The story is about a Chris who gets put in Twilight but he doesn't have much knowledge of the world, because he didn't see the movies... how will he survive in the world of Twilight.
(Bella's Pov)
Ever since I have stepped foot in this town things have changed. I still don't know if it is for better or for worse.
Firstly my brother Chris who was a stay at home kid, who would rather play video games than do anything is now a gym freak.
He is now 6'7" he has gained muscle, is more outgoing and maybe has a girlfriend. His life has changed for the better, but something is wrong like he is not telling me something. He knows that something is up with this town and he knows something about the Cullens and more importantly Edward. But he refuses to tell me anything. He has also been very protective of me ever since we came here.
Yesterday when we were at the La push I met with Jacob and he told a story about the Cullens and it deepend the curiosity even more. Not being able to get any straight answers from any of them I decided to look for answers on my own.
I was with Angella and Jessica, it has been a bit awkward with Jessica ever since Chris rejected her, but she has been a real trooper, she asked Newt out and he said yes. Angella was going with Eric. Since they had a date they needed to go dress shopping and I wanted to buy a book so I accompanied them as well.
After accompanying them for a while, I went ahead to go and buy the book and I told them I would meet them at the restaurant. I got the book from the store but it was starting to get dark and I was walking towards the restaurant but then, these guys showed up.
I had never in my entire life felt this amount of fear and disgust. I was getting scared so I started to walk fast and tried to find a way to get away but I had taken a wrong turn and they cut me off.
They smelled of booze and cigarettes, they tried to touch me and I was scared and I tried to get them to back off I tried to fight, I swinged my bag at them but they caught it and were now angry and one of the guy pushed me down and was getting close, they all started to laugh and it felt like a group of hyenas.
One guy was trying to get close so I kicked one in the ball and got up and after that they all came after me and one of them held me down and I screamed for help.
And then suddenly a loud crashing noise came and all of them looked behind and all of them were paralyzed by shock and I used this moment and got away. I got up and was also shocked at what I saw. I saw a 11' tall grey wolf on two of its feet.
Its crimson red eyes were looking at them like it was looking at its prey. It started to move towards us and it was doing a low growl and then one of them broke out of the fear and was trying to run towards him, was he stupid? Then the wolf just raised his hands and it came down on the guy as a mighty hammer and the impact broke the guy's neck. The guy fell down.
The others looked at what happened to him and tried to run away, the wolf just snarled and went after them, it killed one guy by punching a hole in its stomach, the wolf grabbed another guy by the shoulder and ripped him in half, the wolf didn't stop he went after the others and the wolf was fast it ran on its two legs, it was easy for the white wolf to kill them because they all went in the same direction and one by one he killed all of them and he made sure to tear off each and everyone's head off.
After the killing was done the white wolf was now bathed in blood and it was walking towards me and he didn't look at me like it looked at them and he was walking towards me and then cars came and I knew the cars, it was the Cullens.
They came out of the car and Alice said "Approach carefully, he is powerful." I looked at them and the wolf was looking at them and was snarling and showing its fangs
I came in front of him and everyone gasped and I said "He protected me."
Edward was there as well and he said "Bella get out of there."
I said "No. He won't hurt me."
Emmet said "That is good and all but he can hurt other humans."
When we were talking, it was looking at them and was fixated on Cat and she also looked very distressed. While the wolf was distracted Edward ran towards me but the wolf saw that and came forward and delivered a back hand to Edwards and he was shot back a couple of feet away and then they all just jumped on him and Alice grabbed me and moved me away.
They all were struggling to keep the giant wolf down because it just punted all of them away except for Cat it never touched her. While they were fighting with the wolf. Edward got back up and grabbed my hands and said "Come on we have to go."
I said "I can help. He didn't hurt me or Cat."
He looked at me and said "We will handle him, but you need to take you far away from here."
I looked at him and removed his hands and said "No, Edward. I can help." I then started to walk toward him but then everything became blurry. I felt dizzy and I lost control and as I was falling down and Edward grabbed me and I saw the Wolf, he was being held down by everyone and they were barely able to keep him down
The wolf saw that and gathered every bit of his strength and roared and managed to free himself he was walking towards me but then Cat came in front of the wolf and the wolf stopped and Cat just reached for the wolf and the wolf took a step back but Cat took a step forward the wolf looked at her and did a low growl but Cat didn't waver and she took steps forward and the wolf accepted Cat and that calmed the wolf down and then Cat injected something to him and he was also knocked out.
I slowly feel asleep. I woke up in my bed and I remembered all the things that happened yesterday were like a dream to me. I then found a note beside me and it said "Do not tell anyone about what you saw yesterday."
