get ready, do you mind keeping Meredith for me today?"

"Sure no problem, I will actually take her. We are going fishing today and I am sure she would love a ride on the boat." Harry stepped in as Ryan nodded his thanks and went to change.

Getting out the shower he threw on a white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, black slim fit jeans and blue converse. After securing his watch he walked out to the living room where everyone was moving around getting ready to leave, he smiled at the sight.

It reminded him of his past life, and a little of this early childhood. His parents in this life though sadly stopped having moments like this with him after he reached the age of ten, after that it was just nannies.

This is one of the reasons Ryan counted himself as abandoned by them, even if they came back on the weekends, it wasn't to really see him.

"Alright kids all of you have a good day. Ryan we will see you later, if you end up having to do something let us know, other then that we will be heading to the hospital around six." Sue said as they were all leaving out the door.

"Sure thing I will be there. And I will call just in case something does come up." Walking over he gave Seth a bro hug, Sue a regular hug, Harry a hand shake, then he walked and hugged Leah close her head going into his chest, leaning down a little he whispered in her ear, "Take it easy today, if you need me for anything call right away and I will be there, okay?"

She nodded in his chest, "Thank you."

Pulling back he smiled at her, "No need for the thanks. I am your best friend after all, so it is natural that I will be there for you when you need me. See you all later."

They all waved at one another as Ryan went and got into the car, he had put his backpack in knowing that he was staying so he could head right to school. Looking at the time he also noticed that he would be there in time for trigonometry, not the entire class but he would be there for at least thirty minutes, maybe more if he sped.

Yawning at his lack of sleep he started smoking some weed as he made his way there, with his full belly he could get away with no snacks until lunch.


Ryan walked slowly into the school, he had miscalculated and noted that he got there where he would have thirty-five minutes left in class so he was walking slow. As he entered the building it was thirty-three minutes, it would take the last three to actually get to the class so he didn't see the need to rush.

When he rounded the corner leading into the math hall he smiled as he saw the door, this would be his first time in the class since last Monday. He still could remember that he couldn't do this until they were a month into the school, once the teachers saw how advanced he was though they allowed it.

Without knocking he walked right into the class room making the teach pause mid sentence, "Yo Mr. Crash, I'm on time today."

There was some laughing in the class but it was true that this would be considered on time for him, "Well I am happy you have graced us with your presence then Mr. Robins, did you do the homework last night?"

"Sure did." Ryan took it out handing it over before heading to his seat, which he noticed that there was someone new sitting next to him. Looking closely it was Rosalie Hale, but he didn't see Emmett in the class, which made him wonder why but he wasn't about to ask.

They glanced at one another her with a small frown, him with an indifferent expression, putting his bag down he sat down. Not a second later he put his head down to sleep, the teacher didn't even bother to give him work or stop him, because then he knew Ryan would just leave.

"Alright class, let's get back to the assignment." Mr. Crash said as Ryan drifted off to sleep.