A man got reincarnated as a Kryptonian in the Twilight universe.What will be his destiny? Author note:- This is my first fanfiction. English is my second language. Twilight or superman dosen't belong to me
After school ends Alex was about to go home but he remembered that today is the day the accident happens.Decided to witness the beginning of vampire drama he moved to spot nearby where he can watch the scene clearly and started to act like he is checking his phone.
Bella was looking at Cullens when the Tyler's van came towards her.Out of fear she was unable move and just close her eyes to expecting a hit.But when she open her eyes she was in Edward's arms safely.
Alex watch the scene play out exactly like in the movie.When he looks back he saw cullens also staring at him.Ignoring their looks he move towards the Bella and Edward.
"Are you okay?We need to get you into the hospital "Alex said.
After they took Bella to the hospital he waited for Bella's father arrival while Alex waiting Carlisle came to Alex.
"Hello I am doctor Carlisle Cullen."
"Hello Mr.Cullen I am Alex creed PE teacher at Forks high."
"It's fortunate that no one got hurt in the Accident."
"Yes of course.It's all thanks to your son Bella is safe."
"What do you mean?"
"I didn't see it very well however Edward saved the Bella that much is clear.oh...looks like Bella's father arrived.We should talk to him" Alex said changing the topic. After talking to Charlie and conforming Bella was okey Alex left the hospital taking a glance of Alice who was talking with her family while keep looking at him nervously.
With cullens
"You exposed us to almost everyone in the city" Rosalie said angrily.
"What are you telling me to do let her die" Edward also replied with anger.
"Now not only the girl that man saw us too .Let's just kill them both and be done with it"
"You are not touching him"Alice said glaring at Rosalie.
"We are not killing anyone.He said he didn't saw it clearly while we can make Bella believes that she just saw an illusion." Carlisle said."But Edward you need to be more careful."
At night in Cullen's residence 'I was just ask him to join our hike and this happened.Did he find out about us.What happens if he disgusted by vampires?Carlisle said we should lay low for a while.I have to cancel our date...no no our hike'Alice thought and send a sms to Alex.
"Don't be soo down you will get another chance to ask him out" Edythe said.
"What happens if he doesn't like me because I am a vampire"
"It will be his loose then But I doubt that he will.I think he likes you"
"Hey I heard that guy almost thirty years old.Isn't he bit old for Alice?" Emmet said
"Sigh...we are hundred years old and he looks young.So no problem" Edythe said
"But what happens if he think I am too old for him"
' There are no cure for this sis' Edythe sighed.
Meanwhile Alex got a message saying that their hike got postponed 'well I was looked forward to it.But damn my luck.'
After accident Cullens didn't come to school for week.Even after that Alex can tell they keeping their distance.While Alice came to his class she left right after it ends.After another week when the class ends Alice stayed.
"mmm...Alex I think we can go hiking this weekend can you join?" Alice said to him while giving puppy eyes.
"I thought you don't remember"
" Please"
"Ok..ok I will come"
"I will get you in the morning " Alice said cheerfully.
At weekend in the morning Alex waited for Alice to show up.After few moment Alice came driving a car"Get in the car" Alice said
"Good morning"
"Good morning! So where are we going " Alex asked."To forest."
After few minutes of Alice's flaying *Ehem* Driving they arrived at edge of the forest.
"We have to walk from here"Alice said taking a basket out of the car dicky.
" Didn't you say that your siblings will come too"Alex asked.
"They...they got some works to do so they are busy"
"Then show me the way my lady " Alex said jokingly.
"Hump...just follow me..idiot" Alice said last part only to hear herself.But Alex's super hearing didn't miss it.Alex started to follow her into the forest with a grin.
After about an hour they came to open space filled with flowers and grass.'Wait this is the meadow'Alex was mesmerized by the beauty of place,he was so captured by the view he didn't notice Alice also looking at him with a dreamy look.
Few moments later Alice asked "Are you hungry?"
"Not really but I won't refuse your kindness"Alex replied.
Alice gave him a sandwich and Alex Start to eat it
"Aren't you Hungry too"
" Nope.Do you want another one?"
After eating Alex laid on ground and while listening to sound of the nature his eyes starts to close.
In his dream Alex was infront of a beautiful house while a beautiful lady looks at the hous turning back on him.Alex went near her and hug her from back.Then beautiful lady turn around and look at him and Alex recognized the beautiful woman infront of him
With that he woke up only meet with pair golden eyes few inches away from his eyes.
" Nothing you fell asleep and mmm...and mumbled my name" Alice whispered barely audibly with embarrassed expression.
(A.n.- Say hi to cliffhanger kun)