And after a few moments a call came from an unknown number. I picked it up and it was Chris. I asked where he was and he said he was at Cullens and I knew he was lying. But that wasn't the case.
(Chris's Pov)
I was floating in space and I was visited by Lucien and he looked amused and he said "You are something else kid..."
I said "You know you could have warned me that I was going to be a mindless monster."
And he didn't like it. He looked at me and leaned forward and solemnly said "Never call us that." He then laid back and said "Kid, you are a werewolf now, be proud kid, you are now one of the immortal warriors."
I said "I am immortal?"
He looked at me and said "You didn't know?"
I said "No I didn't know, you just told me to buy some chains that did jack shit and then you fucked off somewhere."
He scoffed and said "Fine, here are the basics. We are also a cursed race just like the vampires. But we help humans, we have control over our form and we don't need blood to survive. Got that?"
I said "But I didn't have any control last night."
He said "I would think otherwise, you didn't kill a vampire on your first full moon when she was standing right infront of you. You have impeccable control."
I then asked "Will I be able to transform on will or is it the only full moon stuff?"
He said "After the first turn you have full control over the turning."
I then asked "So are we vulnerable to silver or something?"
He said "No. Did you see those vampires burn in sunlight?" I then sighed in relief and he then looked at me and said "Kid, I think I should warn you, a wolf will always need a pack. Even if you don't want it you will need it. Others will need you… Be strong kid."
I asked "What does that mean?"
I then suddenly woke up and saw a ceiling that I didn't recognise. This is the third time that it has happened. I tried to get up but I couldn't, I looked at the body and it was wrapped in steel chains. I then saw the faces of Cat. She was sitting next to me and the room looked like the living room.
I smiled and said "Ah, can you remove these chains?"
Cat then looked at me and she said "I don't know. You look so… comfortable."
I chuckled and then the rest of the Cullens came and I awkwardly said "Hello."
Carlisle looked at me and folded his hands and said "Hello, Chris. You look comfortable."
I smiled and said "I'd be a bit more comfortable if I was not in chains. On a side note, do I have any clothes on?"
Cat looked at me and I asked him "How is my sister?"
Alice then asked "You remember what happened last night?"
I was trying to look at them but my head won't go that far and said "Yeah, but it was like watching a movie, you know I didn't really have much control over what I did."
Cat then asked "So you were not in control?"
I said "Not really, I was working on instinct, that is why I attacked most of you."
Carlisle asked "Is that going to happen again?"
I said "No, I should have control over my shifting now." I then tried to imagine what it was like transforming, I then again created that same heat I did before and then again I started to transform and it was painful but it wasn't like last night and the chains started to break and then I stopped and transformed back to the human form and crawled out of the chains and I didn't have much on. I was wearing a simple shorts.
I then looked and my height increased again. I was now about 6'9" and I asked "Is my sister ok?"
Edward looked at me as he was standing afar and folded his hands and said "I made sure to get her home safely."
I smiled and said "Thank you."
I then asked "What about humans?"
Alice said "Taken care of. They are in the waters. It won't bother us."
I looked at Alice and said "I am very thankful for your help."
Rosalie then suddenly asked "How can you be sure that this won't happen again?"
I said, "Cause I know." Rosalie looked at me and didn't believe it and then a huge rumble came from my stomach and I was a bit embarrassed.
And then Esme chuckled and said "I'll get you something to eat."
I said "Thank you."
I then looked at Emmet and said "Sorry to rope you into my lie man."
He smiled and said "It's Alright man, what are friends for anyway?"
I then asked to borrow a phone to call my sister and I called her and told her I was at the Cullens and her voice had an anger to it and it was justified.
After breakfast I got some of the clothes from Emmet and we went to school. And I went to school with them and I got some looks from people and I saw my sister and she was pissed.
She walked to me and said "Where were you last night?"
I said "With them."
She said "Don't lie Chris."
I looked at her and said "I really am not lying. I was with Emmet and the rest of them but suddenly they had to go and they came back after some time. Why are you looking so serious, is there something wrong?"
She shook her head and said, "It's nothing." She then hugged me. She then looked at Edward and said "We need to talk." Edward nodded and she looked at me and said "You go ahead and I will catch up with you." I nodded and I went along with the Cullens.
We walked a bit ahead and they were going towards the forest and Cat asked "When are you going to tell her?"
I said "In a day or two, after Edward tells her." But then I stopped and grabbed her by the hand and said "But they are not the only ones who need to have a chat."
I hope you guys liked the chapter. And I don't have much to say except that you guys will be getting more frequent updates from today because my other series are not doing all that good. So I will see you guys tomorrow as well.