
Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

Well Ryan is in the world of Twilight now, it's time to see what his adventure can bring. /////// Updates when I feel like it. This Fic has characters from different movies and TV shows, it also does not follow canon a lot, you are warned! Not everything follows Canon so do not get on me about something being different. This is what Fan fiction is for. Also random number of words, usually between 1,500 and 3,500 though. /////// Warning!!! Mention of drugs so read at own cost, I am not promoting it, just using it in here. (Really just Weed) I own nothing but my own ideas and OC, image cover not mine.

Flaming_Lines · Movies
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56 Chs

Chapter 28): The Middle Of The Party!

Chapter 28): The Middle Of The Party!

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{Currently on Chapter 57 on Buy-meacoffee/flaminglines}


Ryan was leaning against the he wall of the house in the backyard, there were teen scattered everywhere as they were all laughing, talking and smoking, the typical things a teenager got up to at a high school party. He was currently smoking and enjoying the breeze around him, Leah stood next to him along with the rest of the Cullens, they had met up earlier after spending an hour apart.

"This is amazing! I am having so much fun!" Alice said eyes sparkling as she talked about her experience here.

Jasper smiled down at her.

Ryan nodded, "Well it honestly surprised me that you all came. I thought you would all just ignore the invitation, you seem like a family that likes to keep to itself."

They all laughed but he did not miss the looks that were sent his to Rosalie, she did not have any change in facial expressions though as she knew that it was because of her they were there. Ryan chuckled on the inside as he passed the joint to Leah, who took it and inhaled deeply giggling as she released it, it was just a little to much for her to handle.

Ryan leaned over kissing the top of her head, "I have to use the bathroom, plus I am going to check on Seth."

"*Giggle* Okay *Giggle*" Leah said laughing as she leaned against the wall making everyone look at her with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will watch her." Rosalie told him with a firm nod knowing he was worried something might happen to her.

He smiled walking past he.paused and kissed Rosalie's cheek, he chuckled some as she froze her eyes wide as a deer in headlights mouth in an 'O' shape from the action, "Thanks Rose."

It wasn't that he was overly worried but he didn't want some drunk asshole messing with Leah, especially while she was high since her reasoning was a little duller, but he knew that Rosalie and the rest would keep her safe. If they didn't well he did not care about the friendship forming between them, because he would kill them all in an instant no hesitation, Leah came first after all.

Walking inside Ryan missed the gaze that watched him as he entered back into the kitchen, instead he waded through the people until he reached the downstairs bathroom which was occupied at the moment. Sighing he followed Seth's scent which led him downstairs to the basement, going down the stairs he could hear cheering, getting to the bottom he saw why.

Seth was standing at the end of one end of a ping pong table, red solo cups in front of him in the shape of a pyramid, on the other side stood Mike who had more then half his cups down compared to Seth. "Blow on this again for me will you cutie?" Seth smirked to the girl standing at his side.

Ryan chuckled a little as the girl did just that with a blush staining her cheeks, Seth took the ping pong ball and threw it to Mike's side where it effortlessly landed in a cup of beer. The crowd cheered again as Mike frowned but took the cup and chugged it down while people egged him on about it.

Walking forward Ryan stopped next to Seth who finally saw him, "Ryan! My man, this is awesome! Thanks for bringing me along."

He shook his head, "No problem man. Looks like you are wiping the floor with him."

Seth smirked, "It's all the lessons you gave me man, I am unbeatable, I already beat that guy Tyler off the table."

Ryan chuckled at that, "Good job. Make sure you don't get to wasted though, you might be staying at my place tonight but you have to go home tomorrow. Wouldn't want your mom to know you have a hang over."

Seth shuddered at the thought, "Don't worry I am good. This cutie Melody as agreed to drink half my drinks, right Mel?"

Said girl blushed as she nodded her head, "Yeah, I am going to. He also promised to take me home later, if that is okay."

