
Twilight: Humanity Prevails

Given a challenge by a God, Alistair begins a long journey to become a Human who can stand toe-to-toe against Werewolves, Vampires, Shapeshifters, and many other supernatural creatures...read as a Human breaks limit after limit with nothing but his brilliant mind and (mad) science experiments!

Mr_Laughing · Movies
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2 Chs

Prologue (Part 1)

"I have a challenge for you, Alistair," the giant humanoid being of light in front of me leaned back into it's colossal chair, it's featureless face somehow looking like a smile as it looked down at me.

But I wasn't intimidated, just curious, "I'm listening. What kind of challenge?" I asked, looking around the place and seeing if I could see anything interesting. The humanoid being lifted a hand and clicked it's fingers. Instantly, we were in a different place - a wide clearing filled with beautiful green grass and peaceful animals which grazed in place. Some people, of all colors, were walking in between the animals.

Each person was wearing primitive clothing - practically wearing animal pelts and nothing else. But they looked...happy. Content.

"Humans have always been my favorite creation. In every world I put them...they grow. They pursue perfection yet are so imperfect. They are pure bundles of chaos and potential," the being spoke with what sounded like...fatherly love? "But," the being said with a sad sigh and I found my eyes brought back to the people tending to the animals but what I saw was shocking, "They're not the strongest of my creations. Nor the most...durable," he awkwardly said and we both looked at a group of pale-skinned, beautiful people massacring the humans and gorging themselves on the human's blood.

"Vampires?" I asked looking back at the being I assume is God.

God nodded before sitting up in his chair, "Yes, Vampires. I made them during a bit of a phase I had with humans. That phase where I tried to drown the world and all that...when the flood failed, I thought 'What would be the best way to take out the Humans?' and of course I came to the conclusion that they just needed predators that would either subdue them or...you know, make them extincted."

"Why not do it yourself? I'm sure you could just snap Humanity out of existence if you wanted to," I curiously asked while I studied the vampires. They were weird to look at, honestly. They moved too inhumanly. I didn't mean speed-wise either. They moved like mechanical robots and they didn't breath. It just looked odd to my eyes.

Sighing, God gave me an answer, "A set of rules I enforce on myself is that I never give a challenge too high or insurmountable," he(?) explained as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "The flood was nigh-unstoppable but if they made boats for themselves, most of the humans would survive. Same goes for the vampire problem - if the humans stick together and advance enough technologically, they can survive against them."

Hearing all of this, I gave an understanding nod - those rules would keep it interesting. Sort of like how you didn't make the maze too hard for a lab rat to escape from. You wanted results after all.

"Yes, it's like that, Alistair. Though I'd say humans are a bit more complex than lab rats, no?" God chuckled as he snapped his fingers again:

And we were back in the white room.

"So, what is the challenge? Kill Vampires or something?" I asked but God just shook his head.

"No. Oh definitely not. I just want to see how far a Human can go if given an immortal lifespan. I want to see if they can get past their limits and ascend to a level where they aren't prey to the Vampires anymore. You, are the person who I'm going to make immortal and see if you can complete the challenge," God said before standing up to his massive height - he must have been at least 18 or 19 feet tall. "I picked you because you're probably the most obsessive and purest human I've ever seen. You're obsessed with pushing limits and making humans-- no, if we're gonna be honest it's really just you trying to make yourself better. But nonetheless, you're obsessed with it. In your life you literally squashed most of the competition in every Olympic event your participated in. You knew almost every martial art there was as well. You...you were an absolute freak, even by my standards."

Smiling, I did a mock bow as I felt pride well up inside of me, "I'll take that as a compliment from my creator," I laughed before sensing that God just rolled his eyes at me.

"It was a compliment, Alistair. Always playing it up..." he muttered before walking toward me and shrinking with each step. When he stood in front of me, he was around 7 feet tall and he carried on speaking, "You'll be made immortal and put somewhere in the B.C Era. I'll give you...hm, I guess I can give you Frankenstein's intellect from Noblesse. Though none of his knowledge! You only get his genius. Anything else would make it too easy," he said before flicking his fingers at me and I felt my already robust mental prowess getting even more monstrous.

Stuff that was never in my head was suddenly popping into it and mixing together like a jigsaw puzzle that did itself.

Within a few seconds I had over a dozen ideas on how to improve my body past the plateau I was at.

Huh. So Frankenstein was this clever...? No wonder the Union benefited so much off of his abandoned research notes. Even the absentminded doodles of a genius like this...well, it'd be pretty fucking advanced!

"I see you're enjoying your new mind, Alistair. Though, I would try to warn you not to showcase such a sadistic smile to the ladies. You'll just scare them away unless they're weirdos or deviants," God joked like some kind of dad, which I suppose he was, so I just ignored the joke and looked up at him, having something in mind to ask him.

"Would it be possible to have me be born to some sort of noble family? I'll need the resources and whatnot."

God rested his head on his hand, seeming to weigh it back and forth for a few minutes before nodding, "Yeah, sure. Anything else you want?" he asked, half-jokingly, but I didn't miss a beat as I replied.

"Healing Factor. Doesn't even need to be too good. Peak Human Regeneration is fine," I said as I had dozens and dozens of ideas spanning in my head. I could do so much with that kind of healing ability. I could train myself back up to what I used to have in my past life, but that'd waste too much time. It took me decades to get to that point and I needed the regeneration when I was young for a lot of my experiments.

"Sure, whatever. But that's it," God waved his hand as I felt a flush of energy already going around my body, buzzing from cell to cell, "When, or rather, if you die, I'll see you then, Alistair."

Was all God said before I was suddenly in a midwife's hands.

Huh, that was quick.