
Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

Well Ryan is in the world of Twilight now, it's time to see what his adventure can bring. /////// Updates when I feel like it. This Fic has characters from different movies and TV shows, it also does not follow canon a lot, you are warned! Not everything follows Canon so do not get on me about something being different. This is what Fan fiction is for. Also random number of words, usually between 1,500 and 3,500 though. /////// Warning!!! Mention of drugs so read at own cost, I am not promoting it, just using it in here. (Really just Weed) I own nothing but my own ideas and OC, image cover not mine.

Flaming_Lines · Movies
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70 Chs

Chapter 38): Let's Try Hunting Again!

Chapter 38): Let's Try Hunting Again!

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ Advanced Chapters on Buy-meacoffee/flaminglines}


Ryan looked at Addison, which he learned was her name on the way to the apartment, she was passed out in some of the spare clothes that he kept here while sleeping soundly on his bed with a small smile. If he hadn't found her someone wouldn't even be able to tell that she was almost killed an hour ago, shaking his head he turned to leave the room.

He still needed to hunt some more and was not going to waste time here, she would be fine until he came back, it just meant that he was not going back to Forks for the night. Which also wasn't a problem, maybe for a perfect student but for someone like him it didn't honestly matter, matter of fact he hasn't skipped school in awhile, he might as well.


[15/25 Vampires Killed]

Ryan smirked as he tore into yet another vampire, his buddy was already running smarter then all the last ones which he had fought, since most would cower in fear when he went after them. After throwing the body into another fire he took off after the other, he was thankful for his superior speed as it didn't take long for him to reach it.

"Oh shit!" The vampire whimpered out as it bust into what was an abandoned warehouse, "I need help!" 

Ryan raised a brow as he caught it right when those words left its lips, he stood there waiting and saw why he had done it when what appeared to be over twenty vampires stepped out of the shadows. The leader was smirking as he moved around the others watching, "Well what do we have here? Are you lost?"

Ryan didn't say anything, he looked around him judging if he could take them all without injuries.

"Are you like 'him' a vampire hunting vampires? It has been ages since those have been in play." The leader said catching Ryan's attention.

Ryan furrowed his brows as he was sure he had heard something like that before, but he really could not place where, he hummed as he cracked the neck of the struggling vampire in his hands. The man was getting annoying and his leader was not even trying to save him.

"Well one lost, but no matter, more can be made. Bring me his head." The leader said as he slunk back into the shadows and hid.

Ryan could still see him though, as the vampires rushed him he stayed in his human form, for no other reason then the fact that his wolf form was to big. Sure he could take them all out with it but at the same time he would be putting himself in a lot of danger by doing it.

Turning quickly he threw a fist that connected with the side of a vampires face, their face cracked as they were sent flying back hitting two others sending them with it. He had no time to waste as more swarmed him, he was able to count twenty-five in total, which he wish he would have known the mission would have been done way sooner like this.

While Ryan attacked two in front one was able to get behind him and grab his torso, his eyes widen slightly as it squeezed and he heard ribs being to creak air leaving his lungs. With quick movements he kicked the first two away and elbowed the one holding him in the head, it didn't leave willingly though as it broke three of his ribs along the way.

Ryan would have screamed but he needed to show no weakness as he growled in fury, attacking with abandonment he jumped into a group of them. Howls of anguish were let out as Ryan began to tear them limb from limb, at this point he had three more broken ribs and what he was sure was a dislocated shoulder.

[24/25 Vampires Killed]

There were still more then ten vampires as Ryan panted, one was lucky enough to hit him on the head so there was a gash with blood flowing down to his left eye blurring his vision some. Spinning quickly he avoided one going for him from behind, at this point his body was on autopilot as he fought, his instincts were leading him to keep going.

[Fighting +1 Level]

[Fighting Level 9--

Description: Master of multiple fighting styles. In any form of fighting you are just below master level, you fighting is only second to those who have been doing it longer. (Battle Instincts: Takes over when body is worn down dealing sharper attacks.)]

Ryan was to out of it to even see the message, he was trying to keep his body up at this point, he could really only call Meredith in his wolf form or if she was extremely close. With him being in Seattle though there was no telling if she would even reach him in time, he could only keep fighting at this point and hope for the best.

[42/25 Vampires Killed]

[Mission Complete, Bonus Granted!]

All around him lay broken body parts and frozen faces, Ryan panted as he stood there while looking into the shadows where their leader stood, he knew this was not over yet. *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* "That truly was a spectacular show! Why don't you join me? Together we could do great things!" The leader claimed.

Ryan chuckled as he stared the vampire down, "Join you? Please, I just took down all of your people and you want me to join you?"