Ryan nodded and patted Seth's shoulder, "Stay safe, and call me if anything happens."

"Will do! Now, let's finish kicking some ass Mel." Seth turned back to the table saying with Melody nodding and joining him.

Ryan chuckled and left the kid to what he was doing, he walked back upstairs to see if the bathroom was free, which it wasn't still, from outside of it he could tell that whoever was in there was puking so he left them alone. Sighing he walked up the stairs to use a bathroom there, he was still unaware of the eyes that followed him as he did so, a small smile gracing that persons face as they watched him.

Ryan made it upstairs and walked into the nearest bedroom, when he did so he knew that it was Jessica's took, he could also see that she had a personal bathroom which was free at the moment. Walking over he shut the door and did his business, finished he washed his hands and planned to walk back out but someone was in his way, "What..."


(Leah POV)

She giggled as she watched Emmett make faces to Edythe, the two had been making comments at one another for the past five minutes and it was entertaining to watch, she could see Edythe despite the glares was amused. As she watched them plus Alice and Jasper she sighed internally, she really hoped that one day she would have a relationship like them but it would be her and Ryan.

"You like him a lot don't you?" Leah asked Rosalie her lips more loose because of the weed.

Rosalie eyes widened slight but she sighed, "Yeah I do, and I am sorry that it puts you in such an awkward place."

Leah sighed as she shook her head, "It's fine. Honestly I did not expect you to appear but I can tell you are different," She felt the other girl look at her but she kept talking, "He might not come out straight and say it but he likes you to hold great fondness for you.

I can see it in his eyes. Plus you are the only other person who he actually acknowledges outside my family, so it isn't hard to tell. I have no doubt that if you would have moved here a week or two sooner then you would be dating him now."

She looked over to see Rosalie staring at her wide eyed mouth opening and closing, she chuckled ignoring that her family was probably listening in as they did not move away but were quiet, "I am not going to give him up or step to the side. I also do not know how it will work but there will come a time where he will really need to choose between me and you.

While I am confident he will choose me, I also know there is a high chance that he will also choose you. I don't know where I am going with this, but I do want to say that if anything, and I mean anything happens between you two, I hope you will tell me about it and not hide it."

Rosalie nodded, "I promise."

"Good. Now let's go find the idiot, he has been gone to long and I don't trust these other girls here." She said lifting her body off the wall and walking towards the house.

They entered and went to the bathroom but all they found was the door open with two girls holding another's hair back as she puked, seeing he was not there they headed down the stairs to the basement, Leah's eyes went wide hearing what was chanted, "SETH! SETH! SETH!"

When they got a clear view it was to see her brother nodding towards a cute girl with strawberry red hair, "Come on Mel, I need your good luck one last time."

Leah watched as the girl Mel instead of focusing on the ball kissed her brother square on the lips, "Go get'em tiger."

Her brothers eyes went wide but a huge grin spread across his face as the room hushed, the last red solo cup on the opposing side stood alone, even she held her breath as he released the ball. It soared in the air before landing with a plop in the other cup, the room cheered swarming her brother as he laughed.

Mel was the first to hug her brother planting another string kiss on his lips, which he enjoyed if him grabbing her waist was anything to go by. While the protective sister in her wanted to rush over and say something she held back, she did not want to embarrass him, instead she let him have his moment.

Rosalie and her walked back upstairs seeing that Ryan was not in there either, the only place left was upstairs so they went there, as they did they saw Jessica walk into a room but ignored it and began searching. It wasn't until they walked in on what looked like the beginnings of a fivesome that they went to the room Jessica walked into.

Rosalie though stopped her with a hand on her arm as she shushed her when she was about to say something, "I think Jessica is speaking to him, let's try to quietly sneak in and listen."

Although she wanted to burst in and break it up she put that side of her away and flowed Rosalie in quietly, the bathroom door was slightly cracked as they walked over to it leaking in, "What?!? Jessica, what are you doing?" They heard Ryan's voice ask.