"Well I'm not like these peasant, I'm different?"

"Oh? How so?" Ryan humored him.

In the next moment a puff of black smoke went off as he disappeared, "Because I was chosen." Was whispered into Ryan's ear as the vampire grasped his neck.

'Ahh he is relying on his powers.' Ryan thought as he saw that, he didn't know the extent of his powers though so he would need to play this carefully. With quick movements he shoved his legs back wrapping them around the vampires waist, he pulled as hard as he could lifting them both up as the front flipped forward.

Ryan landed with a heavy thud as the vampire had disappeared again.

Quickly jumping up from his back he saw the vampire was chuckling about thirty feet from him, his eyes narrowed as he thought of what his abilities could do, and he had a suspicion that this on could only go where he could see. Why else would he try and stay and fight, there was no way at this point he didn't know Ryan was not a vampire, which meant that he was stuck as he couldn't travel far enough, he was buying time for something.

That didn't help Ryan though because he needed a way to trap and kill the vampire, at this point it was more of a demanding thing when anything, he did not need problems later with this vampire. Shifting he went into full wolf form as he was going to bite and drain this vampire, he had one chance to do this too so he was going to try his hardest.

"Oh so you're a big old dog then, well who wants a treat!" The vampire grinned his teeth shinning in the light as he advanced on Ryan disappearing in his black smoke.

The good/bad thing about this ability is that when he reappears that no smoke is seen, it perfectly covers where he wants to go the only advantage someone has of him leaving is that the puff of smoke actually goes off.

Ryan felt arms wrap around him and turned his head quickly, as a wolf he got the full power of Draining to immediately start taking away the vampire qualities, slowly his sharp teeth were crimson as blood began to stain them.

"What are you doing! Stop this at once! I am your superior you filthy mutt!" The vampire shouted.

Ryan got the feeling he was trying to use his powers but they were not working for him, his eyes which were once a deep red were now a light blue as they looked at him in panic and fear. Slowly the light drained from his eyes and Ryan allowed his body to drop, following his instincts he howled loudly which shook the whole warehouse that he was in.

[Mission #1-- Complete!

Title: Destroy Them!

Description: Vampires are running ramp in the world, despite there being a population of fifteen billion people. Stop them before they grow to large.

Objective: 42/25 Vampires Killed

Reward: $50k, 1 Level increase to any skill

Bonus: Gain Abilities of Flick Vampire]

Ryan put the level increase into fighting which got it to level ten the complete level, he could have chosen something else but with the way fighting helped him tonight he was glad to have it as high as he did.

[Fighting Level 10

Description: Every fighting style mastered, even the masters of the styles would come to you for guidance on how to use the moves properly. (Battle Instincts: Takes over when body is worn down dealing sharper and fatal attacks.)]

"Well....that was something." A slowly cold methodical voice sounded making Ryan turn to look at them.

Standing there were two people he 'knew', the shorter one was a blonde girl with blood red eyes wearing a long robe, it was Jane. Standing next to her was the same person who played her brothers in the movies Alec, both sets of pure red eyes were watching him very closely.

"I thought we would need to come here to kill them ourselves, but it seems you have done our jobs for us." Jane tilted her head to the side studying him, "The Kings would love to meet you.....Pain."

A gust of wind swept by as Ryan just watched them his eyes bored, inside he was happy because it seemed that her pain illusion didn't work on him, which he was thankful for. Reaching deep inside himself he felt for his new power, almost like a light switch being turned on he knew how to use the power.

But on the inside he frowned as he noticed the power could take him to any place he has been in the United States, so the question was, why didn't this other vampire do that.

Deciding to figure that out later he teleported away back to his parents apartment, as he landed inside he changed back to his normal self while groaning. As a wolf he healed faster but he couldn't let Addison see him that was, moving to the couch he laid down closing his eyes not bothering to change anything about himself as he was to tired at the moment.


[Name: Ryan Robins

Race: Wolf (Fenrir Bloodline)

Age: 18 (Young Adult)

Mood: Happy, Curious

Skills: Acting Lvl 7, Driving Lvl 8, Cooking Lvl 8, Fitness Lvl 8, Comedy Lvl 5, Charisma Lvl 9, Gardening Lvl 10, Handiness Lvl 6, Logic Lvl 7, Programing Lvl 5, Piano Lvl 9, Basketball Lvl 9, Vampire Lore Lvl 9, Shape-shifter Lore Lvl 9, Video Gaming Lvl 7, Etc....

Money: $52,500]

[Fenrir Bloodline Powers: Super Senses, Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Regeneration, Draining Bite

Powers: Flicker]